Environmental Studies Student Groups

Student Environmental Action Coalition (SEAC)


President: Addie Taddy| taddya80@uwosh.edu

Advisor: Dr. Shannon Davis-Foust | davisfos@uwosh.edu

Contact: SEAC@uwosh.edu

Our Mission

The Student Environmental Action Coalition (SEAC) is an active student group dedicated to environmental responsibility and social justice.

SEAC, pronounced “seek” as in “seeking a greener campus,” is a grassroots environmental organization with the purpose of raising environmental awareness at UW Oshkosh and around the world.

Our mission is threefold:

  1. To uproot environmental injustices through action and education.
  2. To challenge the power structure which threatens the environment.
  3. To create progressive environmental and social change on both the local and global levels.

Wildlife Conservation Club

President: Kendra White | whitek93@uwosh.edu
Advisor: Dr. Misty McPhee | mcpheem@uwosh.edu

The Wildlife Conservation Club’s mission is to promote and educate members and the campus community on wildlife management and conservation through collaborations with area experts and hands-on activities. We define wildlife as all flora and fauna from mega-vertebrates to micro invertebrates and we want to promote conservation on an ecosystem level. Our activities will include:

1. Education of members and campus community
2. Application of knowledge to conservation issues
3. Staying current with global conservation awareness, research, and action
4. Understanding and promoting aspects of wildlife management


Sustainable Beekeeping Club

President: Alyssa Bohn| bohnal52@uwosh.edu
Advisor: Dr. Shannon Davis-Foust and John Belotti | davosfos@uwosh.edu


UWO Sustainable Beekeeping Club was formed to generate student interest in beekeeping and ecosystem health by learning about the roles and values of pollinators in the ecosystem. In accordance with the campus sustainability initiative, natural (i.e. organic) beekeeping methods will be used. Club activities include, but are not limited to: 

  1. Using full safety equipment while inspecting hives (i.e, bee suits covering the whole body with veil, gloves, and foot and ankle protection) 
  2. Monitoring and treating the bees for pests and diseases. 
  3. Harvesting bee products including wax and honey. 
  4. Preparing the bees for overwintering. 
  5. Tending to the colonies’ needs as members see fit. 
  6. Tending to and planting sustainable plants in the surrounding area of the hives with special focus on plants known to provide large amounts of nectar for bees. 
  7. Creating outreach events to educate the community on beekeeping and addressing pollinator losses. 
  8. To provide literature and signage for educational outreach. 
  9. Club promotion and involvement with other sustainability events on campus. 
  10. To pursue all the criteria to be certified as a Bee Campus USA. 


During the academic year we hold bi-weekly meetings for discussions and activities related to maintaining our bees and their products and promoting awareness of pollinators and healthy landscapes. 

For a more comprehensive list of the many different student groups with (broadly construed) environmental interests, check out the UW Oshkosh Campus Sustainability student organization listing.

Environmental Studies

UW Oshkosh | Oshkosh Campus
835 High Ave. Oshkosh, WI
Sage 3464 and 4461

Jim Feldman, Director

Sage Hall 3451