About Us

A positive early childhood environment sets the stage for later learning. We offer opportunities to allow children to build on their level of understanding.

We encourage:

  • Mastering large and small motor skills
  • Awareness of five senses
  • Developing healthy self image
  • Mastering more independence and self help
  • Self expression skills
  • Developing healthy social relationships
  • Respecting diversity
  • Relationships in place, size, weight, numbers, letters, etc..
  • Clarification of color, geometric spaces, family, animals, foods, etc..
  • Exploring language, art, drama, music, science, literature
  • Encouraging curiosity and problem solving
  • Enhancing creativity in play and thought


The University Children’s Center has recently been named a five star quality program through the Wisconsin YoungStar Rating System. This quality  rating system is based on  four key quality indicators:

  1. Educational qualifications of the director and teachers.
  2. Learning environment and curriculum (accreditation, lesson plans, WI Model Early Learning Standards, measurement and use of individual child outcome and scores on national proven observation tools)
  3. Professional practices (business practices, staff benefits and parental involvement)
  4. Health and well-being (health, nutrition activities, ability to address needs of children with special needs and the capacity to address child abuse and neglect)

University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Fox Cities Campus
1478 Midway Road
Menasha, WI 54952
(920) 832-2600