Retroactive Credits




Credits in a global language taught at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh may be granted for high school language study or other language experience. To earn this credit, a student must:

  1. be placed in a course above the beginning level on the basis of one of the following:
    • foreign Language Placement Examination results, or
    • previous language study, or
    • consent of the instructor, and
  2. earn a grade of B or better in the course where he/she is placed.

Retroactive credit will be granted as follows: Students with prior language training are eligible to earn up to 14 retroactive credits, depending on your language of study, shown in parentheses, by successfully completing one of the following courses with a grade of B or better.

Students should fill out and submit the retroactive credit web form. Students will receive an email from the Global Languages and Cultures department in acknowledgment of receipt.

Please click on this link to download a copy of the department’s complete policy on retroactive credits.

UW System Placement Test

As a rule, all incoming freshmen and some transfer students are required to take the English and Math Placement tests prior to registering at UW Oshkosh.

Optional placement tests are available in French, Spanish, and German view UW Oshkosh Testing Center’s website for more information.

Contact Us

Dr. Nadia Louar, Department Chair

Office Hours
M-F | 7:45 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Media Center
Clow Classroom Building 250

Students with prior global language training are eligible to earn up to 14 retroactive credits, shown in parentheses, by successfully completing one of the following courses with a grade of B or better: 111 (3), 203 (6), 204 (9), 300 level (except for French 301) (12).

  • Be aware that in order to be eligible for retroactive credits, you must receive a B or higher in the course you have placed into. No one may receive more than 12 retro credits.
  • No retroactive credits are awarded for French 301.
  • Students should fill out and submit the retroactive credit web form. Students will receive an email from the Global Languages and Cultures Academic Department Associate in acknowledgment.
  • Please click on this link to download a copy of the department’s complete policy on retroactive credits.


Students with prior global language training are eligible to earn up to 14 retroactive units (credits), shown in parentheses, by successfully completing one of the following courses with a grade of B or better: German 111 (3), German 203 (6), German 204 (9), 300-level German courses (except for German 251, 314, and German 361) (12).

  • Be aware that in order to be eligible for retroactive credits, you must receive a B or higher in the course you have placed into. No one may receive more than 12 retro credits.
  • No retroactive credits are awarded for German 251, 314, and German 361.
  • Students should fill out and submit the retroactive credit web form. Students will receive an email from the Global Languages and Cultures Academic Department Associate in acknowledgment.
  • Please click on this link to download a copy of the department’s complete policy on retroactive credits.
Students with prior global language training are eligible to earn up to 16 retroactive credits, shown in parentheses, by successfully completing one of the following courses with a grade of B or better: Japanese 111 (4), Japanese 210 (8), Japanese 211 (12),and 300-level Japanese courses (except for Japanese 305,  Japanese 315, and Japanese 360) (16).
  • Be aware that in order to be eligible for retroactive credits, you must receive a B or higher in the course you have placed into. No one may receive more than 16 retro credits.
  • No retroactive credits are awarded for Japanese 305,  Japanese 315, and Japanese 360.
  • Students should fill out and submit the retroactive credit web form. Students will receive an email from the Global Languages and Cultures Academic Department Associate in acknowledgment.
  • Please click on this link to download a copy of the department’s complete policy on retroactive credits.

Students with prior global language training are eligible to earn up to 16 retroactive credits, shown in parentheses, by successfully completing one of the following courses with a grade of B or better: Spanish 111 (4), Spanish 203 (8), Spanish 204 (11), Spanish 300-level courses (except Spanish 300, Spanish 307, Spanish 309, Spanish 341, Spanish 342, and Spanish 343) (14).

  • Be aware that in order to be eligible for retroactive credits, you must receive a B or higher in the course you have placed into. No one may receive more than 14 retro credits.
  • No retroactive credits are awarded for Spanish 300, Spanish 307, Spanish 309, Spanish 341, Spanish 342, and Spanish 343.
  • Students should fill out and submit the retroactive credit web form. Students will receive an email from the Global Languages and Cultures Academic Department Associate in acknowledgment.
  • Please click on this link to download a copy of the department’s complete policy on retroactive credits.