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History of the Development of OBAM
Needs Articulation and Prioritization
Implementing a new budget model on the UW Oshkosh campus was deemed a prudent task due to the fiscally challenging times UW Oshkosh and other publicly funded institutions face. Resulting from budget cuts and decreasing enrollment, UW Oshkosh reevaluated its current budget process in order to focus on a more transparent resource allocation mechanism, which encourages revenue generation through the creation of new programs and classes.
Budget Structures Committee
In January of 2015, Chancellor Leavitt charged the Budget Structures Committee with reviewing operational models and approaches to university budgeting systems. This committee composed of the following individuals:
- Ryan Haley, Professor of Economics, Collee of Business
- John Koker, Dean, College of Letters and Science
- Lori Worm, Associate Vice Chancellor of Finance and Administration
- Fred Yeo, Dean, College of Education & Human services
The committee was responsible for submitting a white paper report in which they depicted the current UW Oshkosh budgetary model as well as provide analysis on the pros and cons of three to five budget structures within higher education. The white paper report ended with a final recommendation, depicting the favorable features of available budget models within higher education. The Budget Structures White Paper can be found in its entirety below.
University Budget Development Committee (UBDC)
Resulting from the Budget Structures Committee White Paper, Chancellor Leavitt created the University Budget Development Committee (UBDC) in September of 2015. During its term, the committee was composed of the following individuals:
- Elizabeth Alderton, Interim Dean, College of Education and Human Services
- Jennifer Borgmann, Budget Planner, Finance & Administration
- Ryan Haley, Professor of Economics (Chair), College of Business
- Julia Hodgen, Dean’s Assistant, University Staff Senate
- John Koker, Dean, College of Letters and Science
- Jean Kwaterski, Assistant to Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs
- Angie Metke, Associate Budget Planner, Finance & Administration
- Leslie Neal-Boylan, Dean, College of Nursing, 2015-2017
- Alexander Novak, Student, Oshkosh Student Association
- Reginald Parsons, Student, Oshkosh Student Association, 2015-2016
- Barb Rau, Dean, College of Business
- Nathan Stuart, Associate Professor of Accounting, Dean Designee, College of Business, 2015-2017
- Matt Suwalski, Assistant Director for Business and Retail, Senate of Academic Staff
- William Wacholtz, Distinguished Professor of Chemistry, Faculty Senate
- Judy Westphal, Dean, College of Nursing
- Lori Worm, Associate Vice Chancellor, Finance & Administration
- Fred Yeo, Dean, College of Education and Human Services, 2015-2017
The UBDC would spend the following three years analyzing the proposal from the Budget Structures Committee and determining what type of budget model UW Oshkosh should implement. After careful review of the various types of models utilized by higher education institutions and conversations with Universities across the Midwest, the committee recommended that Chancellor Leavitt implement a hybrid model. The UBDC recommendation can be found in its entirety below.
After soliciting feedback on the proposed model from the campus community, the UBDC proceeded to develop a proposed New Model Manual, highlighting the key aspects pertaining to the proposed model. The Draft New Model Manual can be found in its entirety below.