Fox Cities Campus
Contact Us
UWO Fox Cities Foundation
Fox Cities Campus, Room 1313
(920) 832-2849
We’d like to gratefully acknowledge the generous support of the following individuals, foundations, organizations and companies. Thank you for supporting the Fox Cities campus Communication Arts Center.
Richard and Amy Jo Aylward
Steve and Kathi Seifert
Roger and Lynn Van Vreede
Community First Credit Union
Miron Construction Co., Inc.
In Memory of Mary T. Stumpf
Jewelers Mutual Insurance Company
Doug & Carla Salmon Foundation
Frank C. Shattuck Community Fund-CFFVR
Leonard and Donna Weis
The Aylward Family Foundation
Louise Aylward
Otto and Joyce Bytof
Festival Foods
Janelle and Scott Fuhrmann
Galloway Company
Mielke Family Foundation, Inc.
The V.I. Minahan Family
Joy and Jim Perry
Albert and Shirley Schmidt
Fox Cities Campus Student Association
Lois Alexander
Walter Alexander Foundation, Inc.
Bergstrom Automotive
Gayle Chatfield
Dan and Joanne Densow
Nancy Des Marais
Leota Ester
Fox Communities Credit Union
Tony and Jane Garton
Jerry and Helene Iverson
Menasha Corporation Foundation
Chuck and Barb Merry
Toby and Carol Paltzer
Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc.
Martin and Tammy Van Stippen
Clarence and Dolores Wallace Family
Bassett Mechanical
The Boldt Company
Anthony Czarnik
Fox Valley Concert Band
Richard and Karen Gosse
Great Northern Corporation
Sally and James Johnson
James “Pete” and Sally Keating
Barbara and William Kelly
Jeff and Shelby Knezel
John and Sally Mielke
Raymond and Marie Miller
Doug and Myrt Ogilvie
Susan Rabideau and Bil Stachour
Troy and Kristin Runge
Schenck Business Solutions
SECURA Insurance Companies
Marion Shepard
Charles and Diane Siekman
Harry and Bonnie Spiegelberg
Becky and Jon Stellmacher
Keith and Carol Summers
Joe and Marian Walsh
Patricia Warrick
Ken and Ruth Anderson
Associated Bank
Dennis and Naomi Bahcall
Dennis Bahcall Rubber Co., Inc.
R.W. Baird & Company Foundation
Mary Ann Bazile
Edward and Susan Benedict
Kenneth Bester, Jr.
Arthur Bolton
Bomier Properties Inc.
Jim Brey and Celeste Lehrer
Christina Button
Guy and Carolyn Bytof
The Bytof Family
John and Yvonne Calnin
Rod and Jane Chaganos
Arlene and Rudy Cherkasky
Rodney and Jean Coenen
Jim and Gail Cummings
Ed and Charmaine Czaja
John and Beth Davis
Wayne and Bette Defferding
Rick and Sue Detienne
Mona and Doug Dugal
Eric Eagon and Bryon Eagon
James and Wendy Eagon
Darin and Hillary Engelhart
Bruce and Gail Enke
Vic Ferrari Band
Food Service, Inc.
Karl and Dorothy Forsgren
Trevor and Carol Frank
Tom and Jane Frantz
Mark and Diane Fremgen
Carol and Ned Galloway
Anne Glasner
Teresa Gonya
John and Joyce Green
Henry and Shirley Griesbach
Tom and Lori Gritton
Les and Ellen Gunter
Erick Gyrion
Dave and Kathy Hager
Juanita Harder
Bill and Kiki Harke
Bev and Bob Harrington
Mark and Susan Harris
James Hauxhurst
Pat and Sue Hayes
Diana and Gregory Henke
Chad Hershner and Jeff Amstutz
Rex Hieser
Tim and Jonna Higgins
Ray and Mary Hosmer
Ken and Trisha Huizenga
Rodney and Julie Huth
Don and Betty Jabas
R. Fritz and Jane Jilek
Rue and Dorothy Johnson
Scott and Darlene Jones
Jerry and Mary Keepers
Marne Keller-Krikava
Steve and Laura Koehler
Jann and Keith Kostecke
Carl and Mercedes Kriese
Tammy, Zachary and Adam Ladwig
Emory and Paulette Laffin
Kay and Huntley Lewis
Evelyn Li and Bill Bultman
M & I Bank
Joe and Patty Maehl
McCarty Law LLP
Juli McGuire
Donald Merkes
Michiels Fox Banquets Rivertyme Catering
Bob and Judy Mickelson
Mike and Sharon Minock
Marvin Murphy and Ruth Ann Heeter
Dick and Lanea Oakland
Stephen O’Hearn
Cathy Paynter
Dan and Elaine Putman
Carla and Todd Rabe Family
Tom and Pat Rodgers
Rotary Club of Appleton West Foundation
Amelia and Walter Rugland
Dale Schaber and Penny Bernard Schaber
Todd and Kimberly Schatz
Nancy Schultz
Bradd and Wendy Seegers
Webb and Katie Shaw
Steven Sheehan and Sushmita Ghose
Friends and Family of John Siebert
Sue Silton
Rick and Barbara Stack
StairGoddess, LLC
Wayne and Ruth Streck
Susan Stockton and William Garvin
Mary Sullivan
Catherine Tierney and Maury Dresang
Time Warner Cable
John and Susan Toussaint
Rosemary Trettin
Rhonda Uschan
Valitchkas, Caravellas, Heleins
Tom and Linda Van Wyk
Steve and Maureen Ware
Phil and Lisa Weiner
Donna Weis
Bill and Mary Welch
Richard and Christie Wells
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.- Fox Cities
Paul and Judy Werner
Diane and Gary Whipp
Tom and Mary Jo Widener
Mike and Sherry Williams