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Financial Services

Monetary Donations

To qualify as a gift to the institution, it must meet all of the following criteria. Any gift that does not meet all five criteria will be classified as a grant or contract subject to the assessment of indirect costs.

  1. Funds provide general, unrestricted support for broadly defined activities in one or more program areas, such as research, public service, instruction, fellowships/traineeships, etc.;
  2. Detailed reports are not required–neither periodic or final, nor fiscal or technical. (The principal investigator may provide the donor with a brief statement that the expenditures were in accord with the intent of the gift);
  3. No provisions (delays, advance notice) are imposed by the donor concerning publication of data and information derived from the activity;
  4. There is no specific time limit on the expenditure of funds; and,
  5. Rights to any patent/copyright are not retained by the donor.

Accepting Donations to UW Oshkosh Flow Chart