Sarah Schaefer
Spring 2023 B.A. English Liberal Arts. Minor Law & Policy.
Faculty praise for Sarah
Sarah Schaefer leads by example. Under the stress of studying abroad in Paris when it was the global epicenter of Omicron, wearing masks for 12 hours a day (even in the streets), Sarah conveyed nothing but the curiosity, dedication, adventurousness and skillful engagement of a model student. And she is the same here on campus, displaying a level of commitment to intellectual exploration and a desire to grow as a scholar that make her both a natural leader in classroom – with a talent for moving conversations down productive new avenues – and an increasingly skillful critic. The MA program in English here at UWO is very lucky to have her.
I’ve never met a student as supportive of her colleagues as Sarah. She has mastered the art of positive and productive classroom discussion. And her own careful reading and insightful analysis always push the conversation deeper. All the best to you in graduate school, Sarah!
It has been my great pleasure to get to know Sarah this year. From our first conversation last spring about forensic linguistics, I knew I had met a kindred spirit—someone who wants to make a difference in the world, who is so intellectually curious that actually choosing a thesis topic was like choosing one dessert from a plate of one’s favorites. I’m glad she has chosen to continue her academic journey in our MA program. Congratulations, Sarah!
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Sarah, I have honestly never met anyone as good at intellectual discussion as you. The thoughtfulness with which you approach others’ comments and ideas, the way you articulate your own, the way you actively rethink and revise as more information and viewpoints become available to you, the appreciation you have for each person’s contributions… All of these things have consistently blown my mind in every class I have had the privilege of being in with you. I’m so pleased to hear that you are continuing on to achieve an M.A., and I know you will thrive in this program. Whatever you do afterwards, whether that involves teaching, law, or something else entirely, the English field is lucky to have someone as bright and considerate as you contributing to it. Congratulations on your graduation and acceptance into the M.A. program!