Applications Open
Apply by July 1 to guarantee your spot on the field!
In addition to making new friends, playing great music, and cheering on the Titans, you will be helping to develop the traditions, cheers, social events and excellence that will make this band exceptional.
Please do not hesitate to contact any UWO band staff member with questions or ideas about the marching band. Go Titans!
application steps
Students wishing to join the Titan Thunder Marching band should review their section instructions before submitting their application.
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- Applicants should be prepare Concert Ab Major and Concert C Major scales which best demonstrate their range on the instrument as well as the two provided pieces (Alma Mater and Go Mighty Titans)
- You have the option of scheduling an in-person meeting with Dr. Scheivert (before May 31) or submitting a video via YouTube unlisted link in the application or via e-mail.
It is strongly encouraged that you attend a free UWO drumline clinic during the spring to work with the instructors and determine your placement on the line. The 2024 clinic will be held on Saturday, May 11.sample piece by Thursday, June 1. The video should clearly include your hands and torso. You may choose which equipment (Snare, Tenors, Bass, Cymbals) to record, but the instructor will determine placement/equipment based on a combination of submitted videos and clinic attendees. BD applicants should indicate which drum part they are performing. Submit your unlisted YouTube video by pasting the URL in the TTMB membership application or send it to Dr. Scheivert directly by e-mail.
If you are unable to attend a clinic, please prepare a video of m.1 to [B] of theColor Guard
If you have no prior Color Guard experience, ideally, you should plan to attend a free UWO clinic on Saturday, May 11, 2024, to learn the basics.
Applicants with spinning experience should submit a 30-60 second video via YouTube unlisted link that includes either an ad-lib routine with musical background or a preexisting routine that distinctly shows you as an individual.
Videos should show your level of skill with the flag as well as expressive choreography. Feel free to add an additional 15-30 seconds of rifle and/or sabre work if you have that experience. Submit your unlisted YouTube video by pasting the URL in the TTMB membership application or send it to Dr. Scheivert directly by e-mail.
It is strongly encouraged that you attend a free UWO Twirling clinic on Saturday, May 11, 2024, to work with the instructor and determine your placement on the line.
If you are unable to attend the clinic, please prepare a video of a 2-3 minute routine set to music.The video should clearly include your whole body and tosses. Preferred demonstrated skills include:
- Two turn or higher with a variety of catches
- Toss illusion or toss crossover illusion
- High toss with split leap
- Short section with a variety of rolls
- Variety of 2-baton skills
- 3-baton if able (not required)
Submit your unlisted YouTube video by pasting the URL in the TTMB membership application or send it to Dr. Scheivert directly by e-mail.
Rehearsals | Performance Calendars
A critical component of Titan Thunder Marching Band membership is your ability to commit to the entire rehearsal and performance schedule. Absence from a performance is not allowed except under extreme circumstances and by advance consent of the director. Please review our Rehearsal and Performance Calendars before applying.
Preseason Camp – The marching band season will officially begin with an inaugural training camp that begins on August 21 for student leadership, August 23 for drumline and color guard, and August 26 for winds and twirlers. Preseason Camp is a full-day activity with some scheduled breaks, off-days, and activities. Plan to be on-campus and available from that point forward.
Rehearsal Schedule – MWF afternoons (4:30-6:15 pm.), Tue. evenings (7-9 p.m.), and Saturday mornings before all home football games. The rehearsals will avoid conflicts with most classes and allow residence hall students ample time to attend evening meals. The amount of weekly rehearsals will be reduced whenever the performance schedule allows, and there are very few commitments after early November!
2024 Performance Calendar (Subject to Change)
8/23-9/3 – Preseason Camp
9/7 – Titans vs. Wheaton College
9/14 – Titans vs. Linfield College
9/21 – Titans vs. Michigan Tech
9/28 – OPEN
10/5 – HS exhibition @ Green Bay West HS
10/12 – Titans vs. UW-La Crosse
10/12 – HS exhibition @ Fond du Lac HS
10/13 – HS exhibition @ G-E-T HS
10/19 – Titans vs. UW-Platteville
10/26 – OPEN
11/2 – OPEN
11/9 – Titans vs UW-Stout
11/16 – OPEN
11/17 – The Sound of Thunder Indoor Concert
11/26 – Appleton Christmas Parade
12/5 – Oshkosh Holiday Parade
(11/23,30; 12/7,14,20 – Hold for potential postseason Football)
Leadership Opportunities
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Drum Major
The Drum Major for the Titan Thunder Marching Band wears many hats, including the tall one! We are pleased to announce the selection of Lillian Stupey as Drum Major for 2024!
As chief student liaison and leader, the Drum Major is the link between the membership and staff and helps coordinate key components of the student experience, including preseason communication, welcome, and camp; social events and outreach; and the annual banquet. Musically, the Drum Major serves as the primary rehearsal and stands conductor and also develops highly visible mace routines for on-field performance. Commitment to positive morale and personal integrity is vital, as the Drum Major represents the program and membership both on and off the field. It is an extremely rewarding position that will no doubt be the highlight of one’s collegiate career!
Section Leaders
The Section Leaders of Titan Thunder Marching Band are vital to the success of the program and are needed in EVERY section! We are pleased to announce the selection of the following students as Section Leaders for Fall 2024!
- Piccolo – Katie Sabel
- Clarinet – Marissa Haselwander
- Alto Saxophone – Ryan Hisel-Schneider
- Tenor Saxophone – Emily Huettl
- Trumpet – Amy Rahn, Joe Roberts
- Mellophone – Amelia Last, Kate Rothschadl
- Trombone – Christian Cortez
- Baritone/Sousaphone – Hannah Bott
- Drumline – Nicky Cameron (SD), Jonah Dennis (TD), Matt Hoh (BD), Anthony Morris (CY)
- Color Guard – Reagan Fontanazza, Kate Lent
- Twirlers – McKayla Wallace
Section Leaders serve as on-field musical and visual instructors who lead by example through preparation, high standards, and attention to detail. They build relationships with section members to encourage wellness and positive experiences and maintain open two-way communication between their section and the drum major and staff.
Typical duties include leading marching and music sectionals, monitoring and guiding on-field performance, listening to music playoffs, and assisting with attendance, though section leaders are eager to step up when needed. It is a great way to gain valuable leadership and teaching experience in an activity you love!
Supporting Roles - Now Accepting Students
You can still earn class credit, gain valuable resume-building experience, and be a part of a great marching band community without picking up an instrument! Please contact us if you are interested in any of these positions or have further questions.
- Band Manager: Assist with logistics, setup, and operation of the band’s equipment on rehearsal and game days and at off-campus events. Aid in uniform fitting and distribution. Manage the digital and print music libraries of the Titan Thunder and Bolt Bands.
- Media Team: Produce graphic, photo, and/or video content for our Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok accounts, recruiting materials, and video yearbook as well as archival footage of performances

Titan thunder Thursdays
Learn more about the Titan Thunder Marching Band by attending an information session on the third Thursday of the month. Zoom link will be the same for all sessions. Meeting ID: 925 6846 9544 Passcode: TTMB2024
- Audition and Membership Info
- Meet the Staff and Student Leadership
- Get to know others in your section
- Share ideas for Fall 2024
- Preseason Camp and season details
- March 21
- April 18
- May 16
- June 20
- July 18

Athletic Bands Office
Arts and Communication Building N120
2022 Titan Thunder Marching Band