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Budget Process Committee Charge
The Operating Budget Allocation Model (OBAM) provides an inclusive process through which shared governance representatives help maintain and improve OBAM. To this end, the Budget Process Committee (BPC) makes advisory recommendations to the Chancellor concerning the operating features of OBAM, and in that capacity will:
- Serve as a steward of the OBAM manual
- Recommend peer/aspirant benchmark studies
- Observe the Annual Budget Request Process
- Review budget language from UW System
- Review mandates with budgetary implications for the university to college/unit level
- Review MOUs within OBAM’s purview
- Review University level CRP changes within OBAM’s purview
- Contribute to ongoing OBAM training processes
- Work with the Academic Policies Committee (APC) on Academic Quality Indicators (AQIs)
- Recommend model/manual changes
- Submit a stylized annual report
- Participate in a comprehensive review of OBAM once every six years
BPC Membership
The membership of the BPC is as follows:
4 tenured members from the faculty (one from each college) appointed by the Faculty Senate
College of Business
Josh Garrison
College of Education & Human Services
Kathleen Wren
Associate Professor
College of Nursing
Margaret Hostetler
Associate Professor
College of Letters & Science
1 member appointed by the Senate of Academic Staff
John Palmer
Associate Dean of Students
1 member appointed by the University Staff Senate
Julia Hodgen
Executive Assistant II
Office of the Provost and Vice Chancellor
1 student appointed by the Oshkosh Student Association (OSA)
The Budget Director from the Budget Office in Finance & Administration
Jennifer Borgmann
Budget Director
Finance & Administration
The University Business Officers from the Budget Office in Finance & Administration (Non-voting)
Douglas Salmon
Budget Planner II
Finance & Administration
Amber Kraus
Budget Planner II
Finance & Administration
Mai Lee
Budget Planner II
Finance & Administration