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The Department of History at UW Oshkosh is committed to ensuring that UW Oshkosh students have access to the great courses we offer.  However, some of our classes are very popular and may be closed when you attempt to enroll in them.

If a HISTORY class shows up as “full” on Titan Web, what do you do?

1) Get on the Titan Web Wait List (if the class has one – not all History classes have a wait list).

  • If a wait list exists, you will see a yellow triangle in the class ‘status’ box on Titan Web (see image below for reference). To get on the wait list, follow the procedure for enrolling on a Wait List (instructions can be found on the Registrar Website, or link to them here).
  • Once a spot in the class opens up, the History Department Office will contact you and give you permission to enroll. Be aware that permissions-to-enroll have expiration dates!
  • Lastly, we also recommend you enroll in an alternate History class as a backup, in case you don’t get into the wait listed course.

2) Approach the instructor of the class in person or via email and request you be added to the class roster.  If the instructor agrees to add you a full class, please complete the ADD/Drop Card fillable form (found on the UWO Registrar Website, or link to it here).

Questions about these procedures? Please contact the History Department Office; 920/424-2456 or


UWO Department of History

Sage Hall, Room 3464 and 4461
Phone: (920) 424-2456


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