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Federal School Code


Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)

A student’s SAP status may be viewed in TitanWeb. SAP will be evaluated and updated in Titan Web prior to the start of each semester. SAP is only applicable to students wishing to receive financial aid.

Federal regulations require UW Oshkosh to establish, publish and apply standards of SAP in order for the University to be eligible for financial aid. The purpose SAP is to ensure financial aid recipients are progressing toward graduation. Students who fail to meet academic requirements are ineligible to receive financial aid until they meet all SAP requirements. However, SAP status does not prevent a student from enrolling in classes.

SAP guidelines evaluate a student’s cumulative GPA, number of credits attempted and completed at UW Oshkosh, and (if applicable) the number of credits a student successfully transfers from other postsecondary institutions.

Viewing SAP Status in TitanWeb

Each semester, students will receive an email notifying them up an SAP status update. SAP status may be viewed by logging into TitanWeb and following the steps:

  1. From the Student Center, under the Finances section, click “View SAP Status”
  2. Click on the current academic year
  3. Review the status for each of the SAP requirements listed, including program/degree completion, cumulative attempted units and cumulative GPA.

Meeting Minimum SAP Standards

Undergraduate students must successfully complete at least 67% of cumulative attempted credits in a given semester AND maintain a cumulative 2.0 GPA.
View graduate student SAP standards

Attempted credits include all UW Oshkosh credits (including drops/withdrawals) that a student is enrolled on or after the University’s add/drop deadline, as well as transfer credits from other postsecondary institution(s).


Maximum Number of Credits Allowed

A student pursuing their first undergraduate degree is eligible to receive financial aid for up to 180 attempted credits. View credit information for graduate programs. For reference, a UWO student must successfully complete 120 credits in order to earn a bachelor’s degree. Freshmen are considered to be meeting SAP standards when they have been admitted into a degree program.  The maximum credit limit includes all credits attempted at UW Oshkosh as well as credits transferred from any other postsecondary institution(s) attended, regardless of whether the student received financial aid for those credits.

Students pursuing an associates degree through the Fox Cities or Fond du Lac campus are eligible to receive financial aid for up to 60 attempted credits.

Students who surpass these credit limits will be ineligible for federal and state financial aid, including grants, student loans, Parent (PLUS) loan and work-study, unless they have an approved financial aid appeal.

Students obtaining a second or subsequent bachelor’s degree must do so within 225 cumulative attempted credits. Non-degree students are generally ineligible for federal financial aid.

Incomplete Classes

Classes graded “F,” “incomplete” or “not pass” are considered attempted but not successfully completed. These classes impact the measurements of completion rate and maximum timeframe. Students who do not complete the coursework in the time allowed by the Incomplete Policy, the Incomplete grade will lapse to an “F”.  The “F” grade then affects both the completion percentage and the GPA of satisfactory academic progress.

Once a grade is changed from an “incomplete” to a letter grade, the student can re-appeal due to a change in their circumstances.  At this point, the appeal is reviewed and a new calculation can be reviewed to see the updated status. A new decision can be rendered as a result of this change.

Repeated Coursework

Repeated courses will be treated as additional attempted credits and will impact your SAP status. For example, if you repeat a course successfully, the new course grade will replace the previous grade which will raise or lower your cumulative GPA. However, repeated courses also count toward your attempted credit limit. Both the initial attempt and the repeated attempt will factor into your overall credit completion percentage.

It’s best to discuss the cost/benefit of repeating a course with an academic advisor. Advisers will provide the best advice based on your college or major.  

Changing or Adding Majors

In some cases students may decide to change majors or pursue multiple majors. Students changing majors will  be monitored for maximum timeframe limitations in the same manner as all students. Depending on the timing of the change and/or the difference between the majors, length of time may be a problem for students and a loss of aid eligibility may result. Carefully review your situation to prevent loss of eligibility before the completion of any degree requirements. It is important to note as well that, per regulation, once it has been determined a student has met the graduation requirements in a degree program, their aid eligibility will cease.

Remedial and Pass/No Credit Courses

Remedial courses taken as well as courses taken for Pass/No Credit (P/NC) will count as part of a student’s enrollment and toward the attempted credit maximum (maximum timeframe). Courses taken as P/NC do not have a grade “value” associated with them and therefore have no impact on gpa.

Summer Terms

Summer classes are offered by UWO in multiple sessions but evaluated by financial aid as one semester. All hours attempted in summer are evaluated for Satisfactory Academic Progress at the end of the combined summer period even if no financial aid is received in the summer.

Hours and Location

Dempsey Hall, Room 104
Walk-In Hours:
Mondays and Fridays
8:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Schedule an appointment with your fiancial aid Counselor
Office Hours: 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m.

Mailing Address

Financial Aid Office
UW Oshkosh
800 Algoma Blvd.
Oshkosh, WI 54901

Contact Us
 (920) 424-3377
Fax: (920) 424-0284