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The Department of Residence Life enforces a room freeze of 2-4 weeks at the beginning of each academic term (September; February). Student requested room changes are neither accepted nor processed during the room freeze. Administrative room changes may be processed during the room freeze at the discretion of the Director of Residence Life or their designee. The Department of Residence Life will announce the end of the room freeze to all residential students via their UWOSH email account. Once the room freeze is lifted, room change requests will be accepted following the process outlined below.


Residents interested in a room change must meet with their Assistant Residence Hall Director (ARHD) or Residence Hall Director (RHD) to discuss their interest in changing rooms. Students may articulate any preferences for room and/or hall assignment to the ARHD/RHD at this time. Students interested in a single room (not their current assignment) must meet with the ARHD/RHD. Student preferences shared after the room change approval is submitted may not be considered. The ARHD/RHD will submit the room change approval to the Department of Residence Life Assignments Office for processing.


At their discretion, the ARHD/RHD may require a roommate agreement, facilitated roommate mediation, and/or other support measures prior to room change approval or as a requirement while the room change is processing. Any tasks or expectations articulated by the ARHD/RHD as part of the room change process are official instructions of the university and must be completed.


The Department of Residence Life Assignments Office processes room change requests in the order in which they are received and space is available. On average, a room change request is processed within 10 working days of ARHD/RHD approval of the room change. However, students must be aware room changes can take longer to process depending on specificity of the request, space available, and other factors. In the event a room change cannot be completed within 4 weeks of ARHD/RHD approval, the student and ARHD/RHD will be notified. The ARHD/RHD will meet with the student to discuss their desire to remain in the room change process and/or revise the request.


When a room change approval is submitted without a specific room and hall request, the Assignments Office will assign the student to an available space. The Assignment Office will make every effort to assign the student within their current hall or preferred hall (when communicated). In the event a student is moved to a hall with a higher room rate than currently assigned, the student will be provided with the cost differential and asked to approve the increased cost. Selected meal plans are not impacted by room changes.


Students approved for a room change should expect to be assigned to a room with another resident (new roommate). The Assignment office will email the student the room and hall assignment and include the name and contact information (UWOSH email) of the new roommate.


The University will attempt to honor, whenever possible, requests for particular accommodations. However, room assignments are not negotiable. Students requesting a room change are assigned to a new space. Students are expected to move to the newly assigned space, based on their submitted room change request, unless a unique or compelling circumstance exists which makes moving to the space ill-advised. In such a case, it is the student’s responsibility to communicate the concern with the new assignment to the approving ARHD/RHD. Should a student decline a room change based on preference, the room change request will be considered cancelled.


In the event a new roommate attempts to threaten, harass, intimidate, or otherwise prevent or discourage a student from moving in and/or creates a hostile living environment, it is the responsibility of the newly assigned resident to report the behavior to the appropriate Residence Life staff (Community Advisor, ARHD, RHD, Department of Residence Life) or University Police. New roommates are expected to complete a roommate agreement through the MyUWO Portal within 10 days of move-in.


Once notified of the new room and hall assignment, the student must schedule a time to begin their room change with the Assignment Office. Once the room change begins, the student will have 48 hours to complete the move. Students will be provided with room change instructions by the Assignments Office. Failure to complete the move within the time frame specified may result in administrative charges. Moving rooms without approval will result in a minimum $50 charge, follow up through the University conduct process, and moving back to the assigned space.


The Department of Residence Life enforces a room freeze of 2-4 weeks at the beginning of each academic term (September; February). Student requested room changes are neither accepted nor processed during the room freeze. Administrative room changes may be processed during the room freeze at the discretion of the Director of Residence Life or their designee. The Department of Residence Life will announce the end of the room freeze to all residential students via their UWOSH email account. Once the room freeze is lifted, room change requests will be accepted following the process outlined below.


Residents interested in a room change must meet with their Assistant Residence Hall Director (ARHD) or Residence Hall Director (RHD) to discuss their interest in changing rooms. Students may articulate any preferences for room and/or hall assignment to the ARHD/RHD at this time. Students interested in a single room (not their current assignment) must meet with the ARHD/RHD. Student preferences shared after the room change approval is submitted may not be considered. The ARHD/RHD will submit the room change approval to the Department of Residence Life Assignments Office for processing.


At their discretion, the ARHD/RHD may require a roommate agreement, facilitated roommate mediation, and/or other support measures prior to room change approval or as a requirement while the room change is processing. Any tasks or expectations articulated by the ARHD/RHD as part of the room change process are official instructions of the university and must be completed.


The Department of Residence Life Assignments Office processes room change requests in the order in which they are received and space is available. On average, a room change request is processed within 10 working days of ARHD/RHD approval of the room change. However, students must be aware room changes can take longer to process depending on specificity of the request, space available, and other factors. In the event a room change cannot be completed within 4 weeks of ARHD/RHD approval, the student and ARHD/RHD will be notified. The ARHD/RHD will meet with the student to discuss their desire to remain in the room change process and/or revise the request.


When a room change approval is submitted without a specific room and hall request, the Assignments Office will assign the student to an available space. The Assignment Office will make every effort to assign the student within their current hall or preferred hall (when communicated). In the event a student is moved to a hall with a higher room rate than currently assigned, the student will be provided with the cost differential and asked to approve the increased cost. Selected meal plans are not impacted by room changes.


Students approved for a room change should expect to be assigned to a room with another resident (new roommate). The Assignment office will email the student the room and hall assignment and include the name and contact information (UWOSH email) of the new roommate.


The University will attempt to honor, whenever possible, requests for particular accommodations. However, room assignments are not negotiable. Students requesting a room change are assigned to a new space. Students are expected to move to the newly assigned space, based on their submitted room change request, unless a unique or compelling circumstance exists which makes moving to the space ill-advised. In such a case, it is the student’s responsibility to communicate the concern with the new assignment to the approving ARHD/RHD. Should a student decline a room change based on preference, the room change request will be considered cancelled.


In the event a new roommate attempts to threaten, harass, intimidate, or otherwise prevent or discourage a student from moving in and/or creates a hostile living environment, it is the responsibility of the newly assigned resident to report the behavior to the appropriate Residence Life staff (Community Advisor, ARHD, RHD, Department of Residence Life) or University Police. New roommates are expected to complete a roommate agreement through the MyUWO Portal within 10 days of move-in.


Once notified of the new room and hall assignment, the student must schedule a time to begin their room change with the Assignment Office. Once the room change begins, the student will have 48 hours to complete the move. Students will be provided with room change instructions by the Assignments Office. Failure to complete the move within the time frame specified may result in administrative charges. Moving rooms without approval will result in a minimum $50 charge, follow up through the University conduct process, and moving back to the assigned space.