Benefits of The Honors College
Early Registration
Students in The Honors College register early each semester, allowing them to secure seats in popular courses at preferred times.
Honors Advising
The Honors Advisor meets with students individually to help them plan for their Honors requirements efficiently and to ensure their timely graduation.
Study Abroad
Honors students have the opportunity to earn Honors credits in another country during the January or May interim.
Small Classes
Enrollment capacities in each Honors class are set between twelve and twenty, which allow for significant discussion and interaction between professors and students.
Innovative Classes
University Honors Student Association
Our student organization is a diverse, energetic group that plans and hosts social events, fundraisers, and service opportunities throughout the academic year.
Mentored Research
Honors seniors have the opportunity to work with a faculty member to develop an Honors Thesis, a two-semester research or creative project, on a topic of their choice.
Honors Living and Learning Community
Honors students may choose to live in Evans Hall, which provides a quiet environment for studying and interaction and opportunities with their Honors College peers.
Graduating seniors who complete the Honors curriculum are recognized at a special awards ceremony that is held the evening before Commencement, and their transcripts also reflect this accomplishment.