Course Descriptions
Explore full descriptions of our entire course catalog below.
100 Level Courses
Geography 102 3 (crs.)
World Regional Geography (NW)(SS)(XS)(GC)
A study of the various interrelationships of cultural and physical phenomena as exemplified by major world regions. Intended for those who seek to enhance their knowledge of important world regions. (Not open to students with credit in upper level Regional Geography).
Geography 104 3 (crs.)
Honors: World Geography (NW) (SS)(XS)(GC)
A study of the various interrelationships of cultural and physical phenomena as exemplified by major world regions. Intended for those who seek to enhance their knowledge of important world regions. For University Honors students only. Credit will be allowed for only one of Geography 102 or 104. Prerequisites: Enrolled in good standing with the UW Oshkosh Honors Program; prior or concurrent enrollment in HNRS 175.
Geography 105 3 (crs.)
Geographies of Coffee (XS)(NW)(SS)(GC)
This course examines the physical factors that influence coffee production, the political and economic factors that influence the coffee trade, and the cultural factors that influence coffee consumption.
Geography 106 3 (crs.)
Soils and Agriculture (SS)(XS)
This course introduces students to the basic principles of soils and soil properties, the various types of agricultural systems, and applying sustainability as a lens of inquiry to examine the relationships between agriculture and soils.
Geography 107 3 (crs.)
Peoples, Places, and Cultures of the World (XS)(NW)(SS)
This course will focus on people’s lifeways and cultures around the world from agricultural practices to sports. Students will also examine how people interact with individuals from different cultures and deal with cultural differences.
Geography 121 1-4 (crs.)
Physical Geography I – Weather and Climate (NS)(XL)
An introductory study of the physical processes and spatial patterns of the earth’s weather and climate and the impacts of climate on vegetation. Prerequisites: Math 103 with a grade of C or better or placement into Math 104 or higher. (3+2)
200 Level Courses
Geography 202 3 (crs.)
Human Geography (SS)((XS)(NW)
The distribution and significance of major elements of culture, such as languages, religions, and political systems, are examined, along with processes that shape cultural landscapes.
Geography 204 3 (crs.)
Honors: Human Geography (SS)((XS)(NW)
The nature, distribution, and significance of major elements of human geography. For University Honors students only. Uses exploratory/investigative learning method. Credit will be allowed for only one of Geography 202 or 204. Prerequisites: Enrolled in good standing with the UW Oshkosh Honors Program; prior or concurrent enrollment in HNRS 175.
Geography 211 3 (crs.)
Geographies of Climate Change (SS)(XS)
This course will explore control and feedback processes that govern climate change and climate variability and the impact that a changing climate will have on natural and managed landscapes. In addition, the course will examine how economic, social, cultural, and political dynamics intersect directly with a rapidly changing climate. Prerequisite: Geography 121.
Geography 213 3 (crs.)
Population Geography (SS)(XS)
Population by world regions stressing contrast in numbers, densities, growth rates, and distributional patterns. Current population problems, problem areas, and the methodology by which population growth is predicted.
Geography 215 3 (crs.)
Map Reading Analysis (XS)(SS)
This course is designed to study maps as basic tools in geography and other social and natural sciences and as graphical means of communication; to develop skills in map reading and analysis and graphical presentation of quantitative information; to promote the principles of cartographic ethics; and to use acquired knowledge and skills adequately and responsibly in private, professional, and public life.
Geography 221 1-4 (crs.)
Physical Geography II – Landforms and Soils (NS)(XL)
An introductory study of the earth’s landscapes, particularly landforms, soil, and water; their distribution and interaction with other elements of the global environment. Field trip. (Not open to students with credit in Geography 117.) Prerequisite: Geography 121 or 118. (3+2)
Geography 240 |
3 (crs.) |
Mapping Our World (GC) (XS) |
In today’s world, an increasing number of people have access to the internet with all of its advantages including web maps and location-based services. These popular and practical tools are supported by Geographic Information Systems (GIS). This course is designed to give students the opportunity to unlock the power of web mapping, and to benefit from and contribute to the local and global GIS and non-GIS community. The course will introduce students to basic cartographic and analytic concepts and principles and give them access to some of the most advanced automated tools for creating web maps, analyzing spatial and temporal distributions and collecting information from anywhere around the globe. As a Global Citizenship course, this class will empower students with the ability to explore places and communities abroad and to address international issues. |
Geography 241 |
3 (crs.) |
Introduction to GIS |
This course introduces students to the basic concepts and components of a geographic information system (GIS) and provides students with the technical skills to use a GIS software package (e.g., ArcGIS). GIS involves the collection, management, creation, analysis, and presentation of spatial data. GIS has a wide range of applications such as natural resource management, geomorphology, environmental analysis, social sciences, marketing, economic analysis, planning, emergency management, disease spread, map making, and more. |
Geography 250 3 (crs.)
Sustainability in Theory and Practice (SS)(XS)
This course will present the fundamental concepts of sustainability from its beginnings to its establishment as a field of academic inquiry on a wide range of subjects. This class includes field trips, community projects, readings, videos, and discussions of sustainability issues to gain a better understanding and appreciation of the complexity of the interconnections between human and natural systems, and to understand both opportunities for, and challenges to sustainability locally and globally.
300 Level Courses
Geography 304 3 (crs.)
Principles of Soil Science
Explores the fundamental principles of soil science and soils as an essential natural resource. Basic concepts in soil science will be presented including: soil genesis; classification and mapping; fertility and productivity; conservation and management; and physical, chemical, and biological properties in relation to the soil environment. Prerequisites: Geography 106; or Geography 221 or Geology 102 or 110 or 150 or consent of instructor.
Geography 311 3 (crs.)
Economic Geography
This class will explore how economic activity shapes our understanding of human-environment systems. We will examine core economic concepts of production, surplus, labor, exchange of goods and services, and commodities, within the context of different economic, political and social systems to better understand the costs and benefits associated with each. Cross-listed Geography/Environmental Studies 311 Students may not receive credit for more than one cross-listed class. Prerequisites Geography 202, Environmental Studies 261 r consent of instructor.
Geography 313 3 (crs.)
Wisconsin (SS)
The interrelationships between the state’s physical environment and its people are stressed. Included are: physiographic history, landscape regions, climate, natural vegetation, soils, population distribution and composition, agricultural patterns, mineral production, manufacturing, and tourism.
Geography 314 3 (crs.)
Environmental Conservation (SS)
An examination of natural resource utilization, methods of exploitation, policies governing their development, and their relationship to cultural geographic patterns.
Prerequisites: Geography 202, Environmental Studies 282 or consent of instructor.
Geography 316 3 (crs.)
Ethnic Landscapes of America (ES) (SS)
An overview of the cultural landscapes which have shaped the United States. Particular emphasis will be placed upon the contributions of Native Americans and a variety of ethnic minority populations, examining the spatial distributions of these groups and their unique traditions in shaping their landscapes and contrasting their landscapes with that of the Anglo-Saxon majority. Prerequisite: Geography 102 or 202 or History 201 or 202. 316/516
Geography 317 3 (crs.)
United States and Canada (SS)
Emphasis is upon physical, cultural, and economic factors which shape regional landscapes. Population movements, changing agricultural production, recent energy and industrial developments. Prerequisite: Geography 102.
Geography 319 3 (crs.)
Latin America (NW) (SS)
The cultural and physical aspects of Latin America organized by regions and countries. Prerequisite: Geography 102.
Geography 321 3 (crs.)
Political Geography (SS)
An examination of the political factors which influence geographic distributions. Topics considered in this course will include the political organization of space, territory and boundary problems, political conflict and its resolution, problems in the location of public facilities and spatial aspects of voting behavior. Prerequisite Geography 202.
Geography 324 3 (crs.)
Urban Geography (SS)
The origin, development, distribution, and functions of urban places with emphasis on internal area differentiation, growth, and problems of modern cities. Prerequisite Geography 202.
Geography 325 3 (crs.)
Geography of Transportation and Industry (SS)
Geographic analysis of functions, significance, and problems of transportation. Study of types of carriers, history of route development, and terminal facilities as they relate to industrial development, specific manufacturing enterprises, and economic regions. Prerequisite: Geography 311.
Geography 331 3 (crs.)
Europe (SS)
A topical analysis of Europe emphasizing the distribution and interrelation of major physical and human features, including landforms, climate, vegetation and soils, population, language, religion, economic activities, settlement patterns, and political organization. Prerequisite: Geography 102.
Geography 332 3 (crs.)
Introduction to River Systems
Examines the landforms and processes associated with river systems. Topics include drainage basin analysis, fluvial processes, response to disturbance, water quality, sediment erosion and transport, alluvial stratigraphy, and stream/river restoration and management. Prerequisites: Geography 221; or Geology 102; or Geology 110 or Geology 150; or consent of instructor.
Geography 333 3 (crs.)
Gender, Place, and Culture
This course will explore how the social category of gender and the organization of gender relations are implicated in, constituted by, and maintained through spatial processes. This course examines feminist thought/theories and explores the ways in which geographers have used feminist thought/theories to study and problematize concepts and experiences of the body, home, place, environment, and culture, among other themes. Cross-listed: Geog/Wg Stds 333. Students may receive credit for only one of the two cross-listed courses. Prerequisites: Geog 202, WG Stds 201, 45 credits , or consent of instructor.
Geography 335 3 (crs.)
Atmospheric processes concerned with transfer of heat and moisture including systems of climatic classification and the analysis of climatic types. Prerequisite: Geography 121.
Geography 338 3 (crs.)
Russian Realm (NW)(SS)
A topical analysis of the countries of the former Soviet Union emphasizing their physical environment, agricultural and industrial activities, population, language, and political organization. Prerequisite: Geography 102. 338/538
Geography 340 |
3 (crs.) |
Mapping and Visualization in GIS |
This course introduces the basic concepts and techniques for manipulation, graphic representation, and basic analysis of spatial information. Lectures and labs examine the processing, compilation, and symbolization of spatial data and the application of related statistical techniques. Emphasis is placed on the technology of mapping-particularly computer mapping and visualization within the context of Geographic Information Science. Prerequisite: Geography 240 or 241. 340/540 (2+2) |
Geography 341 |
3 (crs.) |
Spatial Analysis in GIS |
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) include software, spatial data, computers and other hardware designed to obtain, store, analyze, and display geographic data. This course reinforces the fundamental principles of GIS learned in lower level classes and their use in storing, processing, and analyzing spatial data for a broad range of applications (environmental, social, business, demographic, geologic, etc.) The main goal of the course is to develop proficiency in quantitative analysis of spatially-referenced data. Prerequisites: Geography 241 or 340 |
Geography 342 3 (crs.)
This course will explore atmospheric and surface interactions that control weather over a ranger of temporal and spatial scales; and provide an introduction to the analysis and interpretation of weather models as they pertain to weather forecasting. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in Geography 121.
Geography 347 3 (crs.)
Asia-Pacific (NW)(SS)
In a broad acr from Japan to Indonesia, the Asian countries facing the Pacific Ocean contain a third of the world’s population and have become a gigantic force in the global economy. This course considers the region’s fascinating physical landscapes, its complex cultural tapestries, and its dynamic economic geography. The course emphasizes both the variation within Asia as well as the region’s connections to the broader world. Prerequisite: Geography 102.
Geography 353 3 (crs.)
Sub-Saharan Africa (NW) (SS)
An analysis of the distribution and interrelation of the physical and cultural characteristics of sub-Saharan Africa. Includes the study of the development, present conditions, and problems of particular regions and countries. Prerequisite: Geography 102. 353/553
Geography 354 3 (crs.)
Middle East and North Africa (SS)
A topical analysis of the Middle East and North Africa with emphasis on the physical environment and natural resources, cultural patterns, and spatial aspects of geopolitical relations. Prerequisite: Geography 102.
Geography 363 3 (crs.)
Examines the role and nature of biophysical processes and their significance to the spatial and temporal patterns at various scales. Topics include the investigating functional relationships between climate, soils, and vegetation, as well as introducing approaches to land systems analysis focusing upon ecosystems and other land system interactions. Prerequisites: Geography 221, Geology 109, 110, 150 or Biology and Microbiology 105.
Geography 364 3 (crs.)
Water Resource Management (SS)
A study of the characteristics and behavior of water on a global scale. Emphasis on the geographic location of water, its significance, its use by man, and the problems of water management. Prerequisite: 8 units (crs.) of Physical Geography or Physical Geology.
Geography 371 4 (crs.)
Thematic Cartography (SS)
An introduction to the design and production of thematic maps. The course will acquaint students with basic concepts of thematic cartography, develop their skills in computer graphics and thematic map design and production, and enhance greater appreciation for thematic maps as communication, reference, and research tools.
Geography 377 3 (crs.)
Population and Environment (SS)
Examination of the relationship between population and environment, particularly the importance of demographic change in shaping the environment, forces that influence this relationship, theoretical perspectives used in the analysis of population-environment relationship, and how population dynamics affect various aspects of environmental change. The topics are studied from historical and global perspectives with comparisons of population-environmental change. The topics are studied from historical and global perspectives with comparisons of population-environmental links in various parts of the world and those in the United States. Prerequisites: Geography 102, 202 or 213; or Environmental Studies 211; or consent of instructor.
Geography 380 3 (crs.)
Research Methods (SS)
Defining geographic problems, design of research projects, data collection, analysis of data using cartographic and statistical techniques, and research report writing.
Geography 382 3 (crs.)
Remote Sensing of the Environment (SS)
The focus is on the interpretation and application of data obtained by major remote sensing techniques to the detection and monitoring of the physical and cultural landscape. Includes orbital and suborbital photography, electronic sensing in the ultraviolet, thermal, passive and active microwave and multispectral. (2+2)
Geography 385 3 (crs.)
Quantitative Methods in Geography and Environmental Sciences (SS)
This course emphasizes the application of statistical techniques, especially spatial statistics, to a wide variety of geographical and environmental problems. Students will learn how to choose among descriptive and inferential statistical techniques, to correctly apply those techniques and then interpret the results. Students will also learn how to use the statistical software package SPSS. Prerequisite: Mathematics 104 or math placement higher than Mathematics 104.
Geography 399 1-8 (crs.)
Study Tour (SS)
Background readings, field lectures, a trip log, and a comprehensive paper are required under the direction of the geography staff person in charge. Information on fees, transportation, and trip expenses available in a separate announcement.
Level 400 Courses
Geography 402 3 (crs.)
Field Methods in Geography (SS)
Techniques of field observations and geographic analysis. Various methods of collecting field data applied to both physical and cultural landscapes. Area of field study alternates between the Oshkosh area and more distant locations. Contact instructor for application materials and information on special course fees. Prerequisite: 18 units (crs.) cumulative of Geography, Urban Planning, Environmental Studies, and Geology; or consent of instructor. (1+4)
Geography 414 3 (crs.)
Natural Resource Management (SS)
Examines techniques for the biophysical and socio-economic analysis of natural environments. The course will emphasize the variety of perspectives from which environmental management policies and modeling tools can be developed. Prerequisite: Geography 314. 414/614
Geography 419 3 (crs.)
Natural Hazards (SS)
Examination of various atmospheric and geologic events which threaten human activities. The physical characteristics of the threats, human perceptions of the threats, and various hazard mitigation measures (including structural adjustments, land use planning, and evacuation preparations) will be studied. Prerequisite: 8 units (crs.) of Physical Geography or Geology. 419/619
Geography 441 |
3 (crs.) |
Advanced GIS |
This course examines advanced concepts and techniques of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Topics include introductory level algorithm development, applications survey and readings, and advanced spatial analysis. Students are expected to develop individual, problem-driven projects which incorporate the knowledge, tools, and techniques that are developed in this course. Prerequisite: Geography 341 |
Geography 444 1-6 (crs.)
Internship in Geography (SS)
An employment experience in which students work under direct supervision of a professional, applying their skills in cartographic, Geographic Information Systems, air photo interpretation, soils, conservation, or some other subfield or geography. May be taken up to a maximum of 6 units (crs.) earned. Prerequisite: Geography 371, at least one of the following: Geography 402, 380, 381, 391, 471, 472, and consent of instructor.
Geography 446 1-3 (crs.)
Independent Study (SS)
See Independent Study under Course and Academic Advisement Policies information for general course description, general prerequisites, and proper contract form requirements.
Geography 451 3 (crs.)
Advanced Topics in Human Geography (SS)
This course will provide an in-depth examination of a specific topic in human geography. Special emphasis will be placed on recognition, analysis, and problem solving within the topic area. Prerequisite: Geography 102, 202, Junior standing and consent of instructor. 451/651
Geography 456 1-3 (crs.)
Related Readings (SS)
See Related Readings under Course and Academic Advisement Policies information for general course description, general prerequisites, and proper contract form requirements.
Geography 461 3 (crs.)
Advanced Topics in Physical Geography (SS)
This course will provide an in-depth examines a specific topic in physical geography. Special emphasis will be placed on recognition, analysis, and problem solving within the topic area. Prerequisite: Geography 121, (122 or 221) and Junior standing and consent of instructor. 461/661
Geography 474 1-6 (crs.)
Honors: Thesis (SS)
Honors thesis projects include any advanced independent endeavor in the student’s major field of study e.g., a written thesis, scientific experiment or research project, or creative arts exhibit or production. Proposals (attached to Independent Study contract) must show clear promise of honors level work and be approved by a faculty sponsor. Course title for transcript will be Honors Thesis. Completed projects will be announced and presented to interested students and faculty. Prerequisite: University Honors status and junior standing. Maximum of 6 units (crs.).
Geography 490 3 (crs.)
Geography Senior Seminar (SS)
A Capstone Seminar for the Geography program in which the student’s ability to integrate geographic concepts, knowledge, and techniques from previous Geography courses is demonstrated. All geography majors must complete the Geography Senior Seminar with a grade of C (2.0) or better in order to graduate. Prerequisite: 24 units (crs.) in Geography; Geography 451 or Geography 461 (prerequisite or corequisite); and senior standing.
Monday - Friday 7:30AM - 3:30PM