Language Lab | Video Resources
The Lab Library has an extensive collection of German, French and Spanish films in VHS and DVD formats covering a wide range of subjects including language skills, music, literature, art and civilization. These materials may be checked out from the lab by instructors only.
Students may view any of our video holdings in either the lab or in the small viewing room. Because these video materials belong to the respective language program, video materials may not be taken out of the lab.
Contact Us
Multimedia Center
Clow Classroom Building Room 250
Mon | 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Tues | 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Weds | 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Thurs | 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Fri | 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Telephone: (920) 424-0417
The Media Center is closed for the summer and interim semesters.
Call Num | Title | Subjects | Date | Length | Format | Standard | Description | ||
GV-153 | Ali: Frear Eats the Soul | Romance, Drama, Ethnicity, Society | 2003 | 93 min | DVD | NTSC | 1 | Lonely widow Emmi Kurowski meets Arab w | |
GV-154 | The Blue Angel | Weimar Cinema, Expressionism, Tragedy, S | 2001 | 106 min | DVD | NTSC | 1 | The crowning achievement of the Weimar ci | |
GV-155 | The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari | Expressionism, Horror, Insanity, Murder | 2002 | 74 min | DVD | NTSC | 1 | The most brilliant example of that dark and t | |
GV-156 | The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser | Historical-Fiction, True Story, Drama | 1974 | 109 min | DVD | NTSC | 1 | Herzog's film is based upon the true and my | |
GV-157 | "M" A film by Fritz Lang | Horror, Expressionism, Murder, Thriller | 1931 | 110 min | DVD | NTSC | 1 | On moratorium since the end of March, Fritz | |
GV-158 | The Murderers Are Among Us | Post WWII, Nazi, Drama, Romance, Thriller | 1946 | 81 min | DVD | NTSC | 1 | Critically ranked in the top ten of Germany's | |
GV-159 | Triumph of the Will | Propaganda, Nazi, Controversial, Cinematog | 1935 | 120 min | DVD | NTSC | 0 | The most awesome, frightening and powerfu | |
GV-160 | Wings of Desire | Fantasy, Drama, Romance | 1987 | 128 min | DVD | NTSC | 1 | From Oscar®-nominated* writer/director Wi | |
GV-161a | Cabinet of Dr. Caligari - (German Expre | Wiene, Pabst, Robison, Expressionism | 1919 | 75 min | DVD | NTSC | 1 | Four German Silent Classics in a New Beau | |
GV-161b | The hands of Orlac - (German Expressi | Wiene, Pabst, Robison, Expressionism | 1924 | 110 min | DVD | NTSC | 1 | Four German Silent Classics in a New Beau | |
GV-161c | The Secrets of a Soul - (German Expres | Wiene, Pabst, Robison, Expressionism | 1926 | 75 min. | DVD | NTSC | 1 | Four German Silent Classics in a New Beau | |
GV-161d | Warning Shadows - (German Expressio | Wiene, Pabst, Robison, Expressionism | 1923 | 85 mins | DVD | NTSC | 1 | Four German Silent Classics in a New Beau | |
GV-211 | The White Ribbon | Drama, Early 20th Century German culture, | 2009 | 144 min | DVD | NTSC | 1 | Strange accidents in a small Protestant villa | |
GV-212 | Comedian Harmonists | Biography, Drama, Music, Nazi Germany | 1997 | 115 min | DVD | NTSC | 1 | Comedian Harmonists tells the story of a fa | |
GV-213 | Good Bye Lenin! | Comedy, Drama, Berlin Wall, Communism, | 2004 | 121 mins | DVD | NTSC | 1 | The movie starts in East Germany before th | |
GV-214 | The Lives of Others | Drama, Thriller, Cold-War Germany | 2006 | 138 mins | DVD | NTSC | 1 | In 1984 East Berlin, an agent of the secret p | |
GV-215 | Lola rennt (Run Lola Run) | Crime, Thriller | 1998 | 81 mins | DVD | NTSC | 1 | A young woman in Germany has twenty min | |
GV-216 | Goethe! (Young Goethe in Love) | Biography, Drama, Romance | 2010 | 102 mins | DVD | NTSC | 1 | After aspiring poet Johann Wolfgang von Go | |
GV-217 | Deutschland, bleich Mutter (Germany, P | Drama, WWII Germany, Post-War Germany | 1980 | 123 mins | DVD | NTSC | 0 | Germany 1939. Hans and Lene marry the da | |
GV-218 | Kaiservall | Music, Romance | 1956 | 95 mins | DVD | NTSC | 0 | Prinzessin Christine zu Schenckenberg-Nürt | |
GV-219 | Königliche Hoheit | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 1953 | 102 mins | DVD | NTSC | 0 | 'Koenigliche Hoheit' was adapted from a nov | |
GV-220 | Freedom Without Walls! | Documentary | 2009` | 20 mins | DVD | NTSC | 0 | “Freedom without Walls”, is a short docume | |
GV-221 | Snow White: A Tale of Terror | Fantasy, Horror | 1997 | 100 mins | DVD | NTSC | 0 | Based somewhat more authentically on the | |
GV-222 | Das schreckliche Mädchen | Comedy, Drama, History | 1990 | 92 mins | DVD | NTSC | 0 | Sonya is a German high school student who | |
GV-223 | Die Peanuts: der große Kürbis, Alles fau | Animation, Short, Comedy | 1965 | 25 min | DVD | NTSC | 0 | Repelled by the commercialism he sees aro | |
GV-224 | Zeichentrickspass hoch 4 | Animation, Short, Comedy | 1960 | 100 min | DVD | NTSC | 0 | DEFA cartoons: Alarm im Kasperletheater, | |
GV-225 | Ali Baba und die 40 Räuber | DEFA; Die schönsten Märchenklassiker der | 1979 | 130 min | DVD | NTSC | 0 | Rich oriental lord Cassim's cheeky servant A | |
GV-226 | Die Prinzessin auf der Erbse - Prinzessi | DEFA; Die schönsten Märchenklassiker der | 1976 | 84 min | DVD | NTSC | 0 | Nach Motiven aus verschiedenen Märchen v | |
GV-227 | Die Abenteuer des gestiefelten Katers | DEFA; Die schönsten Märchenklassiker der | 1957 | 83 min | DVD | NTSC | 0 | Ljuba ist eine Träumerin. Für die Schulauffü | |
GV-228 | Väterchen Frost – Abenteuer im Zauberwald | DEFA; Die schönsten Märchenklassiker der | 1964 | 76 min | DVD | NTSC | 0 | „Es waren einmal vor langer, langer Zeit ein | |
GV-229 | Feuer, Wasser und Posaunen | DEFA; Die schönsten Märchenklassiker der | 1967 | 76 min | DVD | NTSC | 0 | Als die schöne Hirtin Aljonuschka eines ihre | |
GV-230 | Der Hirsch mit dem goldenen Geweih | DEFA; Die schönsten Märchenklassiker der | 1971 | 66 min | DVD | NTSC | 0 | Vor langer, langer Zeit lebte im Wald ein prä | |
GV-231 | Die Eisfee | DEFA; Die schönsten Märchenklassiker der | 1980 | 70 min | DVD | NTSC | 0 | Eines Tages streitet sich ein älteres kinderlo | |
GV-232 | Die Schneekönigin | DEFA; Die schönsten Märchenklassiker der | 1966 | 79 min | DVD | NTSC | 0 | Eines Abends steht plötzlich die Schneeköni | |
GV-233 | Die verzauberte Marie | DEFA; Die schönsten Märchenklassiker der | 1960 | 68 min | DVD | NTSC | 0 | Fröhlich zieht ein gerade entlassener Soldat | |
GV-234 | Das kalte Herz | DEFA: Die Welt der Märchen | 1950 | 100 min | DVD | NTSC | 0 | Da wo der Schwarzwald am dichtesten ist, le | |
GV-235 | Hans Röckle und der Teufel | DEFA: Die Welt der Märchen | 1974 | 75 min | DVD | NTSC | 0 | Dem Puppenspieler und erfindungsreichen | |
GV-236 | Schneewittchen | DEFA: Die Welt der Märchen | 1961 | 60 min | DVD | NTSC | 0 | Aus Eifersucht und Neid will die böse Königi | |
GV-237 | König Drosselbart | DEFA: Die Welt der Märchen | 1965 | 70 min | DVD | NTSC | 0 | Prinzessin Roswitha verunglückt mit ihrer Ku | |
GV-238 | Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot | DEFA: Die Welt der Märchen | 1978 | 67 min | DVD | NTSC | 0 | Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot wohnen am | |
GV-239 | Dornröschen | DEFA: Die Welt der Märchen | 1970 | 67 min | DVD | NTSC | 0 | Anläßlich der Geburt ihrer Tochter geben Kö | |
GV-240 | Die goldene Gans | DEFA: Die Welt der Märchen | 1964 | 64 min | DVD | NTSC | 0 | Klaus lebt mit seinen beiden faulen Brüdern | |
GV-241 | Rotkäppchen | DEFA: Die Welt der Märchen | 1962 | 69 min | DVD | NTSC | 0 | Rotkäppchen lebt mit ihren Eltern in einem | |
GV-242 | Frau Holle | DEFA: Die Welt der Märchen | 1963 | 57 min | DVD | NTSC | 0 | Eine Witwe hat eine häßliche, faule Tochter | |
GV-243 | Das tapfere Schneiderlein | DEFA: Die Welt der Märchen | 1956 | 81 min | DVD | NTSC | 0 | Grimms Märchen erzählt die Abenteuer eine | |
GV-244 | Drei Haselnüsse für Aschenbrödel | DEFA: Die Welt der Märchen | 1973 | 83 min | DVD | NTSC | 0 | In der Verfilmung nach der Romanvorlage d | |
GV-245 | Rumpelstilzchen ist "Das Zaubermännc | DEFA: Die Welt der Märchen | 1960 | 71 min | DVD | NTSC | 0 | Die Prahlsucht des Müllers Kunz bringt dess | |
GV-246 | Sechse kommen durch die Welt | DEFA: Die Welt der Märchen | 1972 | 62 min | DVD | NTSC | 0 | Im Lande Malabunt entlässt der König nach | |
GV-247 | Das Feuerzeug | DEFA: Die Welt der Märchen | 1959 | 79 min | DVD | NTSC | 0 | Ein armer Soldat begegnet einer Hexe, die i | |
GV-248 | Faust (2011, Sokurov) | Drama, Fantasy | 2011 | 140 min | DVD | NTSC | 0 | Aleksandr Sokurov's production: A despairin | |
GV-258 | Emilia Galotti | Drama, Lessing, 18th Century | 1970 | 103 min | DVD | PAL | 2 | ARD-Literature: Lessings Trauerspiel über d | |
GV-259 | Literature: Tränen des Vaterlandes w/b | Classic Literature, Documentary, Baroque, H | 1992 | 30 min | DVD | NTSC | 0 | The film introduces the Baroque literature er | |
GV-260 | Literature: Tränen des Vaterlandes (B | Classic Literature, Documentary, Baroque, H | 1992 | 30 min | BOOK | N/A | The film introduces the Baroque literature er | ||
GV-261 | Literature: Erziehung des Menschenge | Classic Literature, Dcoumentary, Enlightenm | 1994 | 30 min | DVD | NTSC | 0 | The film introduces the Enlightenment era of | |
GV-262 | Literature: Erziehung des Menschenge | Classic Literature, Dcoumentary, Enlightenm | 1994 | 30 min | BOOK | N/A | The film introduces the Enlightenment era of | ||
GV-263 | Literature: Kalkül und Leidenschaft w/b | Classic Literature, Documentary, Sturm und | 1994 | 30 min | DVD | NTSC | 0 | The film introduces the "Sturm und Drang" e | |
GV-264 | Literature: Kalkül und Leidenschaft (B | Classic Literature, Documentary, Sturm und | 1994 | 30 min | BOOK | N/A | The film introduces the "Sturm und Drang" e | ||
GV-265 | Literature: Weimarer Klasik w/book | Classic Literature, Documentary, Weimar, H | 1995 | 30 min | DVD | NTSC | 0 | The film introduces the Weimar Classicism l | |
GV-266 | Literature: Weimarer Klasik (BOOK) | Classic Literature, Documentary, Weimar, H | 1995 | 30 min | BOOK | N/A | The film introduces the Weimar Classicism l | ||
GV-267 | Literature: Die Romantik: w/book | Classic Literature, Documentary, Romanticis | 1996 | 30 min | DVD | NTSC | 0 | The film introduces the romantic era in Germ | |
GV-268 | Literature: Die Romantik: (BOOK) | Classic Literature, Documentary, Romanticis | 1996 | 30 min | BOOK | N/A | The film introduces the romantic era in Germ | ||
GV-269 | Literature: Dichtung und Freiheit w/boo | Classic Literature, Documentary, "Junges D | 1999 | 30 min | DVD | NTSC | 0 | The film introduces the "Junges Deutschlan | |
GV-270 | Literature: Dichtung und Freiheit (BOO | Classic Literature, Documentary, "Junges D | 1999 | 30 min | BOOK | N/A | The film introduces the "Junges Deutschlan | ||
GV-271 | Emilia Galotti | Drama, Lessing, 18th Century | 1957 | 103 min | DVD | NTSC | 0 | ARD-Literature: Lessings Trauerspiel über d | |
GV-273 | Rilke, Kafke, Expressionismus | Classic Literature, Documentary, "der frühen | 2001 | 30 min | DVD | NTSC | 0 | The film introduces the early modern literatu | |
GV-274 | Rilke, Kafke, Expressionismus | Classic Literature, Documentary, "der frühen | 2001 | N/A | BOOK | N/A | The film introduces the early modern literatu | ||
GV-276 | Wovon lebt der Mensch? | Classic Literature, Documentary, "Weimar R | 2002 | 30 min | DVD | NTSC | 0 | The film introduces the literature of the Wei | |
GV-277 | Wovon lebt der Mensch? | Classic Literature, Documentary, "Weimar R | 2002 | N/A | BOOK | N/A | The film introduces the literature of the Wei | ||
GV-278 | Mayerling | Drama, History, Romance, Habsburgs | 1968 | 140 min | DVD | NTSC | 0 | Based on real life events that led to tragic de | |
GV-279 | Der Prinz von Homburg | Drama, History, Romance, Kleist | 1997 | 89 min | DVD | NTSC | 0 | The Prince of Homburg, disobeys orders an | |
GV-280 | Krampus | Horror, Comedy, Fantasy | 2015 | 98 min | DVD | PAL | 2 | A boy who has a bad Christmas ends up acc | |
GV-281 | The Fall of the Berlin Wall & "Walled In" | Deutsche Welle Documentary | 2009 | ? /11 Mins | DVD | NTSC | 1 | For the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Be | |
GV-283 | Die Flucht der weißen Hengste (>VHS) | Family, Drama, War | 1963 | 87 Mins | DVD | NTSC | 0 | In WWII Austria, Col. Alois Podhajsky must | |
GV-284 | Amour Fou | Comedy, Drama | 2014 | 96 Mins | DVD | PAL | 2 | Berlin, the Romantic Era. Young poet Heinri | |
GV-285 | Faust | Drama, Fantasy | 2011 | 134 min | DVD | PAL | 2 | A despairing scholar sells his soul to Satan i | |
GV-286 | Die Leiden des jungen Werthers | Drama, Romance | 1976 | 105 min | DVD | PAL | 2 | The young and rebellious Werther is passio | |
GV-287 | Die Wahlverwandtschaften | Drama, Romance | 1974 | 100 min | DVD | PAL | 2 | Eduard and Charlotte live an isolated and id | |
GV-288 | Schiller | Biography, Drama | 2005 | 90 min | DVD | PAL | 2 | Made for TV Movie. Young poet Friedrich Sc | |
GV-298 | Bergkristall | Drana | 2004 | 92 min | DVD | PAL | 2 | Two siblings try to find a rock crystal in orde | |
GV-299 | Die Deutschen 1: Otto und das Reich | Documentary, History | 2008 | 70 min | DVD | PAL | 2 | Charlemagne, king of the Franconian tribe, f | |
GV-300 | Die Deutschen 2: Heinrich und der Paps | Documentary, History | 2008 | 70 min | DVD | PAL | 2 | German king Henry IV, future emperor of the | |
GV-301 | Die Deutschen 3: Barbarossa und der L | Documentary, History | 2008 | 70 min | DVD | PAL | 2 | Frederic I Barbarossa, whose (Hohen) Stauf | |
GV-302 | Die Deutschen 4: Luther und die Nation | Documentary, History | 2008 | 70 min | DVD | PAL | 2 | Augustinian monk Marthin Luther spearhead | |
GV-303 | Die Deutschen 5: Wallenstein und der K | Documentary, History | 2008 | 70 min | DVD | PAL | 2 | The Empire had settled on the principle of ru | |
GV-304 | Die Deutschen 6: Preussens Friedrich u | Documentary, History | 2008 | 70 min | DVD | PAL | 2 | Frederic II the Great of Prussia and the cont | |
GV-305 | Die Deutschen 7: Napoleon und die De | Documentary, History | 2008 | 70 min | DVD | PAL | 2 | Paradoxically, nobody did more for the emer | |
GV-306 | Die Deutschen 8: Robert Blum und die | Documentary, History | 2008 | 70 min | DVD | PAL | 2 | Robert Blum from Leipzig (Saxony) was a m | |
GV-307 | Die Deutschen 9: Bismarck und das De | Documentary, History | 2008 | 70 min | DVD | PAL | 2 | Squire Otto von Bismark, the diplomatically | |
GV-308 | Die Deutschen 10: Wilhelm und die We | Documentary, History | 2008 | 70 min | DVD | PAL | 2 | German emperor Wilhelm (William) II dream | |
GV-309 | Die Deutschen 11: Karl der Große und d | Documentary, History | 2008 | 70 min | DVD | PAL | 2 | Charlemagne, son of a new dynasty started | |
GV-310 | Die Deutschen 12: Friedrich II. Und der | Documentary, History | 2008 | 70 min | DVD | PAL | 2 | Frederick II Hohenstaufen was an enlighten | |
GV-312 | Die Deutschen 14: Karl IV. Und der Sch | Documentary, History | 2008 | 70 min | DVD | PAL | 2 | Future Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV lost | |
GV-314 | Die Deutschen 16: August der Starke u | Documentary, History | 2008 | 70 min | DVD | PAL | 2 | August the strong, so called on account of h | |
GV-315 | Die Deutschen 17: Karl Marx und der Kl | Documentary, History | 2008 | 70 min | DVD | PAL | 2 | Karl Marx was born in a bourgeois family of | |
GV-316 | Die Deutschen 18: Ludwig II. Und die B | Documentary, History | 2008 | 70 min | DVD | PAL | 2 | King Ludwig II mounted the Bavarian throne | |
GV-317 | Die Deutschen 19: Rosa Luxemburg un | Documentary, History | 2008 | 70 min | DVD | PAL | 2 | Born into a Jewish bourgeois family, Rosa L | |
GV-318 | Die Deutschen 20: Gustav Stresemann | Documentary, History | 2008 | 70 min | DVD | PAL | 2 | Gustav Stresemann was a loyal imperial sub | |
GV-318 | Die Schöne und das Biest | Animation, Family, Fantasy | 1991 | 74 min | DVD | PAL | 2 | A young woman whose father has been imp |