The Department of Residence Life is committed to providing comfortable, clean, well-maintained and affordable residence hall environments where the personal development and academic success of students are encouraged and supported.
Our Commitment
The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh’s Department of Residence Life is committed to creating an open and diverse living environment that is physically and psychologically safe, respectful and civil; where individual and human differences and diversity of thought are understood, accepted, and celebrated.
Goals of the Department
- Create residence hall environments which are conducive to the academic, social and personal growth of students.
- Provide clean, secure, comfortable, well-maintained, affordable residence hall environments in response to students’ needs.
- Foster students’ awareness of their rights and responsibilities as accountable members of residence hall communities.
- Facilitate the personal, academic, leadership and social development of students.
- Design opportunities and support systems which enhance student leadership.
- Support the university’s academic mission and goals.
- Provide computer technology and support staff within the residence halls to assist in the academic success of students.
- Develop and offer programs and services in response to students’ needs.
- Challenge students to demonstrate strong ethics and positive lifestyles.
- Provide a caring, motivated, helpful and well-trained staff who support the mission and goals of the Department of Residence Life.
- Establish an open and diverse environment that promotes the understanding and acceptance of cultural, ethnic, racial, physical, sexual and religious differences.
- Provide conference facilities and services to the university and Fox Valley communities.
Beliefs of the Department
- We believe the residence hall experience is an integral component in the life of a college student.
- We believe that students and staff will strive to create and sustain social and academic environments which are open, just, caring, purposeful, disciplined, and celebrative.
- We value residence hall environments which are clean, comfortable, attractive, well-maintained, secure and affordable.
- We value physical environments which are conducive to the pursuit of academic success and social development.
- We believe that the Department of Residence Life has a responsibility to assist students in being accountable for themselves and their community.
- We are committed to providing opportunities for social growth through floor, hall, campus and community involvement.
- We believe that the power of the student voice is essential and should be heard through United Students in Residence Halls (USRH) and hall and floor councils.
- We believe that all residents deserve to live in a community that is respectful and civil.
- We believe that all students should have the opportunity for intellectual, physical, emotional, spiritual, ethical, occupational and social growth through educational experiences and programs.
- We value environments which promote leadership development and service to the campus and Oshkosh community.
- We value residence halls as intellectual environments which sustain the academic excitement that ignites in university classrooms.
- We value the development of programs, activities and events which involve all students in campus life.
- We believe in supporting a campus-wide programming network to address the needs of our students and staff.
- We value residence life staff members who are competent, team-oriented, caring, diverse, well-trained and ethical.
- We value a residence hall staff which is committed to their own academic success.
- We value an open environment where individual and human differences and diversity of thought are understood, accepted and appreciated.
- We believe the Gruenhagen Conference Center and available residence hall space are important conference resources for the university and Fox Valley community.
800 Algoma Blvd. Dempsey, Room 238 Oshkosh, WI 54901
Phone: 920.424.3212
Email: housing@uwosh.edu
Horizon Village
North Scott
South Scott