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Structure of Department Numbers

UW System UDDS Numbers

In funding activities, UW System uses UDDS numbers. The UDDS number example that follows is the partner to the UWOSH department number described below.

Example for UW System UDDS Number: F03-2915

F = Unit, i.e. UW Oshkosh

03 = Division, i.e. College of Letters and Science

29 = Department, i.e. Communication

15 = Sub-department, i.e. Theatre

UW Oshkosh Department Numbers

Example for Department Number: 102-032915-2

102 = Fund (Appropriation), i.e. Comprehensive Universities

03 = Division, i.e. College of Letters and Science

29 = Department, i.e. Communication

15 = Sub-department, i.e. Theatre

2 = Program, i.e. Instruction