Training Courses for Fieldwork in Antarctica:



Piston bully






The morning after we arrived, we headed out onto the Ross Ice Shelf to complete a cold weather camping course.







We set up camp, built a snow wall, and a quinzhee (igloo-like shelter).



Snow Camp

We had a great view of Mount Erebus.


Snow penguin

One of the people in our group carved a penguin out of snow that watched over our camp.








Eric with Mount Erebus in the background on a warm, sunny day.








Eric in front of Mount Erebus the next morning after the cloud ceiling dropped.

kate photo







Kate also with Mount Erebus in the background on a warm, sunny day.

kate photo







Kate was quick to learn how to climb using loops tied with prussic knots.

eric photo







Eric was a little slower, but made it--putting the prussic knots to the test.


tying knots





We had a day practicing techniques for rescuing people from crevasses. Here Kate and I are learning how to tie knots.

tying knots 2






.......and of course Kate completed hers first.

hanging by a thread







Kathy volunteered to be the "victim". Here she is dangling by a thread dependent on Kate and Eric for her very life.



rescue 1







It was touch and go for a few minutes as Kate and Eric tried to decide whether is was time for a coffee break (smoko) or not, but with some help from Peter Braddock, our mountaineer, guide and instructor (including all things Kiwi), they were able to launch a successful rescue.

rescue 2








Kathy is rescued!


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