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What is the Supervisor’s Toolkit?

Employees that hold a supervisory role have additional responsibilities as they are expected to manage staff, teams, and work productivity in support of the mission of UW Oshkosh.  Supervisors should take additional training and be familiar with the various activities and resources required to be successful in their leadership roles. The Supervisor’s Toolkit has been designed to help support the supervisor’s role.

Supervisors in Action Training is geared towards building the foundation for our supervisors and equipping them with the knowledge and skills to be effective in their roles. For more information on supervisor training and development opportunities and resources, visit the Employee Training page.

Amplifying your leadership skills is an affective way to create a cohesive and supportive team environment. It’s important to know your strengths and learn how to support others through wellness challenges while maintaining your own self-care. Take some time to check out the toolkit resources below.

If you have questions or concerns, do not hesitate to reach out to the Human Resources team for help.

Banishing Burnout Toolkit

  1. S-T-O-P and Audit
  2. Know Your Stress, Convert Your Stress
  3. Unpack Your Emotional Baggage
  4. Practice Self-Care
  5. Set Healthy Boundaries
  6. Recruit an Accountability Partner
  7. Find Your Happy
  8. Help Others

Professional Health Promotion Toolkit

  1. Communication Tactics with Key Leaders
  2. Communication Tactics to Provide Clarity
  3. Supporting Employees in Managing Stress
  4. Self-Care
  5. Adjusting Internal Expectations
  6. Supporting Employees Work From Home Experience
  7. Resources for Managers to Support Their Teams
  8. Maintaining & Building Trust in Frantic Times
  9. Supporting Healthy Social Connection
  10. Planning Forward
FAQ's Planning a Reorganization


How do I begin the process of a reorganization?

Below are steps to help you in your reorganization. We highly encourage you to contact our HR office so that we can assist you through these steps.


STEP 1 – Define the Problem

  •  Determine whether existing jobs and structures are meeting department goals
  • Consider what factors contribute to effectiveness of jobs and structure
  • Identify methods for collecting input from staff
    • Verbal, written, and surveys
    • Problem-solving teams
    • Review committees

STEP 2- Identify New Structure

  •  Distribution of functions throughout the organization (definition of functions to be performed, groupings of functions, and the relationships among functions)
  • Vertical and horizontal authority relationships
  • Think outside of the box – are there other units doing similar work? Can a strategy to capitalize on economies of scale to reduce redundancies across campus?
  • Communication/decision-making process (how formal decisions are made and by whom, and the information system established for decision-making)
  • Internal departmental policies (the decisions, rules, or guidelines established in production, personnel, purchasing, research and development, and other areas)
  • The attributes of department employees (includes abilities, skills, experience, and other behavioral issues)

STEP 3- Develop a Reorganization Proposal

  • Timeframe
  • Reasons for reorganization
  • Before and after organization charts
  • Position descriptions for new, changed positions
  • Names, titles of employees to be affected by changed, new reporting lines, physical relocation, reduction in time, or salary implications
  • Review of Affirmative Action impact (if applicable)
  • Determine skills needed for each position
  • Compare current skills with what is needed
  • Determine training needs and resources
  • Clarify mission, goals, and standards for success

STEP 4- Create a Communication Plan

  •  Identify the different groups who will need communication and the different messages/information they will need
  • Determine series of review and update meetings with leadership
  • Determine schedule of informational meetings with staff
  • Plan communications outside department to announce reorganization
  • Set up individual meetings with employees whose jobs will change significantly
  • Review, reassess, and gather input during implementation
  • Determine methods to get feedback during implementation
  • Facilitate communication by remaining open to suggestions and concerns
  • Schedule regular staff meetings
  • Encourage all team members to share information
  • Support brainstorming and consensus decision-making where appropriate
  • Include systems that will provide regular feedback from management, staff, and client groups


How do I ensure my department is accepting and not resistant to the reorganization?

  •  The purpose of the reorganization needs to be clear. When employees don’t understand why changes are implemented, anxiety and suspicion often fill the information
  • Employees must understand the need for the Even if employees understand the reasons for change they may disagree with management’s perspective and decisions made.
  • Employees must be involved in the People support what they helped create. If employees do not believe they have enough input in planning change, resistance may increase.
  • Communication regarding the reorganization is clear and Even if the change affects only one other person, communication can be easily distorted.
  • Key people in the organization must advocate the If employees believe their boss or other important individuals/groups don’t support the change, acceptance is difficult to secure.
  • Avoid excessive When employees are already feeling overworked, the additional pressure brought on by the change may create resistance.
  • Communication to all stakeholders that the initial restructure is a work in progress and some aspects may need to change as the new duties and responsibilities become a part of the day to day operation.
  • Employees may need to be reassured in the following areas:
    • No negative impact on their social relations. If employees view the change as adversely affecting the way they relate to people significant to them, acceptance is
    • Will not decrease their autonomy, the level of challenge the job offers, the type of feedback they receive, or the degree of importance the organization places on their jobs.
    • If employees have been exposed to a long history of poorly-executed If the employees believe that the organization is involved in another ill-planned reorganization, their enthusiasm will be greatly diminished.
    • Mistakes will happen. The employees cannot fear failure. Change involves learning and learning usually involves mistakes; when people are not given the freedom to make mistakes while learning, they may be afraid and easily
    • The employees may lack confidence in their capacity to implement the change, or in management’s commitment to the training they need.
    • Employees perceive that organizational objectives of the change and their own personal goals are Resistance is increased if employees believe the change will block or significantly restrict the achievement of their own personal ambitions.



Why is communication critical in a reorganization?

 To Get Information Out

  • To clarify the reasons for change
  • To describe the benefits of the change
  • To offer a detailed picture of the new organization
  • To describe how the change will take place
  • To provide information on support/resources


To Gather Information

  • To get input from the people affected
  • To get feedback on how the change is proceeding


To Affect Attitudes and Behavior

  • To show that change is a beginning, not an end
  • To create an atmosphere that supports the new identity/culture
  • To encourage risk-taking and openness to change
  • To move toward a collaborative team approach


To Offer Support During the Change

  • To acknowledge loss/fear/resistance
  • To show how loss will be counteracted by the advantages of the new organization
  • To provide tools (training/information/praise)
  • To reduce isolation and foster teamwork
Performance Evaluations

Performance evaluations are an important responsibility of all supervisors on campus. When an a University Staff member is hired, supervisors must conduct a performance review both three and six months after the employee starts working. It is recommended that a three and six month performance evaluation occur for Academic staff as well. Performance evaluations must occur for all employees on an annual basis, thereafter.

  • Probationary Period Performance Evaluation Form – Use this form to complete the 3- and 6-month probationary evaluation for newly hired University Staff appointments.
  • Annual Performance Evaluation for Faculty, Limited, Professional Academic Staff and University Staff – Please review the ePerformance website for more information about completing an annual evaluation in the ePerformance system.
  • Annual Performance Evaluation for Instructional Academic Staff – Please contact the Dean’s office to receive guidance on how to complete IAS performance evaluations.
  • Performance Evaluation Guide – Please review these guidelines for employees/managers regarding the performance evaluation process. 

Adding a new employee to your team is an exciting time and we are here to help by providing you with the necessary tips and resources throughout your search to ensure your recruitment runs as smoothly as possible.

To view helpful information revolving around the recruitment process and how to get started, click here.


Reference Checks

There are two types of reference checks that are conducted on our campus, professional and conduct:

A professional reference check is when we reach out to gather more information about a potential candidate for one of our recruitments and/or when a potential employer reaches out regarding a current or former employee. This check is used to verify key employment and educational information and to learn more about a candidate’s background, experiences, and skills.

A conduct reference check is required per UW System policy and is used to gather any information regarding sexual violence and sexual harassment. The Office of Human Resources in collaboration with UW Shared Services is responsible for conducting this check. 

I am a supervisor and I was contacted by a potential employer for a reference check regarding a current or former employee. How should I respond? Please proceed to answer their questions to the best of your ability and/or comfort level. Per UW System policy, you must also notify the potential employer of the appropriate UW System institution contact for any questions regarding employee misconduct (including any violation of sexual violence or sexual harassment policies), even if the potential employer does not specifically ask. The appropriate UW System institution contact must disclose whether the employee has ever been found to have engaged in, is currently under investigation for, or left during an active investigation in which they were accused of sexual violence or sexual harassment. Please use the following statement when in these situations:

“All questions related to employee misconduct including sexual misconduct are addressed only by our human resources department, which can be contacted by email at This isn’t meant to imply that this candidate has committed any misconduct but is something we are required by policy to tell all potential employers.”

Hiring Student Employees

Thank you for your interest in hiring student employees! Providing an opportunity for students to work on campus offers benefits for both the student and departments. The student is able to learn valuable work skills to be successful when they enter the workforce after graduation. Please also be sure to reference the Student Employment page for more information related to student employment.

Student Employment Reference Guide – This is a one-stop-shop for information/processes related to hiring and entering job changes for student employees. Note that there is an interactive table of contents for quick referencing.

Hiring Paperwork – students that have never worked on campus before are required to complete all hiring paperwork prior to starting employment. Hiring paperwork is collected using our BPLogix Student Employment Form.

Credit Enrollment Requirement

Though we have a standard credit enrollment requirement to hire students on campus, each division/department may have separate expectations, including but not limited to, GPA requirements. Please check with your division/department for any additional requirements.
Fall/Spring Terms: Must be enrolled at least half-time (6 credits undergraduate; 4.5 graduate)
Summer Session: Must be enrolled 3.0 credits OR enrolled at least half-time in upcoming Fall term

Hours Eligible to Work Guidelines

All student employees, excluding international students, are eligible to work a maximum of 25 hours per week between all jobs within the Fall and Spring academic terms. There are periods where students may work more hours; however, it is restricted.

Please refer to the work eligibility schedule found on the Student Employees webpage for details (

International Students can work a maximum of 20 hours per week while classes are in session due to VISA requirements. If they work more they could be at risk of being sent back to their home country.

Supervisors are responsible for ensuring students are not going over the required hours limitations. If the student has more than one campus job, he/she and the supervisors must coordinate the total hours working per week between departments. Total hours per week include all jobs together.

Worker's Compensation/Injury at Work

For a step-by-step guide for working through the injury at work/worker’s compensation process, click here.

Departing Employees

Review the separation checklist on the offboarding page. Information revolving around the retirement process is also provided.

  Phone:  (920) 424-1166

  Fax: (920) 424- 2021


Monday - Friday 7:45 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

  Dempsey Hall 328
800 Algoma Blvd.
Oshkosh, WI 54901