Digital Signage
Digital signage includes any digital display in public facing areas, such as computer labs, department offices, academic buildings, and outdoor signage. Displays include outdoor and indoor signage as well as displays outside of conference rooms.
- Used across campus to inform students and staff about upcoming events or announcements
- Enables student groups to broadcast information to a larger audience
- Allows campus departments to inform students of deadlines, opportunities, and events
Getting Started
- Contact the Help Desk at (920) 424-3020 or with any issues.
- If you would like someone to design or post content to Campus Vision or the outdoor Daktronics signs, please contact UMC or Reeve Marketing.
Available To
- Faculty
- Staff
- Students
Content that is posted to digital signage systems should only be posted for three weeks leading up to an event or deadline. Design costs for slides may apply through UMC or Reeve Marketing.
Helpful Links
University Marketing and Communications
Reeve Union Marketing
Digital Signage Overview – KnowledgeBase