Faculty and Staff
Heike C. Alberts
Professor -On Leave
Ph.D., University of Minnesota, 2003
- Office: Sage 4471
- Phone: (920) 424-7109
- Email: alberts@uwosh.edu
- Specializations: Population, Migration, Urban, North America, Europe
About Heike
Laura Carnahan
M.S., UW-Milwaukee, 2009
- Office: Sage 4453
- Phone: (920) 424-4103
- Email: carnahal@uwosh.edu
- Specializations: Atmospheric Science, Air Pollution
About Laura
Laura Carnahan got her Master’s degree in Atmospheric Sciences from UW-Milwaukee in 2009. She joined the Geography department in 2009, and has enjoyed teaching mostly “Weather and Climate” classes ever since then.
When she’s not in the classroom or her office, Laura enjoys playing music, kayaking, hiking, spending time with family and friends, and you can occasionally find her watching “The Weather Channel”.
- Air pollution
- Severe weather
- Meteorology
- Teaching methods
Classes taught
- GEOG 121 – Weather and Climate
- GEOG 385 – Quantitative Methods in Geography
- GEOG 221 – Landforms and Soils
- ES 102 – Intro to Sustainability
- UP 250 – Urban Sustainability
Recent Publication
“Teaching Physical Geography with Toys, Household Items, and Food,” The Geography Teacher, 11:3, 93-107 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/19338341.2014.945608
Mamadou Coulibaly
Ph.D., Southern Illinois University, 2004
- Office: Sage 4473
- Phone: (920) 424-3123
- Email: coulibalym@uwosh.edu
- Specializations: Geographic Information Systems, Water Resources
About Mamadou
Erin DeMuynck
Associate Professor
Ph.D., University of Illinois, 2014
- Office: UW-Fox Valley, 1061
- Phone: (920) 832-2600
- Email: demuyncke@uwosh.edu
- Specializations: Cultural Geography, Urban Geography, Political Economy of U.S. Cities, Social & Environmental Justice, Latin America
About Erin
Erin DeMuynck has been a faculty member at UW-Fox Valley since fall of 2014. Dr. DeMuynck earned her Ph.D. in Geography from the University of Illinois in 2014. She also holds a Bachelor of Landscape Architecture degree in Landscape Architecture from the University of Illinois and a Masters degree in Geography from Northern Illinois University. Her research focuses broadly on urban and cultural geography and explores causes and consequences of sociospatial inequality from a variety of perspectives. Her teaching incorporates community-based and culturally responsive pedagogies that encourage students to make connections between what they learn in the classroom and the world around them. Current research projects include:
- Emotional Geographies of an “Access Campus”
- Bringing World Regional Geography to Life through International Online Collaborative Learning
- Taking Students’ Cultural Contexts Seriously as Course Content in Introduction to Cultural Geography
- Perspectives on Women’s Empowerment: Friendship and Identity-Building as Resistance in Peri-Urban Peru
- Relationships between Public School Closures and Neighborhood Change
- The Dynamics of Access to Substance Abuse and Mental Health Treatment: A Mobilities Approach
- Cultural Geography
- Urban Geography
- Political Economy of U.S. Cities
- Social & Environmental Justice
- Latin America
Classes Taught
- Introduction to Cultural Geography
- Introduction to Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies
- Introduction to GIS
- Introduction to the City
- Physical Geography
- World Regional Geography
Recent Publications DeMuynck, Erin. 2017. Farmers’ markets in the green entrepreneurial city: From urban redevelopment planning to lifestyle activism. Urbana, IL: Common Ground.
Michael Jurmu
Ph.D., Indiana State University, 1999
- Office: UW-Fond du Lac Campus, Science S-210
- Phone: (920) 929-1163
- Email: jurmum@uwosh.edu
- Specializations: Geomorphology, Fluvial Geomorphology, Physical Geography, Geographic Education
About Mike
Dr. Jurmu came to the UW-Fond du Lac campus in 1999 after completing his Ph.D. from Indiana State University. He has a Master’s Degree in Geography from the University of Connecticut and Secondary Education Degree from Northern Michigan University. Although Dr. Jurmu has published on understanding the difference in morphology between alluvial and wetland streams, his area of interest has shifted to geographic education. He was the former UW Colleges Service-Learning Coordinator (2012-13) and was the recipient of the 2012 Alliant Energy Underkofler Excellence in Teaching Award.
- Geographic Education
- Geomorphology
- Fluvial Geomorphology
- Physical Geography
Classes Taught
- Weather and Climate (lecture and labs)
- Landforms (lecture and labs)
- Human Impacts on the Environment
- Disasters – Living on the Edge
- Landscapes of North America
Recent Publications
Jurmu, M.C. 2015. “Incorporating an Introductory Service-Learning Experience in a Physical Geography Course.” Journal of Geography, 114(2): 49-57.
Jurmu, M.C. 2007. “Implementing Musical Lyrics to Teach Physical Geography: A Simple Model.” Journal of Geography, 104(4): 179-186.
“Chapter 14, Dissertation III: Physical Systems, in Gatrell, J., Bierly, G., and Jensen, R. 2005 & 2012. Research Design and Proposal Writing in Spatial Science. Berlin: Springer.
Jurmu, M.C. 2002. “A morphological comparison of narrow, low-gradient streams traversing wetland environments to alluvial streams.” Environmental Management 30(6):830-856.
Jurmu, M.C. 1997. “The Morphology of a wetland stream.” Environmental Management 21(6):921-41.
Colin Long
Associate Dean, College of Letters & Science
Professor of Geography
Ph.D., University of Oregon, 2003
- Office: Sage 4457
- Phone: (920) 424-2182
- Email: longco@uwosh.edu
- Dr. Long’s CV
- Specializations: Paleoecology, Fire History, Climate Change
About Colin
Dr. Long is a physical geographer with research interests in climate-vegetation-fire relations over centennial to millennial timescales. He earned a B.S. in Biology and M.A. and Ph.D. in Geography from the University of Oregon. His main regions of interest are the Pacific Northwest and upper Midwest. His research examines the role that changes in climate and fire regimes have on forest vegetation.
- Quaternary paleoecology
- Fire history
- Climate change
Classes Taught
- GEOG 121 – Weather and Climate (lecture and labs)
- GEOG 221 – Landforms and Soils (lecture and labs)
- GEOG 303 – Pyrogeography
- GEOG 363 – Biogeography
- GEOG 427 – Ice Age Earth
Recent Publications
Long C.J., Power, M. J, and Grigg, L.D. 2018. A 35,000-year Fire History from the Oregon Coast Range, USA. In From Saline to Freshwater: The Diversity of Western Lakes in Space and Time, S.W. Starratt and M.R. Rosen (eds.), pp 23-45. GSABOOKS-D-16-00005R1 Geologic Society of America.
Minckley, T.A. and Long C.J. 2016. Paleofire severity and vegetation change in the Cascade Range, Oregon, USA. Quaternary Research 85: 211-217, doi 10.1016/j.yqres.2015.12.010
Mueller, J.R., Long C.J., Williams, J.J., Nurse, A., and McLauchlan, K.K. 2014. The relative controls on forest fires and fuel source fluctuations in the Holocene deciduous forests of southern Wisconsin, USA. Journal of Quaternary Science 29: 561-569; doi: 10.1002/jqs.2728
Long, C. J., Power, M. J., Minckley, T. A., and Hass, A. L. 2014. The impact of Mt. Mazama tephra deposition on forest vegetation in the Central Cascades, Oregon. The Holocene 24, 503-511; doi: 10.1177/0959683613520258
Angela G. Subulwa
Chair, Geography Department
Director, International Studies
Professor of International Studies & Geography
Ph.D., University of Kansas, 2009
- Office: Sage 4465
- Phone: (920) 424-1291
- Email: subulwaa@uwosh.edu
- Dr. Subulwa’s CV
- Specializations: Africa, Forced Displacement/Refugees, Development, Political Geography, Urban Political Ecology
About Angela
Angela G. Subulwa has been a faculty member in the Geography Department at UWO since fall of 2008 and is currently serving as Department Chair. Dr. Subulwa earned her Ph.D. in Geography from the University of Kansas in 2009. She received her undergraduate degree in geography, with minors in geographic information systems (GIS) and computer science from Northwest Missouri State University in 2001.
Her research focuses on understanding the political, economic, environmental, development, and social challenges of (dis)(em)placement in the African context. Dr. Subulwa’s work is generally based in southern and eastern Africa.
Current research projects include:
- Comparative (dis)(em)placements
- Political geographies of Barotseland
- Social Media & Geographic Imaginations
- Africa (particularly southern & eastern Africa)
- Forced Displacement & Refugee Movements
- African Cities, Environmental Governance, & Development
- Political Geography
- Cultural-Historical Geography
Classes Taught
- Political Geography
- Sub-Saharan Africa
- Gender, Place, & Culture
- Adv. Topics in Human Geography: International Development, Conflict, & Aid
- Geographies of Coffee
- Human Geography
- Middle East & North Africa
- Introduction to GIS
Recent Publications
Myers, Garth, Francis Owusu, and Angela G. Subulwa. 2016. Cities of Sub-Saharan Africa in Brunn, Stanley, Hays-Mitchell, Maureen, and Zeigler, Don (eds). Cities of the World: World Regional Urban Development 6th edition. New York: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Subulwa, Angela G. 2015. (Dis)(em)placing gender at Ukwimi: Refugee resettlement and repatriation in eastern Zambia. Gender, Place, & Culture 22(8): 1177 – 1194.
Subulwa, Angela G. 2013. Settlement, protracted displacement, and repatriation at Mayukwayukwa in western Zambia. African Geographical Review 32(1): 1 – 15.
Subulwa, Angela G. 2012. Negotiating displacement during the colonial and early independence period along the Zambia-Mozambique border. Historical Geography 40: 147 – 167.
John A. Cross
Emeritus Professor
Ph.D., University of Illnois, 1979
- Office: Sage 4467
- Phone: (920) 424-1018
- Email: cross@uwosh.edu
- Dr. Cross’ CV
- Specializations: Natural Hazards, Agriculture, United States & Canada, Ethnic Landscapes, Amish Settlement
Kazimierz J. Zaniewski
Emeritus Professor
Ph.D., UW-Milwaukee, 1987
- Office: Sage 4465
- Phone: (920) 424-7112
- Email: zaniewsk@uwosh.edu
- Specializations: Europe, Population, Ethnicity
About Casey
Kazimierz (Casey) Zaniewski, a native of Poland, received a PhD in Geography from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in 1987. His dissertation on “Housing Inequalities Under Socialism: The Case of Poland” examined the equity-efficiency dilemma in housing allocation in centrally planned economies from a spatial perspective.
After coming to UW Oshkosh, he has been teaching several classes in human and regional geography and, more recently, in cartography. His current research interests focus on population dynamics and electoral behavior, and he (in collaboration with other colleagues) published several articles on both topics, including demographic trends in Europe and presidential elections in the United States and Wisconsin.
He is the co-author of three books on ethnic geography of Wisconsin, sports geography in Europe, and world regional geography.
Dr. Zaniewski transitioned to Emeritus status in June 2019.
Melissa Giddings
Department Assistant
Office: Sage 3464
Phone: (920) 424-7065
Email: giddingsm@uwosh.edu
Melissa holds a B.S. in Human Services from the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. She has been working at UW Oshkosh since 2006 and with the Geography Department since 2016. In addition to assisting faculty, Melissa also helps students register for classes, contact their advisors, and resolve any problems. She is happy to answer any questions you may have (Extra tip: Melissa keeps a stash of candy in her office for those days when you just might need some chocolate) 🙂
Angelee Hammond
Department Assistant
Office: Sage 4461
Phone: (920) 424-7065
Email: hammond@uwosh.edu
Angelee holds a B.A. in Human Services from the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. She has been working at UW Oshkosh since 1995. In addition to assisting the faculty, Angelee will assist students with course scheduling, advising, or any other questions.
Monday - Friday 7:30AM - 3:30PM