Starting Fall of 2017, Employee Tuition Reimbursement will be handled by the Bursar/Student Accounts.
UW System Policy and UW – Oshkosh Employee Handbook allow for tuition reimbursement for Employees. Please submit the Tuition Reimbursement Form signed prior to the start of classes to the Bursar, Finance and Administration, Dempsey 236, 800 Algoma Blvd., Oshkosh, WI 54901 or email to Please contact Jean Wolfgang, 920-242-1442 with any questions. Be sure to review the form carefully. Below are the highlights of the tuition reimbursement process.
- Employee requests tuition reimbursement from Department and fills out form.
- Supervisor determines amount or % of reimbursement of tuition only and fills in accounting string including fund, department number, and program code (xx-xxxxxx-x). Policy allows for up to 5 credits to be reimbursed unless otherwise noted by the supervisor.
- Completed form signed by employee, department, Dean, and Vice Chancellor is submitted to Bursar.
- If employee is attending UW-Oshkosh information is shared with Student Accounts to waive fees. If employee is attending another institution, Bursar informs employee of applicable Oshkosh tuition rate.
- Once the course is complete the employee submits proof of completion (grades) and an itemized receipt showing the amount of tuition paid to the Bursar who will determine the reimbursement amount and send the employee the needed documentation for E-reimbursement.
- Employee submits information in E-reimbursement . Reimbursement request is routed through department for approval and payment is processed similar to travel.