German Courses
Beginning Language and Culture
German 110: German Language and Culture I
This course is a three-credit course. Introduction to German-speaking countries and their people through language study in a cultural context. The four skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking are treated with equal attention using a text supplemented with audio and visual materials relevant to the language and culture. Weekly attendance in the language lab is required as an integral part of the course.
German 111: German Language and Culture II
This course is a four-credit course, which continues building on materials covered in German 110. Prerequisite: German 110 or placement test.
Intermediate Language and Culture
German 203: German Language and Culture III
This is a three-credit course that continues building on materials learned in German 110 and 111. It offers some structural review, development of speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills. Will count toward the fulfillment of the Bachelor of Arts language requirement. Prerequisite: German 111 or placement test.
German 204: German Language and Culture IV
This is a three-credit course that continues structural review but adds emphasis on reading and discussion of selected works of current interest. Will count toward fulfillment of the Bachelor of Arts language requirement. Prerequisite: German 203 or placement test.
CAPP German 204: Fourth Semester German for CAPP Programs
This is a five-credit course which is an intensive two-semester course taught at high schools affiliated with the CAPP program featuring the development of advanced intermediate conversational skills and reading skills through the study of works of German literature and other appropriate materials. This course is a substitute for German 204.
German Courses taught in English
NOTE: These courses do not count as credit toward the Major (LA & Ed), Minor (LA & Ed), or Certificate in German!
German 251: Honors: Seminar of Germanic Culture and Literature in English Translation
This is a three-credit course that is intended to assist students with doing research into the human experience in a broader way, through the lens of Germanic cultures and literatures, and to add to our students’ knowledge about the world in which they live. Students will gain insights into the efforts which preserve the great accomplishments of the past and help them to understand the world in a global way, and give them tools to imagine the future. Additionally, students will further their development as academic writers.
German 361: Special Topics in Germanic Culture
This is a one- to three-credit special topics in English which focuses on an aspect of the political and cultural history of the German-speaking world and incorporates discussion of its geography, political, social, and intellectual history with attention to major trends in literature, art, and music. The course is for students who have not achieved a level of German language facility to study these topics in the target language. Course content will vary, and the instructional language is English. The course may be repeated with different content for credit.
Advanced German Language and Culture
German 304: Engaging Culture through Media
This is a three-credit course which focuses on the development of written and oral facility using materials in German civilization. Prerequisite: German 204 or placement test.
CAPP German 304: Engaging Culture through Media for CAPP Programs
This is a three-credit course which focuses on the development of written and oral facility using materials in German civilization. Prerequisite: German 204 or placement test.
German 312: Structure in Context
This is a three- to five- credit course which offers a thorough survey of grammatical principles and their application in both oral and written German. Prerequisite: German 204, or placement test, or 248 with a grade of B or better.
German 314: German Phonetics
This is a three-credit course that focuses on the discussion of the sound system of German and intensive practice in pronunciation, as well as an introductory study of the background of standard High German in a historical, cultural, and geographical context. Prerequisite: German 204.
Advanced German Cultural Literacy
German 308: Texts in Cultural Context
This is a three-credit course that serves as an introduction to the genres and study of German-speaking literature (poetry, drama, narrative prose) and an overview of German literary history. Study of Basic formal elements and practice in the analysis of literary texts. Prerequisite: German 204 or consent of instructor.
German 315: The Emergence of German Identity
This is a three-credit course that focuses on literature from the oldest records to the Classical Period. Prerequisite: Any 300-level German course (except for German 314 and German 361) or consent of instructor.
German 321: The German Question: Nation, Conflict, and Resolution
This is a three-credit course that focuses on literature from the mid-nineteenth century to the present. Prerequisite: Any 300-level German course (except for German 314 and German 361) or consent of instructor.
German 327: The German Fairy Tale Tradition
An introduction to fairy tales in German culture focusing on the development of the genre and the central role of the Brothers Grimm. Conducted in German. Prerequisite: German 204 or consent of instructor.
German 360: Special Topics
This is a one- to three-credit special topics in German. Course content is designated by the instructor. This course may be repeated with different content for credit. Prerequisite: German 204 or consent of instructor.
German 438: The German Novelle
This is a three-credit course that offers the reading and analysis of representative 19th and 20th-century German prose works, noting literary trends of the time and showing their interdependence with the political situation of Germany. Prerequisite: German 315 or 321.
German 445: German Prose Works of the Twentieth Century
This is a three-credit course that offers the reading and analysis of 20th Century prose works, showing how 20th Century thought is reflected in the writings of the leading German prose authors of the period. Prerequisite: German 315 or 321.
Advanced German Culture
German 306: Introduction to the German-Speaking World
An introduction to the cultures of the German-speaking countries with a focus on the development of communicative competence. Conducted in German. Prerequisite: German 204 or consent of instructor.
German 313: Business Culture
An introduction to Business German focusing on the development of communicative competency in a variety of business situations as well as relevant cultural knowledge. Conducted in German. Prerequisite: Any 300-level German course (except for German 314 and German 361) or consent of instructor.
German 323 – Multicultural Germany
History and present situation of minority cultures in Germany. Readings include essays and short stories. Discussion of issues, texts, and films. Prerequisite: German 204 or consent of instructor.
German 330: German Civilization
This is a three-credit course comprised of lectures, discussions, and selected readings dealing with civilization and cultural history from the Germanic period to the present. Prerequisite: Any 300-level German course (except for German 314 and German 361) or consent of instructor.
German 360: Special Topics
This is a one- to three-credit special topics in German. Course content is designated by the instructor. This course may be repeated with different content for credit. Recent German 360 courses include History of the Fine Arts in the German-Speaking World, German Cinema, and History and Culture of Austria. Prerequisite: German 204 or consent of instructor.
Retroactive Credits
Students with prior global language training are eligible to earn up to 14 retroactive units (credits), shown in parentheses, by successfully completing one of the following courses with a grade of B or better: 111(3), 203(6), 204(9), 300 level (except for German 251, German 314, and German 361) (12).
- Be aware that in order to be eligible for retroactive credits, you must receive a B or higher in the course you have placed into. No one may receive more than 12 retro credits.
- No retroactive credits are awarded for German 251, German 314, and German 361.
- To apply for retroactive credits after grades are submitted please visit the Global Languages and Cultures Retroactive Credits Application Webpage.
- Please see your adviser for the complete policy on retroactive credits.
Contact Us
German Coordinator
Monika Hohbein-Deegen
Clow Faculty 328
(920) 424-7278