Student Governance

The Oshkosh Student Government represents all students regarding issues and policies relating to academic and non-academic concerns. Established in 1959, we advocate for the best interests of the students at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. The State of Wisconsin affords all students the opportunity to provide input in all operations of the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh.

The Interfraternity Council (IFC) is the representative body for campus fraternities. Whereas each fraternity has its own individual goals, the IFC provides a general direction for the growth and betterment of all fraternities. The IFC meets to conduct business and to discuss any pressing issues in the Greek community. We work to promote fraternities at the UW Oshkosh. IFC is also the main channel of communication between the University and the Greek community.

United Students in Residence Halls is the second largest student governance group on campus concerning students living in residence halls. We cover almost every aspect of student life on campus and are always looking for students with concerns, requests or new ideas. If you are interested in getting involved, go to the applications tab for an assembly application or contact a member of the executive board to learn more.

The MSC strives to promote student leadership and success through fostering a passion for diversity in our community by offering and promoting a variety of cultural experiences and serving as a platform and voice for multicultural issues and five umbrella organizations: The Asian Student Association (ASA), the Black Student Union (BSU), the Hmong Student Union (HSU), Sisterhood and the Student Organization of Latinos (SOL).

Panhellenic Council is the governing board over all of the sororities on campus. They provide a general direction for growth and development for the sororities on campus. They meet weekly to discuss what is happening in each of the chapters on campus, promote educational or service/philanthropic events and develop strategic directions of the community.

Student Engagement and Campus Life
  • Reeve Union, First Floor
  • 920 424-0847