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Course Information

Classes designed exclusively for students of outstanding academic ability are the core of The Honors College at UW Oshkosh. In Honors courses, students work closely with instructors and with each other, and, whenever possible, independent research is encouraged. Honors classes are small, allowing stimulating exchanges between professors and students as well as in-depth coverage of material. The aim of the Honors curriculum is not to mimic a demanding, time-consuming, AP-style environment; Honors classes are designed to provide greater engagement with the material. The Honors College’s enhanced undergraduate curriculum emphasizes reading, writing, and interactive communication skills through discussions and projects. Honors courses allow students to engage in learning and research in close cooperation with other high-achieving students and with our dedicated faculty.

Honors College offerings are unlike any other courses on campus. The Honors curriculum includes

  • Honors CoreHNRS 175Q: Honors Seminar, HNRS 275Q: Culture Connection, and either DEPT 474: Honors Thesis or HNRS 475: Honors Senior Seminar (for the Senior Capstone)

Learning Outcomes for the three Honors Core requirements are here.

  • Honors Electives: Smaller, discussion-based general education classes that are limited to Honors students. The number of Honors Electives required is determined when students join The Honors College and then meet individually with the Honors Advisor.
Taking more than one Honors class per semester is encouraged, especially during the first three to four semesters, to ensure students’ successful completion of the Honors curriculum.

Honors College students are welcome (at no added cost) to take as many Honors classes as they wish beyond the required minimum.

Students must earn a grade of C or higher in each Honors class to receive credit toward their Honors requirements.

To graduate from The Honors College, students must complete the Honors curriculum and meet the minimum GPA requirements (Honors College Associate level is 3.2 to 3.49, and Honors College Graduate level is 3.5 and higher).