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Campus Resources

Academic Probation


If a student is on PRO 1, s/he has had one (1) semester with an official UWO grade point average of less than a 2.0. The student is strongly encouraged to reflect on his/her current academic situation and make some changes.

If a student is on PRO 2, s/he has had two (2) consecutive semesters with an official UWO grade point average of less than a 2.0. The student has one more semester to raise his/her grade point to a 2.0 or higher or s/he will be suspended. Students on PRO 2 have a HOLD on their account and must meet with their advisor before registering for classes.

If a student is on PRO 3, it means that s/he had been suspended but was allowed to continue at UW Oshkosh because his/her suspension appeal was approved. The student has one more semester to raise his/ her UWO grade point to a 2.0 or higher or s/he will be suspended. Students on PRO 3 have a HOLD on their account and must meet with their advisor before registering for classes.




STEP 1: Repeat coursework at UW Oshkosh. University policy allows for repeats of grades lower than a C without an appeal.

STEP 2: Enroll in one or more of the following courses:

  • Academic Recovery (Academic Skills 115): Identify and overcome personal barriers to academic success, learn and apply the strategies and skills necessary to restore academic standing and self-confidence, and practice self-monitoring strategies to facilitate successful independent learning.
  • Study Skills (Academic Skills 125): Learn techniques to increase the effectiveness in the areas of textbook study, lecture notes, time management, memory, test-taking, and vocabulary.
  • Reading Strategies (Academic Skills 169): Focus on comprehending nonfiction, strengthening study reading techniques, improving vocabulary, and increasing reading rate in difficult material.
  • Academic and Career Exploration (Professional Counseling 201): Recommended for all students who are undecided about a major or career choice.

STEP 3: Utilize your free campus resources.

  • Career Services (125 Student Success Center)
  • Center for Academic Resources (102 Student Success Center)
  • Counseling Center (240 Student Success Center)
  • Center for Student Success and Belonging (CSSB) (Campus Center for Equity and Diversity – Center for Pride and Gender Equity (formerly LGBTQ+ Resource Center and Women’s Center) Indigenous Student Support and Wellness; Intercultural Engagement; Multicultural Retention Programs; Student Support Services; Student Support Services STEM).
  • Math Lab (113 Swart Hall or 301 Swart Hall for remedial math)
  • Reading Study Center (201 Nursing/Education Building)
  • Writing Center (102 Student Success Center)


Reduce your credit load, work schedule, and/or student involvement.


Attend all class sessions, and work closely with instructors. e.g. utilize office hours.