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By: Jessica Rosga

Educational (Ed) camps across the country are redefining the way in which educators learn. NEWSPA is holding their second Ed Camp at UW Oshkosh for high school advisors looking to obtain new information, network and discuss topics pertaining to the world of journalism.

Ed Camp format

Ed Camp’s main goal is to bring empowered educators together to discuss ideas and collaborate. Traditional educator career development sessions are held as formal meetings. Instead, Ed Camp is an open conversation led by the educators themselves. No one is required to lead, but those willing to share will not only help themselves, but others as well. Ed Camp is open to both NEWSPA and non-NEWSPA members.

Educator’s experience

Beth Plankey, journalism teacher and satellite adviser at Neenah High School, shares

her experience from last year, “[Ed Camp] connects me with professionals in the field of journalism education. We share ideas, practices and experiences. Teaching can be an isolated profession and we are always better together.”

The exchange of ideas and practices provided by Ed Camp allows advisers and teachers to go on and apply them in their classrooms. Plankey continues, “[Ed Camp] is always a part of my reflective practice.”

“It promotes a positive dialogue among like-minded professionals. We grow and advance that knowledge and experiences to our students. It is a win-win” Plankey, states. The networking done at Ed Camp unites educators and advisers interested in journalism and provides them a platform to connect.

Keep an eye out for Ed Camp next fall! For more information, email Barb Benish at or check out the journalism website.