Video Conference Call
May 6, 2021
3:10 p.m.
Meeting held through Microsoft Teams:
I. Call to order
II. Approval of Minutes of April 22, 2021 [Found in one drive for members]
III. Unfinished Business – None
IV. New Business [Found in One drive for members]
1. Forms C:
1. COLS: ENGR TECH- Biomedical Engineering – new major
2. COLS: Engr Tech- Civil Engr-New Major
3. COLS: English-Add 359, 360, & 399 to list of upper year electives for creative writing minor
4. COLS: Comp Sci. – Change ABET accreditation requirement
5. COLS: English – add 207 to satisfy Area B in English Liberal Arts major
6. COLS: Physics & Astronomy -add electives to Applied Physics major
7. COLS: Psychology – remove 470 from listing of Capstone courses
8. COLS: Engr.Tech – Dept. name change
9. COLS: Commun. Communication Profession Certificate
10. COLS: AAS Degree revisions
11. OCE: New degree offering- Bachelor of Professional Studies
2. Handbook Change – APC Charge & Responsibilities
V. Discussion Items
1. Update from APC Subgroup on Academic Program Review
VI. Information Items
April Dutscheck