LEAD-it-Yourself (LiY!) Inclusive Excellence Workshop

The University of Wisconsin System Women and Science Program was awarded one of five small seed grants from the the University of Washington NSF-funded ADVANCE program. The grant is called LEAD-it-Yourself (LiY!) and the goal is to help individuals organize workshops to advance Science, Engineering, Technology, and Mathematics (STEM) faculty diversity and inclusion. Our program will be hosting a one-day STEM Inclusive Excellence Workshop on implicit bias and gender equity in STEM on August 17, 2017 in Oshkosh, WI.

The workshop is designed to provide an introduction to the concepts of implicit or unconscious biases and gender equity. The workshop will provide information about the current national trends in STEM and discuss the challenges that face our institutions. Attendees, who were nominated by their Provosts or Deans to attend, will participate in interactive discussions about the potential influence of implicit bias and gender inequity on their campuses. They will learn evidence-based strategies that can be taken back to their own campuses. Workshop participants will be asked to complete an assessment immediately following the workshop as well as 3-months and 6-months post-meeting. Participants will be provided with $100 stipend for completing the assessments.

The agenda is shown below. For questions on the workshop, please contact ideas@uwosh.edu

2017 LiY! STEM Inclusive Excellence Schedule

Universities of Wisconsin IDEAS Alliance 

UW Oshkosh Campus
Halsey Science Center, Room 121
(920) 424-7414