
The Circle of Fifths

C major has no sharps or flats since it is the natural major scale. C major is at the top of the circle.

If we go to the fifth scale degree of C major we have G. (C D E F G)
G major has one sharp (F sharp).

If we go to the fifth scale degree of G major we have D.
D major has two sharps (F# and C#).

Keys With Sharps

Looking at the diagram and going clockwise, we see that every fifth scale degree of the preceding scale adds one more sharp.

The order is determined by keeping any sharps from the previous scale, and then raising the seventh scale degree in the new scale.

For example:
C major has no sharps. G major's seventh scale degree is F, which is now raised to F sharp for G major (the fifth scale degree of C major).
So G major has one sharp.

This holds true all the way to C sharp major (7 sharps).