Video Conference Call ACADEMIC POLICIES COMMITTEE AGENDA September 29, 2023 3:10 p.m. Meeting held through Microsoft Teams: I. Call to order II. Election of Chair III. Approval of Minutes of May 4, 2023 [Found in one drive for members] IV. Unfinished Business – None V. New Business [Found in One drive for members] A. Academic Calendars (2025-2026 through 2029-2030) B. Forms C 1. COLS: OCE- move the Liberal Studies major to the Bachelor of Prof. Studies 2. COLS: Communication- Add COMM 228 & 335 as electives 3. COLS: English-Revise content of ENG334 & move 4. COLS: Geography-suspension of GEO Major 5. COLS: Geography-change required courses for minor 6. COLS: Geography-minor Ed major required course change 7. COLS: Sociology- add PSYCH 320 to HHS 8. COLS: Music-Choral Music Licensure deletions 9. COLS: Music-General music emphasis deletions 10. COLS: Music-Ed Instrumental course deletions 11. COLS: Music-Music Industry ACCT deletions 12. COLS: Music-all options-remove 493 and add 496 13. COLS: Music- Industry, delete 221 from options 14. COLS: Music-Music Major 405 requirement change 15. COLS: Music-Inst Performance Emphasis required courses 16. COLS: Music-Vocal Performance required courses 17. COLS: RTF- add 354 & 355 as electives 18. COLS: Art – remove ED380 from requirements C. Program Review Assigned – Engineering & Engineering Technology VI. Discussion Items VII. Information Items April Dutscheck 09/26/2023