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Electrical Engineering Technology

Course Descriptions

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Math 161 - Technical Calculus I

3 credits

Technical Calculus I course topics include derivatives and antiderivatives with an emphasis on applications to various scientific and technical fields, especially electrical and mechanical engineering. The course includes a scientific computation component in which students will apply mathematical techniques to engineering models using software packages such as Matlab and Maple.

Prerequisites: Mathematics 108 or 104 and 106 with grades of C or better or 4 years of college preparatory mathematics and a satisfactory score on a placement examination.

Math 162 - Technical Calculus II

3 credits

Technical Calculus II course topics include definite integration and series using several techniques with an emphasis on applications to various scientific and technical fields, especially electrical and mechanical engineering. The course includes a scientific computation component in which students will apply mathematical techniques to engineering models using software packages such as Matlab and Maple.

Prerequisites: Mathematics 161 with a grade of C or better.

Math 171 - Calculus I

5 credits 

Calculus I is based on the study of real valued functions of a single variable. The course topics include limits and continuity, derivatives, antiderivatives, definite integrals and Riemann sums. Applications of differentiation and integration are also covered.

Prerequisites: MATH 108 Pre-Calculus or MATH 104 College Algebra and MATH 106 Trigonometry with grade(s) of C or better or four years of college preparatory mathematics and a satisfactory score on a placement examination.

Math 172 - Calculus II

4 credits

Techniques of integration, improper integrals, elementary differential equations and mathematical modeling, sequences and series, Taylor series, and parametric equations.

Prerequisite: MATH 171 Calculus I with a grade of C or better.

Phys 171 or 191 - General Physics

5 credits

PHYS 171: A survey of mechanics and properties of matter. Recommended for liberal arts majors and pre-professionals. Not recommended for physics majors and minors and pre-engineers. 

PHYS 171 Prerequisite: MATH 106 Trigonometry, MATH 108 Pre-Calculus or equivalent.

PHYS 191: A survey of mechanics, sound, and heat providing a background for advanced work in these fields. Recommended for students in pre-engineering and majors in physics, chemistry, or mathematics. 

PHYS 191 Prerequisite: Concurrent registration in or prior completion of MATH 171 Calculus I.

Fundamentals Group

Egr 105 - Engineering Fundamentals

3 credits

This course is designed to equip students with the necessary tools and background information to prepare them to be successful engineering students as well as a successful practicing engineer. Topics covered in this course include project management, team work, technical writing, working with data and using spreadsheets, creating presentations, engineering design, and a survey of the engineering profession.

Prerequisites: Math 103. Special fees may apply

Egr 110 - Engineering Graphics

2 credits

An introductory course in engineering graphics focusing on graphical communication. Topics include descriptive geometry elements, visualization, engineering drawing techniques, orthographic projection, pictorial representation, auxiliary views, section views, and dimensioning. The course incorporates computer aided drafting (CAD) with engineering applications using 2-D drawing and 3-D modeling techniques.

Egrt 101 - Fundamentals of Engineering Technology

2 credits

This course is designed to equip engineering technology students with the necessary tools and background information to prepare them to be a successful student as well as a successful practicing engineering technologist. Topics covered in this course include ethics, project managements, team work, working with data, creating presentations, engineering design and a thorough understanding of the engineering profession.

Egrt 105 - Fundamentals of Drawing

3 credits

Introduces common industry drafting practices in the design process with an emphasis on computer-aided drafting (CAD). Topics include sketching, drawing setup and organization, dimensioning, orthographic and isometric projections, and CAD standards and guidelines.

Egrt 130 - Basic Electrical Circuits I

4 credits

This course uses theory, laboratory investigation, and circuit simulation software to introduce basic electrical and circuit analysis principles. Emphasis is placed on direct current (DC) circuits containing voltage and current sources and resistor networks in series, parallel, and series-parallel configurations. This course also introduces the concepts of electric and magnetic fields in the context of capacitors and inductors and their transient responses in DC circuits. A unit on basic alternating current (AC) resistive circuits with sinusoidal voltage and currant sources is included.

Prerequisite: MATH 106 Trigonometry

Comp Sci/Egrt 142 - Introduction to Programming OR Comp Sci 221 - Object Oriented Programming and Design

3 credits

EGRT 142: An introductory course in computer programming using the language C++. Topics covered include problem solving, algorithms, selection statements, repetition, arrays, functions and sub-programs. Applications to electrical engineering technology are made. 

EGRT 142 Prerequisite: EGRT 101 Fundamentals of Engineering Technology and MATH 106 Trigonometry

COMP SCI 142: In this course, students will be introduced to the science of computing. The history of Computer Science, Elementary computer organization, big ideas in computing, algorithmic problem solving, and introductory programming concepts will be discussed. Programming concepts include data types, expressions, input/output, conditional statements, repetition, data processing, procedures and basic object-oriented principles. Programming concepts will be taught through the use of a specific programming language. The course assumes no previous programming experience. 

COMP SCI 142 Prerequisites: MATH 103 or PBIS 187 or PBIS 188 or PBIS 189 with a grade of C or better, or qualifying for either MATH 104 or MATH 171 via Math Placement Test. Not open to students who have completed COMP SCI 271.

COMP SCI 221: A first course in problem solving, software design, and computer programming using an object-oriented language. Problem solving/software design techniques include: flow charts, pseudo code, structure charts, and UML class diagrams. Data structures and algorithms include: arrays, characters strings, Linear search. Programming topics include; data types assignment statements, standard input/output, selection, repetition, functions/methods, parameters, scope of identifiers, debugging. 

COMP SCI 221 Prerequisites: A grade of C or better in MATH 104 or MATH 108 or MATH 206 or COMP SCI 142, or qualifying for MATH 171 via the Mathematics Placement Exam. 

Egrt 131 - Basic Electrical Circuits II

4 credits

This course uses theory, laboratory investigation, and circuit simulation software to introduce basic electrical and circuit analysis principles. Emphasis is placed on the steady state characteristics of sinusoidal alternating current (AC) circuits with resistive and reactive (capacitors and inductors) elements in series, parallel, and series-parallel configurations. Transformers, three-phase power, frequency response analysis, and selected direct current (DC) topics will also be introduced. 

Prerequisite: EGRT 130 Basic Electrical Circuits I

Egrt 232 - Semiconductor Devices

3 credits

Introduces properties of semiconductor materials and how they are manipulated to create several types of diodes, transistors, and optoelectronic devices. The theory and operation of these devices is explored in the context of a wide array of applications including rectifier, amplifier, and switching circuits. Laboratory experiments are performed to measure device characteristics and verify circuit performance. 

Prerequisites: EGRT 130 Basic Electrical Circuits I and concurrent registration in or prior completion of EGRT 131 Basic Electrical Circuits II

Egrt 240 - Logic & Control Devices

3 credits

This course introduces applications of electromechanical control using switches, indicators, relays, timers, and programmable logic controllers (PLCs). Two-state logic and Boolean algebra are used to create ladder logic control programs for electromechanical controls and in PLC software. PLC programming topics include troubleshooting, timers, counters, sequencers, and analog and digital input and output. 

Prerequisite: EGRT 130 Basic Electrical Circuits I

Egrt 246 - Electric Power Systems

3 credits

Characteristics of various three-phase power configurations and in-plant power distribution are covered. Students will also gain exposure utility systems interconnection from generation through distribution, which includes the utility grid, device coordination, metering, relays, fuses, breakers and fault interrupters.

Prerequisite: EGRT 232 and Math 162 or 172.

Egrt 257 - Introduction to the Internet of Things

3 credits

This course provides an introduction to the emerging field of IoT and its opportunities and challenges. It also gives a high-level coverage of the different technological pieces essential to implement IoT, namely, basic electronic hardware principles, converters, microcontrollers, sensors, communication protocols and cloud computing. Throughout the course real-world emerging applications in home, healthcare, manufacturing (Industry 4.0), transport, energy and environment are highlighted. The course culminates with the implementation of a practical IoT project.

Prerequisite: Math 106

Egrt 260 - Automation Controllers

3 credits

ntroduces advanced topics in programmable logic control including specialized input/output using sensors and actuators, network communications and device interfacing, closed-loop feedback, and the human-machine interface. In addition to continuing development of ladder logic methods, this course introduces function block diagram, structured text, and sequential function chart programming techniques. 

Prerequsites: EGRT 240 Logic & Control Devices and COMP SCI/EGRT 142 Intro to Programming or COMP SCI 221 Object Oriented Programming and Design

Egrt 270 - Electric Power Systems

3 credits

Characteristics of various three-phase power configurations and in-plant power distribution are covered. Students will also gain exposure utility systems interconnection from generation through distribution, which includes the utility grid, device coordination, metering, relays, fuses, breakers and fault interrupters. 

Prerequsites: EGRT 232 Semiconductor Devices and MATH 162 Technical Calculus II or MATH 172 Calculus II

Egrt 284 - Professional Skills in Engineering

1 credit

This course is required as you prepare for professional co-ops, internships, and/or full-time job opportunities. This course will expose students to the expectations of a professional work environment and help you learn to balance field and office responsibilities. The exploration of engineering-related professions will help students identify both personally and professionally satisfying opportunities. The course will also explore interviewing, social media, presentation, and personal conduct at the work place.

Advanced Study Group

Egrt 320 - Motors & Drives

4 credits

Selection, setup and circuitry association with AC and DC drives and motors. Topics include DC motor and generator characteristics, configurations, and performance measures. Series and compound DC motors, AC induction motors, stepper motors, servomotors, and three-phase power systems are also included.

Prerequisites: EGRT 130 Basic Electrical Circuits I and PHYS 171 (or 191) General Physics I

Egrt 333 - Linear Circuits

3 credits

This course focuses on the operation, analysis, and application of linear active circuits utilizing transistors, operational amplifiers, comparators, mixers, and other components as well as integrated circuit functions such as converters and phase locked loops. This course uses a balance of theory, analysis using circuit simulation software, and practical application through laboratory investigation and troubleshooting. 

Prerequisite: EGRT 131 Basic Electrical Circuits II, EGRT 232 Semiconductor Devices and MATH 162 Technical Calculus II or MATH 172 Calculus II

Egrt 350 - Data Communication & Protocols

3 credits

The concepts needed to understand the important field of data communications and networking are explored in this course. The principles associated with data communication, transmission media, interfaces, error and flow control, synchronization, and switching are investigated. The course concentrates on the physical and data link layers of communication networks. Commonly used protocols and interface standards are emphasized.

Prerequisite: EGRT 325 Signals & Systems

Egrt 390 - Mechatronics

4 credits

The study of the integration of mechanical, electrical, and electronic systems. Students from the Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Technology programs will form multidisciplinary teams and will design and build a project using an electromechanical control system. 

Prerequisites: EGRT 320 Motors & Drives and EGRT 260 Automation Controllers or EGRT 322 Design Problems

Egrt - 325 Signals & Systems

3 credits

An introduction to analysis techniques for continuous time and discrete time signals and typical model systems. Topics include system definitions and properties such as linearity, causality, time invariance and stability. Signal representations including Fourier and Laplace transforms will be used in convolution calculations, transfer functions and determinations of system responses. Applications to circuit analysis will be made. Software packages such as MATLAB will be used in laboratory and course work. 

Prerequisite: EGRT 232 Semiconductor Devices and MATH 162 Technical Calculus I or MATH 172 Calculus II

Egrt 342 - Measurement, Control & Data Acquisition

3 credits

Introduces techniques for collecting precision measurements, interpreting measurement data, and using it to control systems. Hands-on laboratory experiments will demonstrate the operation of real industrial systems (compressed air, pumping, chilled water, and furnace) and use precision measurement theory as it relates to process measurements and the accuracy of measurements in industrial processes. 

Prerequisite: EGRT 130 Basic Electrical Circuits I

Egrt 360 - Engineering Project Management

3 credits

This course is an overview of project management with an emphasis on project management in the engineering setting. It is based on the Project Management Institute’s standard for project management. Topics include pre-construction planning, project scheduling systems, critical path management, risk and effects analysis, and failure modes. 

Prerequisite: Engineering Technology major

Egrt 400 - Internship or Egrt 410 - Capstone Project

1-3 credits

EGRT 400: Students will participate in a structured experience to gain professional skills and experiences that integrate their course work with real-world applications. These experiences can be obtained through employment, volunteer activities, or project-based opportunities. A description and timeline documenting the scope of the internship is developed by the student, the sponsoring agency, and the faculty coordinator. Evaluation of outcomes will be assessed through written reports, oral presentations, and interviews.

EGRT 410: This course will provide the student with a culminating experience in their chosen area of engineering technology. This project will apply principals of engineering technology into practice during an off campus experience.

EGRT 410 Prerequisite: Senior standing

Electives (3 cr minimum)

Egr 282 - Engineering Economics

3 credits

A study of the economic and financial factors in the engineering environment to be considered in managerial decision making. Topics include the time value of money, present worth analysis, uniform series, rate of return, benefit cost ratios, depreciation, income taxes, and inflation.

Prerequisite: MATH 104 and EGR 105

Egrt 352 - Communication Systems

3 credits

The fundamental concepts and structures needed to understand communication systems are presented. The principles associated with analog communications (amplitude and angle modulation) are introduced. An introduction to probability theory to characterize randomness and noise is provided. The operations of sampling and quantization are used to lay the foundation for digital/data communications. Additional topics include Fourier transforms and wireless communications. 

Prerequisite: EGRT 232 Semiconductor Devices with concurrent enrollment or previous completion of EGRT 325 Signals & Systems, or MATH 172 Calculus II and consent of instructor

Egrt 348 - Electromagnetic Fields & Applications

3 credits

This course includes electromagnetic vector quantities and vector operations in spherical, cylindrical, and rectangular coordinate systems Static and dynamic systems are explored in the context of applications such as circuits, dielectric and permeable materials, transmission lines, antennas and wave-guides. 

Prerequisite: EGRT 333 Linear Circuits and PHYS 108 or PHYS 110

Egrt 365 - Special Topics

3 credits

An Engineering Technology course on a topic not covered in the program’s curriculum. This course may be repeated with different content. Each time it is offered, the topic will be announced in the class schedule.

Prerequisite: Consent of instructor

Egrt 446 - Independent Study

1-3 credits

See Independent Study under Course and Academic Advisement Policies information for general course description, general prerequisites and proper contract form requirements. 

Prerequisite: Consent of instructor

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UW Oshkosh
Department of Engineering & Engineering Technology

(920) 424-1547
Fax: (920) 424-1581

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Department of Engineering and Engineering Technology