Scholarships & Awards
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Harrington Hall, Room 215
Phone: (920) 424-4460
University Scholarships
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Departmental Scholarships
Jones LaBerge Geology Field Trip Fund

Drs. Jones & LaBerge
The Jones LaBerge Geology Field Trip Fund was established at the UW Oshkosh Foundation by an anonymous UW Oshkosh geology graduate who greatly appreciated Dr. Jones and Dr. LaBerge as faculty members.
The donor worked in the oil and gas industry and strongly believes in the phrase, “A geologist is only as good as the rocks he/she has seen” and wants to ensure that current and future generations of UW Oshkosh geology students benefit from field trips offered by the Department of Geology.
In celebration that the match offered by the anonymous donor had been achieved, Dean John Koker presented Dr. Norris Jones and Dr. Gene LaBerge each with a certificate of achievement for inspiring the creation of the Jones LaBerge Field Trip Fund. Professors Jones and LaBerge were both awarded the UW Oshkosh Distinguished Teaching Award during their teaching careers, and the anonymous donor established this fund in recognition of their outstanding teaching, especially on field trips. The good news is that the $10,000 match required to meet the donor’s challenge was attained. Equally gratifying is the large number of donors to the fund — 31! One especially generous donor challenged the original donor by offering to make a large gift if the original donor would match it, and the original donor agreed! Consequently, the Jones LaBerge Fund has grown substantially and will provide most of the funding to subsidize student participation in course-related field trips next year. Thank you to all who participated in giving to this important need. We encourage you to contribute to this fund now and in the future.
Checks to this fund can be sent to the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Foundation, 625 Pearl Avenue, Suite 230, Oshkosh, WI 54901. Be sure to include a note explaining your intent to give to the Jones-LaBerge Fund.
Geology Scholarship
This scholarship is awarded to incoming freshmen with a strong interest in geology (earth science) or current undergraduate students with a declared geology major.
Incoming freshman applicants must have completed three years of math (two years of algebra and one of geometry). Preference will be given to an applicants who are in the upper 25 percent of his or her high school class and who have completed three years of high school science. If selected, recipient must be enrolled in at least six credits in order to receive the award and must take Evolution of the Earth (51-109) and one of the following: Physical Geology (51-102), Environmental Geology (51-150) or Honors Geology (51-110) by the end of their first year as a declared Geology major.
Current undergraduate applicants must be enrolled in at least six credits and have successfully completed (or placed above) Math 104 or equivalent and successfully completed Physical Geology (51-102), Environmental Geology (51-150) or Honors Geology (51-110) by the end of their first year as a declared Geology major. Preference will be given to applicants with a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA and to an undergraduate with freshman standing or an undergraduate above freshman standing who is a newly declared geology major. Recipient must be enrolled in a geology course by the drop date for the spring semester in order to receive the award.
- $1,000
- Scopes
- Admissions, College of Letters and Science, Geology
- Supplemental Questions
- Incoming freshman applicants: Upon high school graduation, will you have completed at least two years of algebra and one year of geometry?
- Incoming freshman applicants: Do you rank in the top 25% of your high school class or upon graduation, will you have taken three years of science?
- Incoming freshmen: Are you able to take Evolution of the Earth (51-109) and either Physical Geology (51-102), Environmental Geology (51-150) or Honors Geology (51-110) during your freshman year at UWO? Current undergraduates: Will you have completed Math 104 (or above) and either Physical Geology (51-102), Environmental Geology (51-150) or Honors Geology (51-110) by the end of your first year as a declared geology major?
- Please upload an unofficial copy of your high school transcript (incoming freshman applicants) or UW Oshkosh transcript (current undergraduate applicants). Your transcript should include courses you are enrolled in for the current academic year.
- Please submit an essay discussing your interest in geology or earth science and your career goals.
- Please provide the name and email of a science teacher (incoming freshman applicants) or geology professor (current undergraduate applicants) who has agreed to serve as a reference to support your application.
Checks to this fund can be sent to the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Foundation, 625 Pearl Avenue, Suite 230, Oshkosh, WI 54901. Be sure to include a note explaining your intent to give to the Geology Scholarship.
James H. Fischer Family Scholarship:
One (1) $1,000 scholarship, renewable for sophomore year if recipient remains eligible.
Checks to this fund can be sent to the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Foundation, 625 Pearl Avenue, Suite 230, Oshkosh, WI 54901. Be sure to include a note explaining your intent to give to the James H. Fischer Family Scholarship.
The Karges Geology Scholarship
The Karges Geology Scholarship Award is presented each year to the graduating senior in the Professional Emphasis (not Hydrogeology) in Geology who has demonstrated an outstanding record of scholarship. The Award was established by Mrs. Vivian Karges in memory of her husband, Burton E. Karges, who started the geology program at UW Oshkosh in 1934, and taught here until his death in 1972. Typically, the recipient has the highest grade point average in Geology. Selection is based on grade point average in Geology and overall grade point. There may be more than one recipient in case of a tie.
The award consists of:
1. A check for $500;
2. The recipient’s name engraved on the plaque displayed in the Geology Department Student Lounge;
3. An engraved memento for the recipient to keep.
The Laudon Family Field Camp Scholarship
The Laudon Family Field Camp Scholarship is presented each year to the Geology major with the highest scholastic achievement and who is attending field camp in the coming summer.
The award consists of:
1. $1000;
2. The recipient’s name engraved on the plaque displayed in the Geology Department Student Lounge;
3. An engraved memento for the recipient to keep.
Checks to this fund can be sent to the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Foundation, 625 Pearl Avenue, Suite 230, Oshkosh, WI 54901. Be sure to include a note explaining your intent to give to the Laudon Family Field Camp Scholarship.
Departmental Awards
Burton E. Karges Award for Achievement in Geology
The Burton E. Karges Award for Achievement in Geology is presented each year to an outstanding student who has exhibited high ideals in his/her academic endeavors, as well as leadership and service to fellow students, the Geology Club and the Geology Department. Any senior majoring in Geology or Earth Science who is graduating in December, May or August of the calendar year in which the Award is presented, and who has maintained a 2.75 overall grade point and a 3.00 grade point in his/her major is eligible for the Award. Selection is made by a committee composed of five students and three faculty. The committee is selected by the students. There may be more than one recipient in case of a tie.
The award consists of:
1. A geological item such as a Brunton Compass or a copy of the Glossary of Geology;
2. The recipient’s name engraved on the plaque displayed in the Geology Department Student Lounge;
3. An engraved memento for the recipient to keep.
The Bartlett Award
The Bartlett Award was established by William P. (Bill) Bartlett to promote and encourage the study of Geology at UW Oshkosh. Bill is a graduate of UW Oshkosh and established the award to reward students with a demonstrated commitment to the study of geology. Two awards will be presented annually.
The award is open to geology students who have declared a major in any emphasis, who are currently completing their second year courses in geology, will have a minimum of 18 credits in geology including at least two credits of field trip courses at the end of the current semester, an overall grade point of at least 2.5, and financial need.
The award will consist of:
1. The interest accrued during the past year on the principle donated to the UW Oshkosh Foundation by Bill Bartlett;
2. Recipients’ names will be engraved on a plaque displayed in the Geology Department Student Lounge;
3. Recipients will receive an engraved memento.
The Reg Brook Memorial Award
This award honors the memory of Reginald Galbraith Brook of Graham Inlet, Tagish Lake, British Columbia, in recognition of his unique contributions to the education of a generation of UW Oshkosh geology students.
The primary criterion for this award is quality of performance as a field geologist, to be evaluated principally in terms of skill at data gathering and geologic interpretation, but also in terms of the ability to live and work effectively, with others, under field conditions. A secondary criterion is general scholastic ability. Selection of awardees is by the permanent faculty of Geology Summer Field Camp, based largely on recommendations by students.
The award consists of:
1. An engraved memento for the recipient to keep;
2. An item of field equipment;
3. The recipient’s name engraved on a plaque displayed in the Geology Department Student Lounge.
The James Vedder Memorial Award
James R. Vedder (better known in the Department as “J.V.”) was one of the first students to graduate with a major in Geology from UW Oshkosh in 1967. He was killed in an auto accident in British Columbia in 1971. His family, friends and former teachers set up a Memorial Award in his honor.
“J.V.” was an enthusiastic field geologist who went on every field trip available in the Department. It is presented in recognition and honor of this quality in undergraduate students at UW Oshkosh. The Award is given annually to a student who has demonstrated an exceptional interest in field geology and who may need financial assistance. All majors in either Geology or Earth Science are eligible for the Award. Selection is made by student balloting on an evaluation sheet.
The award consists of:
1. An item of field equipment;
2. The recipient’s name engraved on the plaque displayed in the Geology Department Student Lounge;
3. An engraved memento for the recipient to keep.
Geology Department
Harrington Hall, Room 215
(920) 424-4460
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