
Graduating Titan Stories

This May, UW Oshkosh will have another set of amazing students cross our stage. We look to the faculty and staff to share and uplift their students’ accomplishments and highlight the great work done here at UWO. Please share your story idea with our content team — and the sooner the better!

Some themes we typically explore:

  • Overcame a personal struggle or obstacle. Many inspirational stories come from unfortunate or unexpected circumstances.
  • Have a rare personal connection. Examples include students with siblings attending UWO at the same time or a student continuing a multi-generational family tradition.
  • Have an interesting heritage/cultural connection. Examples include international students or first-generation students with surprising background stories.
  • Have forged special friends with classmates or cohorts. Perhaps the connections they’ve created have helped them land a job or they have planned their next chapter together.
  • Have had unusual campus experiences.
    • On-the-job training is imperative for students looking for their next job. Do you know anyone involved in a research projects with memorable outcomes?
    • Change of focus: Did participating in a new opportunity change a student’s learning focus or uncover a new passion?
    • Did anyone invent anything? Start a now-operating business?
  • Have unusual hobbies. We often have students with fascinating interests, passions or side gigs. Examples include a student with a surprising talent as an opera singer or a weight-lifting champion.
  • Know their next step. Some students already have their next move planned and it’s unusual or noteworthy.


On Saturday, May 14 we will be welcoming graduates and their loved ones on-campus to celebrate the culmination of their college experience.

We are calling on Titan Nation to help us deliver safe in-person commencement celebrations. We are seeking a minimum of 60 volunteers per ceremony.  Please consider volunteering.

This email was sent by the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, 800 Algoma Blvd., Oshkosh, WI 54901. Notice of Nondiscrimination: UW Oshkosh is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC):