Mathematics Tutoring

Math Tutor Labs

Oshkosh Campus:

There are two separate tutor labs for drop-in tutoring in mathematics on the Oshkosh Campus, both in Swart Hall. Choose your tutor lab depending on which course you are in:

The Developmental Math Lab located in Swart Hall 301 offers drop-in tutoring for students in Developmental-level math courses (Math 100/101/103).

The Drop-In Math Tutoring Lab, located in Swart Hall 017 offers drop-in tutoring for students in Math Education (Math 110/211/213), General Eduction (Math 111), Pre-calculus (Math 104/106/108),  Calculus (Math 171/172/206/273),  and Statistics courses (Math 114/201). The lab is also a student study lounge and is a great place to do your homework or meet with your study group.

Tutor schedules by course are posted on the right side of this page.


Fond du Lac Campus:

Visit  for information about math tutoring on the Fond du Lac campus.


Fox Cities Campus:

Visit for information about math tutoring on the Fox Cities campus.


Looking for more?

Make an Appointment with an Individual Tutor! Besides the Drop-in Math Tutoring labs in Swart Hall 017 and the Developmental Math Lab in Swart Hall 301, the Center for Academic Resources (CAR) located in the Student Success Center offers several other types of free tutoring in math courses (Math 104 and above), including one-on-one, small-group, and online visits. They do not provide drop-in tutoring, instead you need to make an appointment with an individual tutor. Stop by their office or visit their website to learn more about peer tutoring through CAR.

Become a tutor!

Tutoring is a great way to help others and help yourself bydeepening your own understanding of the concepts you are helping others to understand. Tutoring is also great way to get experience with teaching, working with others, and understanding a variety of ways of thinking about math.

Working as a tutor is a minimal time commitment (no minimum hours) with flexible scheduling to allow you to work around your class schedule or other obligations you may have. (Even if you can only work a couple of hours a week, you can make a huge impact!)

Please visit the Center for Academic Resources employment page at for more information about becoming a tutor, and fill out the Math Tutor Application form at


Get in Touch

Steve Szydlik
Oshkosh Campus Drop-In Math Tutor Lab Liaison
Swart Hall 220

Eric Kuennen
Oshkosh Campus Developmental Math Student Support Coordinator
Swart Hall 111



Department Office
Swart Hall, Room 118
Monday – Friday
8 a.m. – 4 p.m.


University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
645 Dempsey Trail
Oshkosh, WI 54902


(920) 424-1333
(920) 424-1812
Developmental Math Lab
Faculty and Staff