Careers in Environmental Studies
Conservation Biology/Field Ecology
2009 Curriculum, recommended second major: Biology
2010 Curriculum, recommended emphasis: Environmental Science, Ecology/Biology Track.
Specially recommended courses:
- 230: Biology of Animals
- 231: Biology of Plants and Microbes
- 325: Field Ecology
- 326: Limnology
- 330: Ichthyology
- 332: Entomology
- 367: Field Ornithology
- 376: Population and Community Ecology
- 386: Ecosystems Ecology
Environmental Studies
- 345: History of American Wilderness
- 314: Environmental Conservation
- 414: Natural Resource Management
- 471: Geographic Information Systems
- 342: U.S. Environmental History
Skills: field ecology analysis, including plant and animal identification, water monitoring, measurement of biodiversity, etc.
Experiences: internships with land conservancies; volunteer water monitoring; DNR training in wildlife tracking; summer internship/job with the DNR or U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service; summer internship with SCA, etc.
Environmental Enforcement (Park Warden)
2009 Curriculum, recommended second major: Criminal Justice
2010 Curriculum, recommended emphasis: Environmental Policy & Values Track, Policy, Planning & Resource Management Track.
Specially recommended courses:
Criminal Justice
- 288: Police in Modern Society
- 304: Criminal Investigation
- 333: Illegal Bias in the Criminal Justice System
- 314: Environmental Conservation
- 414: Natural Resource Management
Urban and Regional Studies
- 317: Land Use Regulations.
Skills: knowledge of and teaching recreational safety; conflict resolution techniques.
Experiences: DNR recreational safety education classes (as student and volunteer instructor); volunteer monitoring of boats for invasive specie; DNR conservation warden ride-along program; DNR warden internship program; leadership in a student or youth organization.
Fisheries and Limnology
2009 Curriculum, recommended second major: Biology
2010 Curriculum, recommended emphasis: Environmental Science Emphasis, Ecology/Biology Track
Specially recommended courses:
- 326: Limnology
- 327: Microbial Ecology
- 330: Ichthyology
- 336: Freshwater Algae
- 358: Freshwater Invertebrates
- 376: Population & Community Ecology
- 386: Ecosystems Ecology
- 314: Environmental Conservation
- 414: Natural Resource Management
- 364: Water Resource Management
- 365: Hydrogeology
- 370: Field Hydrogeology I
- 371: Field Hydrogeology II
Skills: water quality monitoring; population surveys.
Experiences: summer internship/job with the DNR or U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.
Natural Resource Management
2009 Curriculum, recommended second major or minor(s): Geography or Biology double major, or double minor in both Biology and Geography.
2010 Curriculum, recommended emphasis: Both emphases work well with this specialty.
Specially recommended courses:
- 230: Biology of Animals
- 231: Biology of Plants and Microbes
- 325: Field Ecology
- 326: Limnology
- 330: Ichthyology
- 332: Entomology
- 367: Field Ornithology
- 376: Population and Community Ecology
- 386: Ecosystems Ecology
Environmental Studies
- 345: History of American Wilderness
- 314: Environmental Conservation
- 414: Natural Resource Management
- 471: Geographic Information Systems
- 365: Hydrogeology
- 370: Field Hydrogeology I
- 342: U.S. Environmental History
Urban and Regional Studies
- 317: Land Use Regulations
Skills: communication skills; research; critical thinking.
Experiences: internships with land conservancies; volunteer water monitoring; DNR training in wildlife tracking; summer internship/job with the DNR or U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service; summer internship with SCA; etc.
Environmental Chemist/Toxicologist
2009 Curriculum, recommended second major: Chemistry
2010 Curriculum, recommended emphasis: Environmental Science Emphasis (all three tracks work well)
Specifically recommended courses:
- 312: Medical Bacteriology
- 315: Virology
- 325: Field Ecology
- 326: Limnology
- 386: Ecosystems Ecology
- required courses for the major.
Skills: testing water and soil quality.
Experiences: water and soil monitoring program.
Environmental Geologist
2009 Curriculum, recommended second major: Geology
2010 Curriculum, recommended emphasis: Environmental Science Emphasis, Earth Science Track
Specially recommended courses:
- 471: Geographic Information Systems
- 320: Geomorphology
- 344: Field Geology
- 365: Hydrogeology
- 370: Field Hydrogeology I
- 371: Field Hydrogeology II
Skills: writing; research; critical thinking; field analysis.
Experiences: summer job or internship doing geological analysis.
Geographic Information Systems
2009 Curriculum, recommended second major: Geography
2010 Curriculum, recommended emphasis: both emphases work well with this specialty.
Specially recommended courses:
- 314: Environmental Conservation
- 371: Cartography
- 382: Remote Sensing of the Environment
- 391: Computer Cartography
- 414: Natural Resource Management
- 471: Geographic Information Systems
- 472: Advanced Geographic Information Systems
Skills: cartography; remote sensing of the environment; G.I.S.
Experiences: internship using cartography and G.I.S.
Environmental Business Management
2009 Curriculum, recommended second major: Business Administration.
2010 Curriculum, recommended emphasis: Environmental Policy and Values, Policy, Planning & Resource Management Track.
Specially recommended courses:
Business Administration
- 450: Environmental Management
- 355: Natural Resources Economics
- 360: Environmental Economics and Policy
- 471: Geographic Information Systems
Public Administration
- 221: Introduction to Public Administration.
Skills: writing, public speaking, economic analysis and research, marketing, accounting
Experiences: internship with a business; leadership in a student organization, etc.
Environmental Journalism
2009 Curriculum, recommended second major: Journalism
2010 Curriculum, recommended emphasis: Environmental Policy & Values Emphasis (both tracks work well)
Specially recommended courses:
- 355: Natural Resources Economics
- 360: Environmental Economics and Policy
- 327: Reporting
- 341: Press and Society
- 413: Feature Writing
- 428: Advanced Reporting
Political Science
- 395: Global Environmental Politics.
Skills: writing; research; critical thinking; reporting.
Experiences: reporter with student newspaper, internship with a newspaper.
International Relations and Global Environment Politics
2009 recommended, second major: International Studies or Political Science (triple major is possible)
2010 recommended, emphasis: Environmental Policy & Values (both tracks work well)
Specially recommended courses:
- Environmental Studies 380: Globalization
- Political Science 395: Global Environmental Politics
Skills: writing; research; critical thinking; economic analysis
Experiences: Model U.N.; leadership in student activist organization.
Environmental Advocacy
2009 Curriculum, recommended second major or minors : Communication or Political Science double major, or minors in both. Also consider the minor in Social Justice.
2010 Curriculum, recommended emphasis: Environmental Policy & Values Emphasis (either track works well)
Specially recommended courses:
- 214: Interpersonal Speech Communication
- 215: Small Group Communication
- 275: Argumentation and Debate
- 303: Advanced Public Speaking
- 319: Persuasion
- 326: Communication and Conflict
- 348: Media Criticism
- 355: Natural Resources Economics
- 360: Environmental Economics and Policy
Political Science
- 305: Constitutional Law and Judicial Policy-Making I
- 306: Constitutional Law and Judicial Policy-Making II
- 310: Urban Government
- 321: American Public Policy
- 350: Political Behavior
- 392: Judicial Process in America
- 394: Community Power Systems
Public Administration
- 221: Introduction to Public Administration.
- 363: American Bureaucracy and Political Process
Skills: writing, public speaking, critical thinking; research, conflict resolution, building community, grant writing.
Experiences: leadership in student environmental advocacy groups; summer work with environmental advocacy organizations; SCA.
Environmental Education/Interpretation
2009 Curriculum, recommended second major or minors: Minors in Biology and Geography and Geology.
2010 Curriculum. recommended track: Environmental Science Emphasis (all three tracks work well)
Specially recommended courses:
- 230: Biology of Animals
- 231: Biology of Plants and Microbes
- 325: Field Ecology
- 326: Limnology
- 330: Ichthyology
- 332: Entomology
- 327: Microbial Ecology
- 367: Field Ornithology
- 373: Biology Field Trip
- 376: Population and Community Ecology
- 386: Ecosystems Ecology
Education Studies
- 316: Teaching Science and Environmental Education in the Elementary/Middle School
Environmental Studies
- 345: History of American Wilderness
- 342: U.S. Environmental History
- 314: Environmental Conservation
- 414: Natural Resource Management
- 471: Information Systems
- 320: Geomorphology
- 331: Structural Geology
- 335: Glacial Geology
- 344: Field Geology
- 361: Lake Superior Trip
- 399: Geology of Wisconsin – Field Course.
Skills: Plant and animal identification; geological and geographical identification; field ecology analysis
Experiences: Volunteer at a nature education center; internship in environmental education.
Environmental Policy
2009 Curriculum, recommended second major or minors: Political Science double major, or Economics double major, or double minor in Political Science and Economics.
2010 Curriculum, recommended emphasis: Environmental Policy & Values Track, Policy, Planning & Resource Management Track.
Specially recommended courses:
- 355: Natural Resources Economics
- 360: Environmental Economics and Policy
Environmental Studies
- 380: Globalization
- 314: Environmental Conservation
- 377: Population and Environment
- 414: Natural Resource Management
- 471: Geographic Information Systems
Political Science
- 395: Global Environmental Politics
Public Administration
- 391: Environmental Energy Management
Urban and Regional Studies
- 317: Land Use Regulations
Skills: writing; research; critical thinking; G.I.S.
Experiences: leadership in student activist organization; internship with environmental advocacy group.
Land Use Planning
2009 Curriculum, recommended second major: Urban and Regional Studies double major.
2010 Curriculum, recommended emphasis: Environmental Policy & Values Emphasis, Policy, Planning & Resource Management Track.
Specially recommended courses:
- 339: Urban and Regional Economics and Policy
- 355: Natural Resources Economics
- 360: Environmental Economics and Policy
Environmental Studies
- 345: History of American Wilderness
- 314: Environmental Conservation
- 324: Urban Geography
- 377: Population and Environment
- 414: Natural Resource Management
- 471: Geographic Information Systems
- 365: Hydrogeology
- 342: U.S. Environmental History
Political Science
- 366: Politics of Urban Growth
- 311: Sociology of the Modern City
Urban and Regional Studies
- 300: Planning
- 317: Land Use Regulations
- and many others
Skills: writing; research; critical thinking; G.I.S.
Experiences: internship with a land use planning department of a municipality.
Environmental Studies
UW Oshkosh | Oshkosh Campus
835 High Ave. Oshkosh, WI
Sage 3464 and 4461
Contact Information
Jim Feldman, Director
Sage Hall 3451