
Consider volunteering.

It is not enough to just take classes. By doing an internship and volunteering, you gain valuable experience, learn important skills, and make important connections. Find an internship and volunteering opportunity that fits your interests and goals and be and active part of our community of engagement.

Note: To get academic credit for an internship, you must make arrangements in advance and sign up for ES 300 or 301, taught by Rich Marshall (marshalr@uwosh.edu) of Career Services.

Where can you volunteer? Many state parks, natural areas, nature centers, and environmental organizations have a great need for active and engaged volunteers. Don’t be afraid to reach out to an organization or natural area that is in your area of interest and inquire about whether they have needs that you might be able to fill. Or, check out these websites with more formal volunteer listings:

Volunteer Match: Wisconsin Environmental Opportunities
An updated listing of opportunities to volunteer in Wisconsin.

Apprentice Ecologist Initiative
This initiative has engaged tens of thousands of young volunteers from around the world in environmental cleanup and conservation projects since 1999.

America’s Natural and Cultural Resources Volunteer Portal

Reeve Union Volunteerism
Reeve Union at UW Oshkosh offers students a lot of opportunities for volunteering.

Environmental Studies

UW Oshkosh | Oshkosh Campus
835 High Ave. Oshkosh, WI
Sage 3464 and 4461

Jim Feldman, Director

Sage Hall 3451