What is Offboarding?
Offboarding is the process to transition an employee out of the organization, whether it is a retirement, transfer, resignation, or another reason. Offboarding covers the steps necessary to successfully part ways with an employee regardless of the reason an employee is leaving the organization.
When done well, a clear offboarding process ensures a smooth transition for both the university and the departing employee. There are several things to accomplish during offboarding.
For the Manager:
The Separation Checklist will assist you in the process. Your HR Generalist will also be available for any questions or additional information you may need.
Start the knowledge transfer early
Be proactive! Don’t wait until a team member is leaving to start the knowledge transfer process. This should be part of their ongoing work responsibilities while they’re still employed. Where possible, have team members share their knowledge through knowledge share apps, creating process manuals, guidelines, cheat sheets or using a buddy system with other members of the team so that when the inevitable comes and the employee resigns, they aren’t taking a wealth of knowledge only they know about with them.
Organize a formal handover
Ensure you have communicated your expectations with the employee surrounding a formal handover. You may require a process guide, cheat sheet, or that the employee has handed their tasks over to a team member. Schedule a formal handover with the employee in their last few days. Meet with them and have them provide an update regarding any open items, tasks, etc.
It is important to seek insight when an employee tells you they are leaving the organization.
If the employee hasn’t already spoken to you prior to their resignation, make time to meet with them to understand their reasons for leaving along with acknowledging and thanking them for their time and service with the organization.
It is also important that as a manager you encourage the team member to complete an exit interview. A departing team member is more likely to open up to a HR employee than their former manager, particularly prior to their departure. This is an opportunity for the individual to open up about their experiences within the organization (good or bad) and provide open and clear feedback. This invaluable feedback helps to identify trends or areas of concern.
For the Employee:
- Transfer and share information within your team
- Learn how your benefits and leave will be affected
- For information go to the UW System Employee Benefits website > Life Events and review the applicable web page:
- If you have additional benefits questions after reviewing the available resources, contact our Benefits team at or (888) 298-0141. Your questions and information will be kept confidential.
- If you have additional leave/payroll questions after reviewing the available resources, contact our Payroll team at or (888) 298-0141. Your questions and information will be kept confidential.
- Submit Your Paperwork
- Complete Tasks in MY UW System Portal
- IT Checklist
- Discontinue Access
- Return Property
- Exit Interview
In the event of an employee departing from the University, the following tasks need to be completed:
- The first step in the process is to submit your official resignation letter to your supervisor as soon as possible. For guidance, click here for an example resignation letter template.
- If you are transferring to another state agency, please indicate which agency and provide contact information for that agency. Please send a copy to your supervisor and to Human Resources right away.
- Supervisors are responsible for completing a Personnel Transaction Form immediately, noting the details of the departure. The HR Office will then process and close out your file.
- The first step in the process is to submit your official resignation letter to your supervisor as soon as possible. For guidance, click here for an example resignation letter template.
Be sure to complete the following tasks in the My UWSystem portal prior to your last day:
- Print off documents such as your year-end earnings statements and ETF WRS retirement statements for your records.
- If you are eligible to have your accrued sick leave certified under the Sick Leave Credit Conversion Program, you must submit your missing leave reports by your last day employed. If all missing leave reports are not submitted by your last day employed, your sick leave will be reduced as outlined in UW System Administrative Policy 1212 (formerly BN 3) Sick Leave.
I’m leaving. What do I do with…
University Owned Devices
- Return all university devices (computer, phone, etc) to the area designated by your department.
- Include work-from-home computers, printers, monitors, docking stations, and any adapters you may have.
VoIP Phones
- Delete all existing voicemails or forward them if needed to be saved.
- Forward phone to one that will remain staffed.
Microsoft OneDrive Files and Folders
- Files shared with others will still be accessible by those users
- All non-shared files will be deleted 30 days after your account is deactivated
- Best practice if your position will not be immediately replaced:
- Create and/or move files to SharePoint site with others listed as owner of the site.
Microsoft SharePoint Sites
- Files will continue to be accessible by any Members of the group
- At least one additional Owner should be added.
Google Drive – My Files
- Files shared with others will still be accessible by those users
- Best practice if your position will not be immediately replaced:
- Share files/folders and change the owner to chair/director/other person taking responsibilities
- Create Google Drive – Shared Drive and move files/folders there (help desk request)
Google Drive – Shared Drives
- Files will continue to be accessible by any Viewers, Commenters, Contributors, and Content Managers
- At least one additional Manager should be added.
Microsoft Outlook Shared Mailboxes
- If you are the owner of a shared mailbox, put in a help desk ticket to change the owner and request that you retain access.
UWO Websites
- Request additional editors through the helpdesk access request
Microsoft Outlook Contact Groups and Lists
- If these are in Shared Mailboxes, they will be retained
- For personal contact groups and lists:
- Add new owners to contact groups
- Contact lists will need to be recreated in each email account.
- The members of the list can be copied into an email and sent by clicking the + button next to the list in the To: field of an email
Mailing Lists (
- List credentials should be shared with the user who will be the new manager.
- Change the list administrator addresses in General Options on the Mailing List Administration page.
Canvas – Non-Academic “Custom” Courses
- Add at least one additional teacher that will manage the course in the future.
Microsoft Authenticator
- If you are not receiving emeritus status, uninstall the application from your devices after your end date
- Return your fob to the IT Walk-In Help Desk, Polk 005
All employees must deactivate their access to various accounts upon separation.
If applicable, make sure to disconnect the following accounts:
- WISER: Navigate to this Finance and Administration website to discontinue your account.
- Work with your supervisor to discontinue any remaining technology accounts.
Prior to your departure, please return the following property to the respective owners:
- Purchasing Card and/or Corporate Card: Contact Finance and Administration at 920-424-3030, or in Dempsey, room 236.
- Sales and Tax Exemption Card: Contact Financial Services at 920-424-3990, or in Dempsey 236.
- Parking (potential partial refund): Contact Parking Services at 920-424-4455, in Blackhawk 008, or at
- Keys: Contact Facilities Management at 920-424-3466 in the Campus Services building.
- UW Oshkosh Cell Phone: Contact Purchasing at 920-424-3990, in Dempsey, room 236.
- Library Property/Fees: Contact the Circulation Desk at 920-424-7316 in Polk Library.
- Return all department property to your supervisor, such as a laptop, printer, Media Services Equipment, etc.
The University strives to become a better workplace for all employees. In order to make necessary improvements and monitor departmental climates, we ask that you complete an exit interview.
- Click here to complete the online exit interview questionnaire. The information gathered in this questionnaire will be reviewed promptly and acted upon at the discretion of the Human Resources Director. Those who complete this questionnaire will be kept anonymous unless there are severe concerns with the feedback given.
- If you are interested in discussing your exit interview questionnaire with an HR colleague, please feel free to schedule an appointment with HR by calling 920-424-1166.
Retiring Employees
If you are considering retiring within 5 years, you can find educational videos and webinars presented by Employee Trust Funds (ETF) such as how to find out if you are ready to retire, when you should retire, how to use ETF’s online calculator to estimate a retirement benefit, and steps to retirement, etc. Click here and scroll down to nearing retirement.
How to Retire
Learn such things as projecting and requesting your monthly retirement benefit, retirement planning checklist, and what you need to know once you receive your estimate, choosing an annuity option, forms & brochures for those about to retire, ETF videos, and scheduling an appointment with ETF. Click here to find out more.
Also see valuable resources such as retirement toolkit and a roadmap to retirement planning here.
- Benefits
- Tax Sheltered Annuity (TSA) 403(b)
- Wisconsin Deferred Compensation (WDC)
- Social Security & Medicare
Click here to find out how your benefits are affected if you are applying for an annuity with 30 days of your retirement date. This also includes a link for requesting an on-line retirement estimate, ETF’s on-line calculators, on-line sick leave estimator, and information on using sick leave credits to pay for health insurance.
Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS)
Are you looking for more information about WRS retirement benefits, vesting, disability and death benefits, and additional forms & resources such as the WRS handbook and buying creditable services brochure? Click here and scroll down to retirement benefits to learn more.
Find out more information about UW TSA’s supplemental retirement savings program information such as the investment companies contact information, TSA counseling sessions, maximum contribution limits, distributions, and plan document by clicking here.
Find out more information about WDC’s supplemental retirement savings program information such as contact information, maximum contribution limits, catch-up contribution application, plan document, retirement guide, and understanding your distribution options brochure by clicking here.
To learn more about Social Security and Medicare including resources for links to apply for benefits or use the social security retirement estimator calculator on the Social Security Administration website, click here.
Retirement Questions?
If you have retirement questions, would like more information, or to make an appointment you may contact:
Employee Trust Funds
UW Shared Services Benefits Team
(888) 298-0141 (leave message)
Fax: (608) 890-2327