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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I become a music major at UW Oshkosh?

The first step is to apply for admission to the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. Information on this can be found at the Admissions homepage. The next step is to audition for the Department of Music on your primary instrument or voice. With the successful completion of an audition and acceptance into the program you will then receive assistance selecting and scheduling classes to help you complete your major.


Is an audition required? How do I schedule an audition?

Yes. Auditions are required for anyone interested in becoming a music major or minor. This includes Music Business and Audio Production majors. There is no audition required for our Music Industry minor, Certificate in Music, or Certificate in Composition. To schedule an audition please see our Audition Information page. It will give you information specific to your instrument or voice as well as what you can expect on audition day. The audition application will actually register you for an audition.


Should I still schedule an audition even if I haven’t been admitted to the university yet?

Yes, but due to limited space we want to reserve our audition times for students who are serious about applying for our program. If you schedule an audition, you must have at least applied to the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh or have a specific date in which you plan to do so.


Do I still have to audition on a specific instrument/voice if I plan to be a Music Business Major or an Audio Production Major?

Yes. In order to prepare all of our music students for a successful career, we want them to be knowledgeable and skillful in many aspects of music. This can include having experience working with an ensemble as well as solo performance. In many situations, a professional in the field of live sound or recording technology must have experience with a variety of instruments, several genres of music, ensembles, soloists and basic fundamentals of music among other things in order to meet the needs of their clients. An exception to this is our Music Industry minor, which does not require an audition.


What’s the difference between a Scholarship audition and an Entrance audition?

Both auditions serve the purpose of an entrance audition for students aspiring to be music majors or minors. The scholarship audition simply doubles as an audition to compete for one of the scholarships offered through the Music Department, as well as entrance to the music program. All of the audition dates can be used for an entrance audition, but only specific ones can be used to compete for a scholarship.


Are there scholarships available for Freshmen or transfer students majoring in music?

We offer several scholarships for incoming Freshmen based on a scholarship audition, their academic achievements, as well as recommendations. For a full list of scholarships and more information regarding requirements and scholarship auditions, please see our Scholarships page. Transfer students can also audition for certain scholarships depending on available funds. All students must meet our minimum ACT or Class Rank requirements and provide a letter of recommendation.


Can I minor in music at UW Oshkosh?

Yes. UW Oshkosh offers a 24-credit curriculum for students minoring in music. Students who wish to minor in music must successfully pass an audition on their primary instrument or voice. Students interested in scheduling an audition should complete the same audition application used for the music majors. This can be found on the Audition Information page.


What is your AP Credit Policy?

1)  Music Majors, Music Education Majors, and Music Minors
a.  Granted 3 crs. of Music 107 Music Theory 1 with a Nonaural Subscore of 3.
b.  Granted 3 crs. of Music 107 Music Theory 1 & 3 crs. of Music 108 Music Theory 2 with a Nonaural Subscore of 4 or 5.
c.  Granted 1 cr. of Music 173 Aural Skills 1 with an Aural Subscore of 3.
d.  Granted  1 cr. of Music 173 Aural Skills 1 & 1 cr. of Music 174 Aural Skills 2 with an Aural Subscore of 4 or 5.

2)  Students who are not Music Majors, Music Education Majors, or Music Minors (Music Industry Minors are included in this group)
a.  Granted 3 crs. of Music 102 music elective with a score of 3.
b.  Granted 3 crs. of Music 102 and 3 crs. Music 219 music electives with a score of 4 or 5.


Can I perform in one of the ensembles even if I do not major or minor in music?

Yes! All university ensembles are open to both music majors and non-music majors. Certain ensembles require an audition to enroll, but most only require placement auditions at the beginning of the Fall semester for seating arrangements. Students can learn more about specific ensembles and instructor contact information on the Ensembles page.


How do I know which classes and ensembles to register for?

After students have successfully completed their audition in the spring and have been accepted into the Music program, they will meet with an advisor at Titan Takeoff to help schedule classes. Transfer students are usually advised of courses in their acceptance letter. If they are a non-music major and are simply interested in participating in an ensemble, their advisor can also help them select an ensemble. Program Plan Sheets for all of our majors and minors can be found here.


Can I take applied lessons without participating in an ensemble?

Maybe. Primary applied lessons are reserved for our Music majors and minors. Majors are required to enroll in applied lessons and an ensemble simultaneously until they have completed the required number of lesson and ensemble credits. All majors and minors will be charged an applied music fee of $180 per credit/per semester for lessons (capped at 2 credits per instrument per semester). Non-majors that are given permission to enroll in Music 18 (private lessons for non-majors) will also be charged the fee.  This fee will be assessed by the fourth week of the term and billed on the second statement.


Can I rent or borrow an instrument from the University?

The University may make arrangements to rent or loan instruments, especially if it is a relatively large brass or woodwind instrument. This may also be true for non-music majors participating in an ensemble who do not own their own instrument. For more information please contact the Music Department at or by phone: (920) 424-4224.

Music Department

(920) 424-4224

Arts & Communication Center
800 Algoma Blvd.
Oshkosh, WI 54901

(920) 424-4224
Arts & Communication Center

800 Algoma Blvd.
Oshkosh, WI 54901