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Acronym Table

The budget manual and OBAM utilize various acronyms common on campus and specific to the budget process. Below is a list of acronyms and their subsequent definitions for your use:

AQIAcademic Quality Indicator

Measurements, which are used to gauge performance of the college/units.
APCAcademic Policies Committee

UW Oshkosh committee, which will carry out the faculty’s responsibility for the academic policies and program for the University. Yearly APC Membership can be found here.
ARUAcademic Revenue Unit(s)

Primary generators of tuition revenue via standard and Cost Recovery programs.
AWCCAlumni Welcome and Conference Center

The AWCC is home to three university departments, two satellite offices, a visitor’s concierge and a high-quality conference center.
BPCBudget Process Committee

Advisory committee, which observes the budget process and makes recommendations concerning the operating features of OBAM.
CARCenter for Academic Resources

The Center for Academic Resources provides free tutoring and Supplemental Instruction (SI) services for undergraduate students enrolled in courses at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh.
CBGChancellors Budget Group

Consisting of the Chancellor, Vice Chancellors, and Deans of the academic colleges. The CBG fields SU and RU budget requests and recommends allocations to the Chancellor.
CCDETCenter for Community Development, Engagement and Training

A predominantly grant funded department within the University Affairs division.
CETLCenter for Excellence in Teaching and Learning

A support unit under Academic Affairs, which offers training opportunities and resources to faculty.
CLCCChildren’s Learning and Care Center

The Children’s Learning and Care Center provides quality and affordable child care to UW Oshkosh students, employees, and the community.
COBCollege of Business

An academic revenue unit.
COEHSCollege of Education & Human Services

An academic revenue unit.
COLSCollege of Letters & Sciences

An academic revenue unit.
CONCollege of Nursing

An academic revenue unit.
CRPCost Recovery Program

Program that serves a new customer audience. Cost Recovery programs allow the unit to retain all tuition and program fees generated rather than going to the tuition target.
Equivalent (Employee)

Unit that indicates the workload of an employed person on campus.
GCCGruenhagen Conference Center

Full-service, year-round conference center with full-time conference planners available to assist you with all aspects of your meetings, workshops, seminars and large conference events.
GPRGeneral Purpose Revenue

Funds consisting of general taxes, miscellaneous receipts, and revenues collected by state agencies that are paid into a specific fund for the purpose of educational and related programs.
HRHuman Resources

A support-unit within the Finance and Administration Division, which serves the faculty, staff and student employees with human resources needs such as benefits, employee relations, recruitment, payroll, professional development and talent management.
MOUMemorandum of Understanding

Agreement between two or more parties, which outlines the terms and details of an understanding, including each parties’ requirements and responsibilities.
OBAMOperating Budget Allocation Model

The process in which the campuses prepare their budget. This process includes the mechanisms in which they allocate revenue and expenses.
OCEDivision of Online and Continuing Education

OCE offers online undergraduate and graduate degree programs, professional development opportunities, conferences, workshops, youth programs and more for learners of all ages.
OIEOffice of International Education

A support unit under the Provost Division, which matches current UWO students with study abroad and National Student Exchange opportunities, advises international students on University and Intensive English Program admissions and immigration regulations, and supports UW Oshkosh faculty and academic staff in the development of group programs abroad.
OIROffice of Institutional Research

OIR is responsible for the collection, analysis, interpretation and dissemination of accurate and timely information on all aspects of the university in support of institutional decision-making, planning and reporting.
OSAOshkosh Student Association

The student government that represents all students regarding issues and policies relating to academic and non-academic scores.
PRProgram Revenue

Funds generated by fee-for-service activities on campus, which remain within the entity that charges the fee.
RURevenue Unit

Any unit on campus which generates revenue equal to or in excess of their costs.
SCHStudent Credit Hours

The unit measuring the educational credit of a course, based on the number of classroom hours per week throughout a term.
SLAService Level Agreements

Commitment between a service provider (support unit) and a client (revenue unit). Commitments often include quality, availability and responsibilities.
SSRUSelf-Supporting Revenue Units

Units that generate revenue through the sales of products and services to students and other members of the university.
SUSupport Unit

Units that do not regularly generate enough revenue to cover costs and provide support services for one or more revenue and/or support unit.
UARCUndergraduate Advising Resource Center

A support unit under Academic Affairs, which is comprised of professional advisors who serve as a resource to students, whether they are choosing a major, signing up for classes, reading a STAR (degree audit), and more.
UBDCUniversity Budget Development Committee

An Ad Hoc committee, charged with the research and proposal of a new budget model for UW Oshkosh.
UMCUniversity Marketing and Communications

A support unit under the University Affairs Division, which serves as the university’s in-house public relations and marketing firm.
USPUniversity Studies Program

A support unit under Academic Affairs, which serves as its general education program.
VCVice Chancellor

A deputy to the Chancellor, who oversees the college/unit heads through deliberate performance management processes.