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Financial Services

Contact Us

Office of Finance and Administration
Contact by phone, email, Teams or private appt.
Location: Dempsey 236
Phone: (920) 424-3990
Fax: (920) 424-2240

Glossary of Terms

Activity CodesSee Program Code below
AppropriationMoney set aside by formal action for a specific use.
Base BudgetFunding that generally continues on an annual basis.
BOR"Board of Regents"
DOA"Department of Administration", State of Wisconsin. Its primary function is to deliver a wide range of support services to other state agencies.
FTE"Full-Time Equivalent" position
GPR"General Purpose Revenue" - consists of general taxes, miscellaneous receipts and revenues collected by State agencies that are paid into a specific fund, lose their identity and are then available for appropriation by Legislature.
PR"Program Revenue" - consists of revenues that are paid into the general fund and are credited by law to an appropriation to finance a specified program or State agency.
PRF"Program Revenue - Federal" - federal revenues are moneys received from the federal government that may be deposited as program revenues in the general fund OR as segregated revenues in the segregated fund.
Program Codes (formerly known as, Activity Codes)Codes used as the basis for assigning program costs in preparing the annual, operating budget.
PS-SFSPeopleSoft - Shared Financial System, the UWOSH accounting system
RedbookThe Redbook is the end product that publishes UWS annual, base operating budget details.
SEG"Segregated Funds" - revenues that, by law, are deposited into funds other than the general fund and are available for the purposes for which such funds are created.
WISERUW System Wisconsin Data Mart for PeopleSoft Financials, an online tool used to monitor, track and report annual budgets, expenditures, salary and fringe benefit expenses, purchase orders, vouchers, vendors, journal entries, etc.