Graduate Studies FAQ
Prospective Students: Before you apply | Applying | Additional materials | Application packet review | While you’re waiting for your admission decision
Current Students: Before Graduation | Graduation and beyond!
Prospective Students / Applicants
Before you submit your online application
What information do I need to complete the online application?
You can start your online application with just an email address and password, and you can save the application and return to finish and submit it.
The online application asks for information about you, your school and work experience, which graduate program / certificate you’re applying for, and when you plan to start grad school. The application is used for all programs and certificates, and asks for a personal statement and references. If your program does not require references or a personal statement, those items may be marked n/a. (Save time by reviewing program admission requirements to see what’s required).
You may submit an application without having all the information completed. Once you submit your application, you will not be able log back into the system and add to the application; however, you can email additional information to
Is there an application fee?
There is a non-refundable, non-waivable $56 application fee.
Once paid, the application fee covers all subsequent graduate school applications for the next ten years. Just skip the application fee payment section on future applications. If you aren’t sure if you’re due for a free application, just pay the application fee and we will refund your payment if your application is free, or contact
When can I send additional materials? Where do I send them?
Additional materials (resume, transcripts…all materials except on the online application) are accepted at any time, even before you submit your online application. Please remember to put your name on your materials.
Materials are sent to UW Oshkosh Graduate Studies (see addresses below) and some programs require materials to be sent directly to the program. Check here for a complete list of admission materials and delivery instructions for each program.
We accept material via email, mail, fax or dropped off in person. Our application files are paperless; we scan any paper items we receive, so no need to prepare your application materials on bonded paper in a portfolio.
The online application system is not currently able to upload documents, but that functionality is expected soon.
How many credits can I transfer into a UWO graduate degree program?
Up to nine (9) credits may be transferred from other institutions.
Please email your program coordinator and ask the program coordinator to review your official transcript for transfer credits. The program coordinator may ask for syllabi or other course materials. The program and the Office of Graduate Studies review and approve transfer credit requests.
Applying for graduate school
How do I apply?
If you are applying for a graduate degree, certificate or licensure or just taking a few graduate courses, complete the online application.
What happens after I submit my online application?
Shortly after the application is submitted, we send an email confirming the application was submitted. The email outlines the additional materials needed before the application is evaluated.
Additional materials vary by graduate program and are explained on each program’s website. Examples of additional materials include: transcripts, references, essays, criminal background checks. You can find those links here.
One business day after you submit your application, your application will be set up in our applicant/student system. Within two-to-three business days, you will receive an email explaining how to check the status of additional application materials so you know what materials we have received.
Additional materials to complete application
What else do I need to provide?
- Go to TitanWeb and click the button TitanWeb Student Information
- Enter your User ID and Password, select your language, and click Sign In
- Click on the Student Center tab
- On the right side of the screen, under the Search for Classes button, you’ll see your To Do List
If you did not set up your account when you received the email with log-in credentials, contact the IT Help Desk.
What transcripts do I need to provide? What do "Degree Conferral" and "Official" mean?
All graduate program applications require a degree conferral transcript. This is your final degree transcript showing the date and name of the degree that was awarded.
If you are applying for a masters degree or certificate, we need your undergraduate degree conferral transcript. If you are applying for a doctoral degree, we need your masters degree conferral transcript. If you are currently finishing your undergraduate degree or masters degree, we need your current transcript to make the admission decision. A degree conferral transcript will also be required when you complete your degree.
If your degree conferral transcript contains 80 or more graded credits earned at that institution (excludes transfer credits), we usually do not need to see other transcripts. If your degree conferral transcript has less than 80 credits, please send additional transcripts from the most recent institutions until you reach at least 80 credits.
If you earned your degree from UW Oshkosh, you do not need to provide transcripts. Although UW Fond du Lac and UW Fox Valley campuses are now part of UW Oshkosh, at this time you need to request transcripts from those two institutions.
If you’d like to share all your transcripts, you are welcome to do so.
Official transcripts are transcripts sent from the institution directly to UW Oshkosh; all other transcripts are considered unofficial. We can use unofficial transcripts for our admission decision-making. When you are admitted to the program, we do require official transcripts before you begin the program so we can confirm your unofficial transcripts. Be aware that all transcripts and other materials you submit are not returned to you and become part of your permanent record at UW Oshkosh.
Do I need references? What do my references need to provide?
Check your program’s admission requirements to learn if references are required, and whether you gather the references’ responses or if Graduate Studies contacts your references.
If Graduate Studies handles the references, we obtain the references and their email addresses from the application, as well as whether you retain or waive your right to read recommendations. We email your references within one business day of receiving your information, and we ask them to either email their recommendation to or fill out an online web-form, depending on the program.
When we receive a recommendation, we remove the reference from your To Do List.
If your reference provides you with their recommendation letter, and your To Do List shows we are waiting for a response from that person, please email the recommendation to
Can I get copies of my submitted letters of recommendation?
Copied directly from the Graduate Bulletin:
Reference letters submitted as part of any admission application also may be inspected if all of the following conditions have been met:
- The student has been admitted to the program for which the letters were submitted.
- The student has attended graduate-level courses within this program.
- The admission file does not contain a written waiver of the right to see reference letters.
All graduate admission application materials submitted by an applicant become the property of the University and will not be returned to the applicant or forwarded to a third party. However, an inspection of materials by the applicant/student can be granted or copies of some materials may be forwarded to a third party only after the applicant/student submits a signed and dated written request specifying:
- The records being requested to be released.
- The purpose of the disclosure.
- The party or class of parties to whom disclosure may be made.
Note: Copies of letters of reference are not provided.
Is a criminal background check required?
Some programs do require a criminal background check (CBC). If your program requires one, please submit your online criminal background check order right away as it can take two weeks or longer to receive results. The results will be sent directly to UW Oshkosh.
To order your CBC:
- Use this website
- Select the Graduate Programs package and complete the Background Information Disclosure (BID) form or your results will be delayed
- There is a fee you will be asked to pay
If your program has an application deadline and your application materials are completed except the criminal background check, forward your criminal background check order confirmation email to so we are aware that you completed all your materials prior to the deadline.
How do I know when you have all my additional materials?
Go to TitanWeb and log in using the credentials emailed to you within three business days of submitting your application. Click on the Student Center tab. On the right side of the screen, under the Search for Classes button, you’ll see your To Do List.
When we receive materials, we remove them from the To Do List. When the To Do List has no more application items, and you have sent the program any additional materials they need, your additional materials are complete and the review process begins.
You can email the program coordinator to confirm the program received materials you sent directly to them. To find your coordinator, check the program website or use this link to select your program and link to the admissions requirements.
Application packet review process
How will I know if I am accepted into the Program?
After your application packet is complete, it will be reviewed by the program. The review process varies by program – most programs review each candidate when the application packet is complete, while programs with cohorts usually review all applications after the application deadline. Some programs meet monthly to review completed applications.
If your application materials have all been received and you want to know when a decision is expected, contact your program’s coordinator and ask for an update. The coordinator’s contact information is on the program’s website; you can link to the program website through this page.
When a decision has been made, you will receive a mailed letter with a copy of the admission evaluation for your records. In addition, some programs also inform you via email or phone.
Can I take classes prior to being admitted to UWO graduate school?
Some graduate programs allow students to take classes prior to being admitted. For more information regarding which classes might be available, speak to the graduate coordinator of the program(s) in which you are interested. View contact information for your program’s graduate coordinator.
While you're waiting for your admission decision
Am I eligible for financial aid, scholarships, or grants?
Check with the Financial Aid Office for more information.
Also, the Graduate Studies Office awards graduate assistantships and Advanced Opportunity Grants. Additionally, there are names and links to other sources of financial assistance. Use this link to access this information.
Non-degree seeking or Special Students generally are not eligible for financial aid, scholarships or grants. Students must be admitted to a program to receive financial aid.
Do you offer Graduate Assistant positions?
Graduate Assistant positions are available for degree-seeking students in full academic standing. You may apply for a Graduate Assistant position while you are waiting for an admission decision. Details about the position, compensation and how to apply are located on the Graduate Assistant page.
What are housing options available to graduate students?
While UW Oshkosh does not offer resident housing specifically for graduate students, there are housing options available on- and off-campus.
Current Graduate Students
Before Graduation
What's the definition of a Full-Time Graduate Student?
Full-time graduate students are enrolled in nine (9) credits for the fall or spring semester, or at least five (5) credits in the summer session. If a student is a Graduate Assistant, they are considered full-time with six (6) credits during the fall or spring semester, and three (3) credits in the summer session.
What is the GPA requirement for maintaining good academic standing?
At least a B average (3.00 or better on a 4.00 scale) must be earned on all work (cumulative) attempted as a graduate student, and also on all work which applies to a graduate degree or certificate. Some Programs have more stringent academic requirements; check your Program’s website for details.
Can I take more than 9 credits in a semester?
With approval, you may take more than 9 credits in a semester. Here’s how:
- Register online for the classes up to the maximum, as you normally would
- Fill out an Add Card for the classes that you couldn’t register for online.
- Ask your Program Coordinator to approve the form. To find your Program Coordinator, go to this web page and click on your program.
- Then, either you or your Program Coordinator sends the form to for Graduate Studies’ approval.
- Graduate Studies’ sends approved forms to Titan Web Registration, who enrolls you in the class and emails you to notify you.
How do I drop a class? Why can't I drop my last class through TitanWeb?
How long will it take to earn my masters or doctorate degree in a certificate program?
For most programs, academic requirements that apply to a doctoral or master’s degree at UW Oshkosh must be completed within a seven-year time limit. However, some programs have a four-year limit or five-year limit. Certificates are to be completed within four years. The start of the time period begins with the date of the term in which the first degree or certificate course was taken, including transfer credits if counted toward the program. The time period ends with the date the final requirement is completed.
Can I get an extension on the time to finish my program?
You may request an extension by filling out a Request for Extension of Time to Degree Completion form and obtaining your Program Coordinator’s approval. The form requires an additional review and approval by the Office of Graduate Studies.
What is Admission to Candidacy? What is Verification of Program Study?
Admission to Candidacy (for degree-seeking students) and Verification of Program Study (for certificate-seeking students) are milestones during your education where you finalize your plan of study with your Program and the Office of Graduate Studies. This ensures everyone agrees your plan will lead to your desired degree, certificates and licensures.
You will fill out an Admission to Candidacy form or a Verification of Program Study form, where you list all the courses you have taken and will take to complete a degree or certificate. These forms are signed off by your program advisor and Graduate Studies office.
You must be in academic full-standing to have your forms approved. Some individual graduate programs have program-specific requirements to have the Candidacy or Verification approved. More information can be found on our Candidacy and Verification web page.
Graduation and beyond!
How do I apply for graduation?
View information about applying for graduation here. If you have any questions about applying to graduate, contact your Program Coordinator or the Office of Graduate Studies.
What is the GPA requirement for graduating with a degree or certificate?
At the time of graduation, a B average (3.00 or better on a 4.00 scale) or higher must be earned on all work (cumulative) attempted as a graduate student. No grades of F may be counted toward a graduate degree or certificate. Some Programs have more stringent grade and grade point average requirements as it pertains to earning a degree/certificate; check your Program’s website for more information.
How soon will I receive my diploma (degree) or certificate after graduation?
Your diploma will be mailed four-to-six weeks after the Official Graduation Date of the semester, which is the last day of the 17-week term. Click here to find your Official Graduation Date (open the appropriate Academic Calendar to see this date).
We wait for final grades, which are posted shortly after the Official Graduation Date, then each student record is reviewed to ensure you’ve met the degree requirements. Your degree is posted on your transcript, your diploma is printed and hand-signed. When you receive your diploma, you also will receive a voucher for a free official transcript that you can receive or have sent to your employer.
What can I do if I need verification of my degree but it's not yet posted on my transcript?
It takes four-to-six weeks after the Official Graduation Date before your degree is posted on your transcripts. If you need proof of degree before then, email and request a Degree Completion Verification Letter.
Where can I obtain my UW Oshkosh transcript?
If you are applying to a UW Oshkosh graduate program, you do not need to provide any UW Oshkosh transcripts. If you want transcripts for your personal use, you may print unofficial transcripts via your TitanWeb student record account. Official transcripts may be ordered through the Registrar’s Office. If you are ordering a transcript after you have completed your final coursework, indicate you want a transcript after the degree is posted, otherwise you may receive a transcript without the degree recorded.
Dempsey Hall, Room 345
Office hours Monday–Friday
7:45 a.m.–4:30 p.m
Phone: (920) 424-1223
Fax: (920) 424-0247