Upcoming Events
Faculty Grant Opportunities
Participants in the Workshop for Early Career STEM Educators are invited to submit a proposal for a summer grant. These grants are intended to support the efforts of UW System faculty to incorporate gender-friendly student-active pedagogies into one of their courses.
The UW System IDEAS Alliance will fund up to (2) proposals that meet the CFP requirements
As a participant in the UW System IDEAS Alliance Early Career STEM Educators Workshop in October 2022, you are invited to submit a curriculum reform grant proposal. These grants are intended to support the efforts of UW System instructors to incorporate high impact, best practices that are gender-friendly, inclusive, student-active pedagogies into a course.
Grant Award Objective
Priority will be granted to course redesign projects that meet the mission of the The UW System IDEAS Alliance Program.
- Attended the October 2022 Early Career STEM Educators Workshop. Priority will be given to educators new to the UW System.
- Will be able to complete the curriculum revision project over the Summer 2023.
- Will be able to disseminate the results of your project with at an IDEAS Alliance Program event (i.e. Early Career STEM Educators or Spring Conference).
- Must be an employee of UW System for the 2023-2024 AY.
- Proposal Form is attached and must be completed, including a one-to-two page project description.
- Deadline is December 9, 2022.
- Grant award is $1000.
- Up to two awards will be funded following a review process conducted by a committee formed from the IDEAS Alliance Program Advisory Board which has representatives from all UW System Institutions.
- The grant is awarded as salary disbursement to your payroll account in the fall of 2023.
- This grant is paid from the UW System IDEAS Alliance Program 102 Fund. Please follow your campus process for grant submission.
Selection Criteria
- Significance of the proposed course reform to impact classroom climate, improve student learning, and incorporate best practices.
- Proposal should demonstrate a plan that is a reasonable amount of work to be accomplished by the summer report deadline.
- A detailed plan for assessment on the effectiveness of course revisions.
- A dissemination plan is provided which agrees to (at a minimum) report results and outcomes at an IDEAS Alliance Event.
- Note: Campus location – attempts will be made to support educators on different campuses.
Direct Questions to:
Amy Hardy, IDEAS@uwosh.edu
2024 Summer Grant Recipients
Grant Kopitzke, UW Stevens Point: “Mathematics: Applications, Appreciation and Skills (Math 105, Section W01/M01)”
Adrienne Loh, UW La Crosse: “CHM 104: General Chemistry II”
2023 Summer Grant Recipients
- Ethan Clements, UW Parkside: “CHEM 210 Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry”
- Cord Brundage, UW La Crosse: “BIO 312/313: Human Anatomy and Physiology I & II (A&P)”
2022 Summer Grant Recipients
- Min Shu, UW Stout: “Probability & Mathematical Statistics I (STAT 331)“
2021 Summer Grant Recipients
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, this workshop was restructured to be fully on-line.
Attendees of the May 25-27, 2021, New STEM Educator Workshop were offered a $300 stipend to participate in the three-day workshop and, at the conclusion, submit a report to the program on key takeaways from the event as well as how lessons or ideas learned might be implemented in their classes or campus(es).
2020 Summer Grant Recipients
- Sarah Orlofske, UW Stevens Point: “Introductory Animal Biology, (BIOL 160)”
- Jessica Lucas, UW Oshkosh: “Unity (BIO 105)”
2019 Summer Grant Recipients
- Brian Teague, UW Stout: “College Cell Molecular Biology 1 (BIO 136)”
- Youngmi Kim, UW River Falls: “Food and Process Engineering 1 (AGEN 352)”
2018 Summer Grant Recipients
- Whitney George Dregne, UW La Crosse: “Mathematics for Decision Making (MTH 123)”
- Sarah Orlofske, UW Stevens Point: “Animal Parasitology (BIOL 362)”
2017 Summer Grant Recipients
- Andrea Romero, UW Whitewater: “Introduction to Biology (BIO 141 Labs)“
- Angela Kita, UW Madison: “Biomoleculuar Chemistry 504: Human Biochemistry Lab“
2016 Summer Grant Recipients
- Sarah Jane Alger, UW Stevens Point: “Animal Physiology (BIO 381)”
- William Dirienzo, UW Sheboygan and Colleges On-line: “University Physics 1 (PHY 201)”
2015 Summer Grant Recipients
- Melissa Hage, UW Baraboo-Sauk County, “GLG 102: Historical Geology”.
- Jessica Orlofske, UW-Parkside, “Biostatistics (BIOS 210)”.
2014 Summer Grant Recipients
- Evan Larson, UW-Platteville, “Geography 1040: Planet Earth”.
- Ozgur Yavucetin, UW-Whitewater, “Physics 130: Physics Foundations”.
2013 Summer Grant Recipients
- Balamurugan Pandiyan, UW-Whitewater, “Math 143”.
- Bradley Peterson, UW Collegegs – Barron County, “Physics 201: University Physics and Physics 141: College Physics”.
2012 Summer Grant Recipients
- Andrew Shears, UW-Fox Valley Department of Geography, “GEO 125: Physical Geography”.
- Rose Theisen, UW-Eau CLaire, “CHEM 103: General Chemistry”.
2011 Summer Grant Recipients
- Amanda Hakemian, UW-Marshfield/Wood County Department of Chemistry,“CHE125 Introduction to Chemistry“.
- Matthew Kuchta, UW-Stout Department of Physics, “Phys258 Introduction to Geology”.
2010 Summer Grant Recipients
- Arlene Haffa, UW Oshkosh Department of Chemistry, “CHEM 304: Biochemistry Clinical Emphasis-Laboratory”.
- Tera Montgomery, UW Platteville School of Agriculture, “AGSCI 2020: Introduction to Dairy Science”.
2009 Summer Grant Recipients
- Jodi Olmsted, UW Stevens Point Department of Health Sciences, “HS 105: Survey of Common Diseases”.
- Tsunghhsueh Wu, UW Platteville Department of Chemistry & Engineering Physics,“CHEM 2150: Quantitative Analysis”.
Universities of Wisconsin Alliance for Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Advancement in STEM
UW Oshkosh Campus
Halsey Science Center, Room 121
(920) 424-7414