EL 302: Literature for Children

Course Specific Resources

Link to Nearpod Presentation


Link to Survey


Book Reviews:


Children's Literature Comprehensive Database 

You can also access this from the library's "List of Library Search Tools", from the library homepage. An extensive resource providing critical reviews of children's and young adult books. Use this database to select books according to genre, interest level, reading level, and much more.


Follett Titlewave

Excellent source of full text reviews from numerous publications. Need to register, but it's free. Well worth the effort.




EMC Bibliographies

Lists of various genres and corresponding books that you can find in the EMC.


Database of Award-Winning Children's Literature

A database with the ability to search by genre and publication year.


CCBC Booklists

Recommended books for various genres


 Lesson Plans for ELA:


Teaching Books