Course Schedule
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Harrington Hall, Room 215
Phone: (920) 424-4460
Coming up next…
FALL 2023
Geology 205 – MINERALOGY (4 cr.)
Instructor: Dr. Jennifer Wenner
Crystallography and crystal chemistry of the major groups of minerals. Mineral associations, alteration, and economic importance. Laboratory work consists of mineral identification using physical and chemical properties and mineral associations. Field trips may be taken to selected areas to illustrate principles taught in the course.
Prerequisite: Geology 102, 110 or 150; and Chemistry 105 (may be taken concurrently). Special fees may apply.
Geology 309 – BRINGING FOSSILS TO LIFE (3 cr.)
Instructor: Dr. Joseph Peterson
Morphology, classification, life environment, and stratigraphic distribution of invertebrate fossils. Fossil preservation and nature of the fossil record. Mechanisms of organic evolution and extinction. Application of paleontologic principles to the study of earth history.
Prerequisite: Geology 109. Special fees may apply.
Instructor: Dr. Eric Hiatt
Analysis and interpretation of sediments and sedimentary rocks.
Prerequisite: Geology 206. Special fees may apply.
Instructor: Dr. Benjamin Hallett
A course in environmental and economic geologic principles as they relate to society’s quest for earth materials for various applications. Interactive lectures and a field trip to review geologic processes that lead to mineral and energy resource deposit formation and redistribution. Students will learn scientific approaches to mineral and energy exploration, and review global and local economic and environmental factors that influence energy and metals markets driving these industries. Special attention will be given to environmental topics by examining the long and short-term environmental impacts for specific case studies of historic and modern mining and energy resource development.
Prerequisites: Geol 102, Geol 150, or Geol 110; Recommended: Chemistry 105.
Summer 2024
Geology 344 – Field Geology (6 cr.)
Instructor: Dr. Timothy Paulsen
Location: Utah
Application of the theories and methods of field geology in the mountains of the western United States. Provides practical experience and instruction in geologic mapping and field analysis of geologic structures and sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rock assemblages. Geology 344 meets for six weeks during the summer. Contact Dr. Timothy Paulsen ( for application materials and information regarding special course fees.
Prerequisite: Geology 206, 331 and consent of instructor.
Strongly recommended: Geology 309 and 311.
Geology Department
Harrington Hall, Room 215
(920) 424-4460