Academic Policies Committee
03:10 pm
Video Conference Call
April 6, 2023
3:10 p.m.
Meeting held through Microsoft Teams:
I. Call to order
II. Approval of Minutes of March 16, 2023 [Found in one drive for members]
III. Unfinished Business – None
IV. New Business [Found in One drive for members]
A. Forms C
1. COEHS: T & L – Elem & Middle Env. Studies Teaching Certificate
2. COLS: Chemistry-remove Chem446 from list of electives
3. COLS: Engr. Tech- Electrical Engr. Tech revisions
4. COLS: Journalism – department name change
5. COLS: Poli Sci – delete elective courses from the major and minor
6. COLS: Psychology- Lab and gpa course requirements for major & minor
7. CON: Traditional Prelicensure Program – GPA change
8. CON: Post Grad PMHNP Certificate (at Grad Council) – Pending Grad Council Approval
V. Discussion Items
A. Meeting Platforms for next year
VI. Information Items
April Dutscheck