NEWSPA Scholarships
DEADLINE TO APPLY: March 15, 2024
Up to 10 $250 scholarships may be awarded to high school Cooperative Academic Partnership Program (CAPP) students who have been admitted to UW Oshkosh as entering freshmen. Students attending the Oshkosh, Fox Cities or the Fond du Lac campus are eligible to apply. Applicants must apply during their senior year of high school.
Applicants must have either successfully completed at least one CAPP course or be currently enrolled in a CAPP course at the time of application and must have attended the Northeastern Wisconsin Scholastic Press Association (NEWSPA) Conference at least once during their high school career. Recipients must be enrolled full-time at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh during the fall semester of their freshman year to be eligible to receive the award. This scholarship is not renewable.
Students will submit their application using this link to be considered for the scholarship awards.