Brian Wallace, PhD, CSCS

Associate Professor - Kinesiology

Brian Wallace Curriculum Vita 


Educational Background
BS in Exercise Science, UW La Crosse; Concentration: Strength and Conditioning
MS in Human Performance, UW La Crosse
PhD in Biomechanics, University of Kentucky; Emphasis: Biomechanics
MS Engineering, UW Stout
Certifications: Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS)


Research Agenda / Areas of Interest
Biomechanical risk factors and mechanisms of sport and exercise injury, Kinetic quantification of plyometric and other resistance exercise, Neuromuscular responses and adaptations to resistance training, Biomechanics teaching pedagogy


Outside Interests / Hobbies
Spending time with my family, resistance training, snowmobiling, and The Simpsons


"What does it mean to be a Kinesiology faculty member at UW Oshkosh?"
It is an opportunity to introduce students to think about human movement in ways they likely have not experienced before. It is also a chance for me to grow professionally through interactions with students and other faculty members. It means coming to work each day to enthusiastic students destined to do great things, and co-workers who are committed to our students.


"When they graduate from our program, I hope that my students..."
Look at movement in a systematic and scientific way. I hope that they grow to understand the importance of evidence-based and research-based practices, and utilize them whenever possible in their chosen profession.