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Women and Science Library Resources
Books, DVDs and VHS tapes are available for UW System Programs and Educators.
The collection has several types of materials.
Studies of student experiences
Examples of books on this topic:
- Gender Gaps: Where our schools fail our children (AAUW)
- Gender Gap in College (Sax)
- Girls in the Middle: Working to succeed in school (AAUW)
- How Schools Shortchange Girls: The AAUW report
- Talking About Leaving (Seymour & Hewitt)
- They’re Not Dumb, They’re Different (Tobias)
Training on inclusive instructional methods
Examples of books on this topic:
- Active Learning (Bonwell & Eison)
- Biology Brought to Life (Handelsman)
- Classroom Assessment Techniques (Angelo & Cross)
- Collaborative Learning Techniques (Barkley, Cross, Major)
- Student Active Science (McNeal & D’Avanzo)
- Teaching with Classroom Response Systems (Bruff)
- Whistling Vivaldi
- Making Scientists: Six Principles for Effective College Teaching
Experiences of STEM professionals who are women and/or underrepresented minorities
Examples of books, videotapes and DVD’s on this topic:
- American Women in Science 1950 to the Present: a biographical dictionary (Bailey)
- Making Contributions: An historical overview of women’s role in physics (AAPT)
- Ladies in the Laboratory 2: West European women in science, 1800-1900 (Creese)
- Scientists Anonymous: Great stories of women in science (Fara)
- NOVA DVD Secret of Photo 51 (Rosalind Franklin)
- NOVA DVD Percy Julian: Forgotten Genius
Do Babies Matter?
Mentoring Strategies To Facilitate the Advancement of Women Faculty
Alliances for Advancing Academic Women: Guidelines for Collaborating in STEM Fields
Gender Equity in Science and Engineering:Advancing Change in Higher Education
Transforming Science and Engineering: Advancing Academic Women
Success Strategies for Women in Science: A Portable Mentor
The IDEAS Alliance Library is housed at Polk Library on the UW Oshkosh campus. Anyone at a UW System Institution can borrow materials by using Universal Borrowing. They will arrive at your campus library in a few days.
Please visit the UW Oshkosh Libraries website. A keyword search for “Women and Science” will bring up records of our titles. To borrow a title, select “Make a Request” on the right-hand-side then follow the online instructions.
Universities of Wisconsin Alliance for Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Advancement in STEM
UW Oshkosh Campus
Halsey Science Center, Room 121
(920) 424-7414