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Financial Services

Restriction List

The Purchasing Card is intended for best judgement purchases (<$5000). Purchases made with this card comply with the Department of Administration and the UW Oshkosh Purchasing procurement policies and procedures.

The Purchasing Card may NOT be used to purchase the following:


ItemDetails and Contact Information
Air Fare, Rail, Bus Fares, Taxi, Limos, etc.Travel card should be used for travel expense.
Alarm/Security SystemsWhen looking to attach something or making a change to a campus building a "Renovation Request" must be completed. Our Planning and Construction department will evaluate the request and will accompany your department in project.
Alcoholic beverages, drugs or pharmaceutical productsDrugs are allowable when purchased by appropriate department (i.e. Student Health Centers when all procurement policies and procedures are followed).
Ammunition or firearmsAllowable when purchased by appropriate department (i.e. Police and Security) and purchased on the mandatory Statewide Contract for Ammunition.
Audio Visual EquipementNeeds to be approved by Information Technology before purchases. Please contact the Help Desk (x3020).
BusesFor Chartered buses such as Kobussen, Lamers, etc. you must contact Purchasing Services (608) 270-7100.
Business CardsCan be purchased through Document Services. Visit their website to fill out an order form.
Capital equipment (>$5000) or component partsContact Purchasing (608) 270-7100 for further clarification.
Cash Advances (ATM machines)Strictly Prohibited
Central Store itemsIncludes paper, batteries, bandaids, janitorial supplies, etc.
Computer Hardware/SoftwarePurchases must be coordinated through the Information Technology (x3020)
Consulting ServicesContact Purchasing (608) 270-7100 for further clarification.
Construction and Renovation ItemsWhen looking to attach something or making a change to a campus building a "Renovation Request" must be completed. Our Planning and Construction department will evaluate the request and will accompany your department in project.
Donations or ContributionsIncluding donations to individuals/organizations/vendors where part of the purchase is applied to causes.
Expenses for faculty and staff recruiting or entertainment of prospective employeesContact Purchasing (608) 270-7100 for further clarification.
Flowers/Gifts/AwardsSome accounts may allow for purchase of these items. Contact Purchasing (608) 270-7100 for further clarification or access to the UW System Policy Papers regarding these types of purchases.
Food/BeveragesThese purchases must be made with "Meal or Beverage Requisitions" and submitted to Michelle Highley in Dempsey 236.
FurnitureWhen looking to purchase new furniture a "Furniture Request" must be completed. Our Planning and Construction department will evaluate the request and will accompany your department in the furniture purchase.
Gasoline/FuelAll gasoline/fuel, including gasoline/fuel for lawnmowers and other off-road units, must be obtained from the campus fueling station, if available, or purchased using a Voyager fuel card.
Gift cardsStrictly Prohibited
Greeting cards for personal useThis includes birthdays, get well, special occasions, etc.
Hazardous or radioactive materials and chemicalsThis includes purchase or removal of such items. Contact Purchasing (608) 270-7100for further clarification.
Hospitality/EntertainmentContact Purchasing (608) 270-7100 for further clarification.
Ineligible VendorsThe use of an ineligible vendor is not allowed. To see the full lists please visit the Wisconsin Office of Contract Compliance Ineligible Vendor Directory and the Certification for Collection of Sales and Use Tax Ineligible Vendor Directory.
InsuranceNot allowed, all insurance must be processed through Risk Management. Contact Purchasing (608) 270-7100 for further clarification.
Lease/RentalsFor more vehicle rental information contact Michelle Highley (x0837).

For any building leases/rentals contact Kurt Leibold (x2438).
LodgingThe Corporate Visa Card should be used for these transactions. Then process a Travel Expense Report (TER) for reimbursement.
Meals and other miscellaneous travel expensesMeals taken during travel should be purchased using the Corporate Visa Card and then processed using E-reimbursement.
Moving expensesContact Purchasing (608) 270-7100 for further clarification.
Memberships/Dues-First Issuance. Must be processed using a Direct Pay Request (DPR). Submit to Senny Xiong (x1309). Please refer to the Membership Policy and Procedures
Motor VehiclesStrictly Prohibited.
Name badges and signage All official name badge and signage at UW Oshkosh is ordered through Planning and Construction in Facilities Management.
PaperThis is a Central Store stocked item. We have Mandatory State Contracts for paper purchases and Central Stores abides by these contracts. For questions regarding special paper purchases contact Purchasing (x0405).
Parking PermitsParking permits during travel should be purchased using the Corporate Visa Card then processed using a Travel Expense Report (TER) for reimbursement.
Party SuppliesAny items purchased for office parties or celebrations, including plates, cutlery, napkins, decorations, etc.
Payments to individuals, employees or students for any reasonThese payments should be processed using a Payment to Individual form and submitted to Michelle Highley in Accounts Payable.
Personal ItemsThis includes seasonal decorations, facial tissue, greeting cards, invitations, paper cups, plates, pictures, plants, radios, coffee pots, heaters, refrigerators, microwave ovens, potting soil and plants for office use.
Phone CardsStrictly Prohibited
PrintingAll purchases of letterheads, envelopes, brochures, flyers, posters, duplicating, forms, etc. must be processed through Document Services.
Radioactive MaterialsContact Purchasing (608) 270-7100 for further clarification.
Registration Fees pertaining to social/fundraising eventsThese purchases are considered personal expenses and must be paid with personal funds.
Retirement gifts (plaques, etc.)Should be done as a personal purchase.
Serial PurchasingSerial Purchasing occurs when transactions with the same vendor in a time frame of 90 days exceeds $5000 are split in order to avoid the bidding process.
All Services (i.e. legal services, moving services, medical services, consulting services, temporary help/clerical labor)Including maintenance on equipment, window washers along with any type of service that requires a vendor to come on campus and provide a service.

Purchasing services leads to liability issues.
TravelContact Michelle Highley (x0837) or see the UW System Policy Paper #36
Work Center PurchasesContact Purchasing (608) 270-7100 for further clarification.